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  1. Oh, I just love these! But with this one, I just can't but feel that the pencil sketch was definitely superior. It had more style and those loose lines actually look better. If I was your inkist/finisher on a professional workflow, I would be able to take that basic concept art and retouch your small errors to make it look better than the pixelart you currently have.\ Don't forget that you can make your lines wider than one pixel and also practice the "lost line" technique! (Lost and found edges) http://www.btinternet.com/~leoarte/edges.html It means sometimes the line tapers, or ends suddenly and sometimes it's not there at all and then suddenly picks up again . If you study a lot of really fine vector work, sumi-e or classic comics, you'll know what I mean. The thing about pixel art is that you have to be really careful not to lose the detail and style you had in your original draft. The roundness of the pixels, not pillow shading everything, etc. I used to do pixel art way back before Windows 64 bit MS Paint became crap. So what's the latest app for pixel stuff? (Please don't say GraphicsGale, it makes me want to stab my eye out when I'm already comfortable with Flash and I can just turn off anti-aliasing and work with a limited palette/PNG dithering for a retro look.) TL;DR what program do you use, and single-width pixel lines don't look as good as they could.
  2. LOL, the description for that on Inkbunny says something to the effect of "I felt like drawing her non-anthro but you can only tell by how the limbs behave and ponies with hands and feet just look WEIRD." Or was that on dA? Well, no matter. I've only seen like 3 artists that can draw anthropomorphic ponies well. I'm probably not one of them and don't feel like finding out anyway.
  3. Never stop practicing, never take anything for granted, and always be open and even actively seek feedback from other artists. Places like http://www.4chan.org/ic/ and http://www.conceptart.org are what jumpstarted my art. The only reason I can draw ponies well at all is because they're not the only thing I draw and not the first thing I've ever seriously tried to draw. I also have a headstart since I got my start with PpGand I got into this fandom from the name Lauren Faust.
  4. If I color another picture in that style, I'll make a recording. I used ArtRage on the first and Photoshop for the second one. Having a digital tablet with pressure sensitivity and using the Art brushes helps.
  5. Yeah... I just wish a lot of the old Equestria Daily links weren't broken.
  6. I hope this place is a little more lively than the other forums I've been on... Some of these are a bit cropped, just right-click on the image and choose "Open in New Tab" to see it fully.
  7. That poor fanfic author gets a bad rap. That's the only thing he's known by and he's written other stuff as well... must suck to be only known for one thing which was probably a joke fic and it's infamous. =<
  8. Hi there! So you ship Dr. Whooves x Derpy instead of Derpy x Muffin, right?
  9. *insert typing sound effect here* Hi there, everypony!
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