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Status Updates posted by Fauxzov

  1. Anypony here a shadowbolt fan?

  2. Hey im on second life now, the only reason i got that is because of the pony avatars!! anyway wanna get together on SL and pony it up?

    1. Halide


      ...People haven't let Second Life wither out and die yet? Wow.

    2. Fauxzov


      apperently not... but i just run around in circles being a pony.. so idk

  3. HEY!! im doing free commisions for drawing pony OCs, you want me to draw you something, message me or something.

  4. RE RE REEEEmiiiixx or at least im going to try.

  5. I really wish i could change my name on here. oh well

    1. Halide


      it used to be that donators who threw $50 at the site could get their name changed. Even though it's an admin option to let users change their own names x times every # of days.

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