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  1. Hey Hope you have a great time in the forums
  2. Hey this is somoking, recently i have been faced with a delema. Basically my computer goes offline for long periods of time. After thinking about it for awhile i thought the best thing i could do is fill that time with pony. So since my skills are majorly in speaking i thought that i could attempt to Orate fan fiction. So if anyone has written a fan fiction and would like an audio book of it please tell me. if your a bit apprehensive then send me a chapter as a test.
  3. Thank you very much and if you ever do something cool then please let us know at thediamonddogspodcast@gmail.com
  4. Thanks tales As i said i heard about this from my co-hosts. But yes i hope to get a lot out of this forum. Hello jumbo jet welcome to the canterlot The podcast is here http://ponycast.com/ we typically update Mondays unless stated otherwise, as you may have read up there, along with that we have some new segments coming up such as interviews, pony politics, and bronies in high places
  5. Thanks dusty well you might be interested to here that I'm scheduling a lot more stuff for the podcast. although a quick note this weeks podcast might be a day or two late due to audio troubles but in its place we have an interview just to tide you over. In case anyone didn't know im now updating of both the google+ and the Rainbowdash network account along with any other sites that they need taken care off. usually i get all the news posted up there along with some random stuff.
  6. Hey everpony this is somoking from the diamond dogs podcast madnath and steele tempted me here with news and connections. anyway some simple facts about me you may not know. I'm a rarity fan I am a great talker and organizer along with that i am the closest thing to an idea man as you can get. I have 30 hours in each day thats the only explanation to how i get so much stuff done I'm a southern California Brony and have been to three exclusively brony meet ups and two meet ups that just included bronies
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