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Everything posted by Monochrome

  1. Hello, and welcome! Feel free to ask me if you need somebody to rp with, I'd be happy to!

  3. Well, let's see... First of all, it should probably take more than ten minutes in a mine to earn a cutie mark. Perhaps, instead, you could say that he helped his father very often, and developed a fascination with the job, and... Hm. I'll think of some more ideas for that.
  4. You are pretty frigging awesome. Tell me, would you happen to be taking requests? :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Appliance


      Sorry for taking so long to respond. :o I'll do my best to finish that this weekend!

    3. Monochrome
    4. Appliance


      I seriously doubt I'll be able to do the rainbow paint for now, as it'll probably just be a paper sketch until I get time and can lineart things. Sorry!

  5. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy a very long stay here!
  6. Doing very adequately, YES, idk, yep, I like them if they're well made, what, and yes, I use that face too. Welcome~
  7. DERPFACE, I CHOOSE YOU! Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
  8. Welcome! Glad you're so eager to rp with us, and I would be glad to rp with ya anytime.
  9. Streak eagerly bolted outside and stretched his wings a bit. "Ready?" he said, looking as fierce as a little colt could. Once he had made sure Rainbow Dash was watching, he took off at a great speed, flying to a great height, then diving through three clouds and sticking the landing with a triple flip. "How was that?" he panted, sweat glistening on his coat. Meanwhile, in the shop, Conquest was getting frustrated. "Hey Celestia, can I touch your draqonequus?" the earth colt said eagerly, still jumping to get a good look at the odd creature.
  10. Streak grinned widely and carefully placed the sticky chocolate autograph in his saddlebag. "Yeah, I can fly! I was the fastest flyer at the orphanage! Wanna see?" Streak said proudly, flaring his wings and puffing out his chest.
  11. Streak snorted and flared his wings, displaying his multiple scrapes and bruises on his wings and down his back as he stomped off to get some food.
  12. Streak huffed frustratedly. "I'm plenty tough, and I can fly just fine." he grumbled gruffly.
  13. Streak's jaw dropped. "No way!" he gushed, utterly shocked.
  14. Streak froze for a moment. "Yes!" he said, looking around for a pen and something to write on. "I'm a really big fan, and I want to fly just like you! You're awesome!" he gushed as he spun in circles in search of writing utensils.
  15. I CANNOT AVOID THE INTERNET. @~@ I was going to go outside today, and then the internet struck. And thus, I've spent all day in the basement. Well, it is Stay Out of the Sun Day, I guess. :P

  16. "But... It's CELESTIA! And RAINBOW DASH! And Hoity Toity, and a DRAQONEQUUS!" Conquest said excitedly. Streak looked up at Rainbow Dash, grinning widely. The little battered brown pegasus was overjoyed to be meeting Rainbow Dash. "Hi!" he said, fluttering his wings a bit. Meanwhile, Conquest was jumping up and down to get a better look at the draqonequus on Celestia's head, and Crystal was simply staring around the shop, her eyes wide with shock.
  17. "Okay!" the three said happily, accepting the bits. "Hey, after I get my snacks, can I come up there with you? I can fly really good!" Streak added.
  18. "Okay, whatever." The three replied with shrugs. They sat down next to Mint and waited for the train to take them to their new home.
  19. Okay, what part do you need help with? A list of city names? Parents' jobs? Parents' names? Major events, minor events?
  20. "Yeah, us either!" Crystal, Conquest, and Streak said in unison as they eagerly boarded the train behind Starwind.
  21. Crystal, Conquest, and Streak emerged from under a table, finished with their ice cream and curious about the uproar in the shop. Once they had taken in the scene around them, their jaws dropped. "OH." "MY." "GOSH!" the three young ponies gasped. Streak immediately gravitated towards Rainbow Dash after a quick, respectful bow to Celestia. "Princess Celestia?!" Crystal breathed, shocked. "Cool! A draqonequus!" Conquest said, his eyes widening.
  22. Now, a very important part- he needs a history. This should include where he was born, how his life was growing up, any major events of his life, etc. Also, an important thing to remember when creating a history is that, as explained in one of Lime's blogs, a little tragedy can be okay, but heaping on the angst and tragedy is no substitute for depth and development.
  23. Alright, sweet! Thanks for the assist, Lime!
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