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Everything posted by ShieldWall

  1. I see what you did there. But seriously, I can understand what you mean by the FFA forums. I took a look through a few of them and agreed he'd be a better fit there. I've removed the picture entirely to comply with your request. :3
  2. Hey there everypony. ShieldWall here and this is my first time playing an RP with this particular style. (Post-wise I mean) So If I happen to make a mistake somewhere don't be afraid to tell me about it. I needed a change from the daily drag of life and I happened along this site. So I thought, why not let's give this a try.
  3. Alrighty, condenced the (muchly agreed) overly long Fan-Fic style history/cutie mark story. Hope that looks a little better.
  4. Roleplay Type: Free-For-All Name: ShieldWall Sex: Male Age: Stallion Species: Pegasus Eye colour: Blue Coat: Black. Mane/Tail: Shield's spikey mane is a bright yellow and orange that falls down to just above his shoulders. His tail is less spikey but share the same yellow ad orange colours. Physique: Shield is rather thick and muscular for a pegasus. Though this comes with a price. Residence: Canterlot, for the moment. Occupation: Recently graduated Canterlot Guard Academy student. History Part 1: ShieldWall, a guardian with a gentle soul. He grew up in Canterlot as the son of one of the many prestigeous Royal Guards. His father, an Earth pony known as StoneWall, also worked as a blacksmith when he wasn't on duty. Needless to say Shield grew up knowing his way around the forge. Shield loved his father, and wanted to be just like him. Cutie Mark :Shield hit an early growth spurt and quickly grew larger than the other ponies in his class at school. There was one filly in particular that Shield noticed was picked on quite a bit, and he didn't like it. He didn't act on anything until one day they cornered her back against a wall and just continually picked on her. Shield had enough and pushed himself inbetween them and her. A couple tense moments passed but the eventually ran off. Shield felt a great feeling wash over him. As well as a tight hug from an appreciative filly. Is this what it was like to protect somepony? Shield smiled happily, and after a flash of light from his flank his destiny was decided. History Part 2: Years passed quickly as Stone taught and trained his son everything he knew, which he learned quickly. It all felt second nature to him. Then the fateful day came when Stone presented Shield with an application for the Royal Guard Academy. He passed with flying colours and graduated in the top tier of his class. Now he's ready for a little break before he dives into the life of a guard. Character Summary: ShieldWall, fresh out of the academy ready to learn all there is to know. He is an expert with shields of all types. His armor was even custom made to hold a vast variety. He needs them for any type of trouble that would come about. He wants a happy life for everypony, and that means making sure they are able to live in a safe and secure environment free of fear and dismay. When he's not training or studying he likes to find a nice secluded spot and enjoy some peace and quiet. Or when he's in a creative mood he'll find himself at the blacksmith's forge either working or trying to create another type of shield. Obsessive? Maybe a little, but its what drives him. He truly wants to be the best, and that's were the problems set in. He wants to be the best at what he does, and that doesn't given much time for much of a social life. He's unsure of himself when it comes to social interaction, but that doens't me he won't try. He could see himself jumping in the line of fire from a dragon easier than he could see himself in front of a group of ponies. On top of all that, he sees no reason to take off his armor. He constantly walks around in it, but he's afraid. Shield's one real fear is that he won't be able to save sompony because he wasn't prepared, and if he doesn't have his armor or shields... but other than that Shield is a warm hearted pony that actually can have fun and a good time... If he somehow breaks out of his shell, metaphorically and literally.​
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