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Posts posted by jac600

  1. bronzeshine holds the cake awkwardly as there aren't any tables in the graveyard. its this pony's birthday. he gesture's over to swift reaper. I'm pretty sure he's grieving hard about his parents as they died last week. so I wanted to throw him a birthday party to help him come to terms with his grief. want to help?

  2. Ok grrr. He focuses and teleports them to safety. A hundred feet in the air! I'm sorry! I,m sorry! I'm sorry! Grrr. He then teleports them right in the middle of a field. He passes out. Pooped, 3 potions fall out of his bag none of them labeled. One of these could probably help ruby! One pink, one red, and one purple.

  3. The next day bronze shine presents all of the finished work he had done last night. Storm chasers sword was brilliantly, repaired it radiated polish and was probably the sharpest it had ever been. He had also begun work on the other big projects like the armor and silver.

  4. Bronze shine spares a healing spell for 5 stars snapping the rib into place and patching up any bruised or scrapes abstained in the fight, and then he turns around pouring a white potion over swift reaper wherever it touches goes completely numb. We should check this town. he said. There might be peaple in there who need our help.

  5. Bronze shine leaves with a checklist. Make a very good cake with vanilla and strawberries, that can feed all of the living and possibly dead guests who want a bite. Then get at least five other Ponys to show up. He had four friends three of them would have nothing do. Then he would haved to get some music, he had a guitar out back but heed need to purchase a microphone. Then should all of this go to plan, move the party out of the graveyard, so nobody will be afraid to come, and nobody would dance on any graves. He needed to do all of this in an hour as to not keep the pony waiting, so he set off.

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