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Posts posted by jac600

  1. ( yup. according to skyrim logic you are correct. the other way leads to an ambush with spiders. ) the ceiling rumbles. they wouldn't be safe until they were out of that town. " lets go. in my experience water always leads to the exit. could the kajeat lead? aren't they suppose to have night vision? " said bronzeshine as he set off to the left.

  2. There's nothing wonderfull as the lab was used mostly for entertainment. There were a couple stamina potions, A weak magica potion, and two health potions. In the back there is a health potion that is questionable as it was in a larger bottle. Likly the owners atempt to make something more powerfull. Three imperial archers come ino the room as the party was about ready to leave. Th solders were going to pay them no mind until they saw bronzeshine. " get um! " the fire three arrows in a wave.

  3. as they were running bronzeshine saw a black book with a dragon on it. he recognized it from his study's. so he nicks it without slowing down. rapidly flipping through the pages he says. " ok so back there he called us dovakin. witch in the dragon language means dragon born. but then he tried to kill all of us so how do we know witch one he was talking about? "

  4. bronzeshine looked around him. he was never bothered by carnage like this but seeing hearths reactions made him feel bad. the dragon stood perched on top of the keep that they were just in. it starts making a long shout and meteors fall from the sky. " go, go, go! " bronzeshine grabs Hearth's hand and darts into a room. thrusting the door off of it's hinges. he leaned agents the wall panting. he was exhausted. as he looks at Aurora. " hey... "

  5. it was utter chaos. prisoners and imperials were running around screaming. a solder had one of the deflected arrows in his chest. " help! " the monster landed on the top of the keep and said "Zu'u unslaad, zu'u nis oblaan!" witch means. "I am immortal, I cannot die!" then it shouted something to the sky's and lightning rained down. bronzeshine was fighting the executioner with his sword for the axe.

  6. bronzeshine thought for a moment. there were all matter of beasts in skyrim. a troll likely stubbed his toe, his reasoned. the captain who was overseeing the execution yells. " don't worry about it! just proceed as planned. " the executioner shrugs and pushes the storm cloak down into a position over a bucket and a stool. his head rested over the stool. " not yet... " said bronzeshine.

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