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Posts posted by Lucan

  1. Dude, I would so carry that with me into battle than any other weapon. You sir are a dedicated gamer, and you are awesome for that :D

    Thanks! I try to do things when I have the time and inspiration (And colored duck tape, that stuff is awesome!), and hopefully I'll be getting my yellow in soon. I believe there's one thing I need to add to this, though. Will put that pic up if I get that yellow tape!

  2. ... Look at what I made out of ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) DUCK TAPE.


    I used - Purple duck tape (hilt), red duck tape (under the chrome) and chrome (The color was actualy called something like "Coin Shine") duck tape (Blade, outer. Completely covers the red.)

    It's the Master Sword! Link was an idiot - he made it using magic or something and the Skyward Sword (I think that's what it was called...), I just used some duck tape and time! :P

    • Like 1
  3. Hello from Michigan! Welcome to the Canterlot community. I'm trusting you, hoping you're not like the Jersey people from South Park :P . Just kidding, you actually seem pretty cool. I'm a writer, too (I rarely do it, though). I believe that great writers can easily be great forum roleplayers. Just got to learn to be more open and give readers a bit more freedom with their imagination. I'm looking forward to seeing you around here.

  4. Quick note: I'm chuckling right now because the only way I can imagine you working with so many characters would be writing this like The Odyssey by Homer, but without a bunch of dead greek soldiers. They go to one place, meet a character, kill the men (The women wished they died, I bet), move on. New place, stab it's resident's eye and leave (stealing the sheep). Oh, what's that? Whirlpool with teeth? Nah, let's go to it's sea monster neighbor instead. Mmmm, Helios' cattle. Oh no, lightning bolt. :P

  5. You know, I kind of disagree with this advice. I think those are some of the most problematic ages that can easily lead to creating a Mary Sue. Late teens and early twenties is still fairly young. The character shouldn't be very experienced at that age. As we all want our characters to be good at what they do, having them that young kind of can be a little dangerous if you're not careful. You run the risk of making the character more accomplished than they should be at their age. With child characters the problem is even worse.

    Making the characters a little older allows you a little more space to make them more accomplished. My Midnight Brand (who is about in her forties), for example, is a very accomplished, hard to match fighter, who climbed the ranks quite a ways before she left the REA. My other military pony, Radiant Steel (about 20) on the other hand, is a new recruit, a private, who has far more passion than experience and far less refined combat abilities. If I had chosen to give Radiant Midnight's strength or position, I'd be running the risk of making her a Mary Sue I think.

    I made my Snowfall in her late twenties because I wanted to play her at a moment where she was more confident and self-assured rather than lost. Same with Lady Luck, in her thirties; I wanted her at the top of her game, not still learning the ropes of the gambling outlaw game.

    Again though, that doesn't mean you can't do younger characters. You just have to make sure you balance the characters out and make it reasonable.

    I think it's really, really easy to take the tragic past thing much too far. Having too much unnecessary baggage in a past leads to Mary Sue. That's not to say you shouldn't do it at all; I'd be hypocritical if I did. Tragic past events should all have weight. You should start with what you want your character to be like, and work backwards from there when coming up with a character. Let the past explain why the character is like they are. For example, my Arcana is dark, brooding and has taken order as her enemy; a suitable tragedy was needed in her past to make her have such a twisted view, so I came up with one. With my Spirit Flame, I wanted a character who was sort of alien to the world around her, so I came up past tragedies that supported that. My Midnight needed something powerful to cause her to change her ways entirely.

    But yeah, generally there are a lot of ways to make your OCs interesting, not just giving them troubled pasts. It's kind of overdone as it is, so its best to avoid it entirely when you can (though only two of my own OCs, Radiant and Dazzle, have managed that).

    Hm, never thought about that with the age thing. But still, having an elderly character who is extremely energetic is rather Mary Sue. But I disagree about the tragic past thing. As long as you keep it reasonable, it works wonderfully. I've given ALL my rp characters (on this site and others, too) tragic pasts. It's much more interesting than living the good life, living a typical life, or just working since birth (This is Equestria, not China. That shouldn't be happening!). I challenge you to show me a good character past that isn't a tragedy... if that's alright with you.

  6. hi hi

    Animation error sure, but also a fevered imagination from Twilight Sparkle.

    Also: The pink pony on the left is snickering or trying to stifle a laugh, it doesn't "ruin the mood," at all. Definitely not a mistake though.

    I thought she looked concerned, or confused on what they were all laughing at. Kinda ruins the mood for me.

  7. You are struggling on getting one confirmed? Here's my advice -

    I have tricks for creating characters that I like (I usually like having characters who are not all they appear to be (literally) and other rather gary stu traits) and keeping them away from being Gary Stu characters. I saw your Nameless app, and I think I should give some advice.

    Age - Be careful on this. To keep myself from making my characters too old or young to fit a task (or be gary stu), I keep my characters around the age of 20. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 are the ages I like using. I am considering making a 16 year old character, though.

    History / Shocking Points in life - You seem to be like me, giving your characters a tragedy they had to live through (Or, in your case, even die through sometimes). The best tradegy I know of is being bullied for a long time at a young age. This here can go from mild to an extreme of having the bully even egg your house and be absolutely cruel to you. My character Dice Focus is a good example of a bullied character. Another tragedy is having a mental illness, and then something happening to the character that temporarily (or permanently) makes them much worse. Let's say they are paranoid and their house gets egged (I'm not done with the whole egging of the house yet! :P). They begin to think that the others are becoming more violent and that they are in severe danger. Or they are like my character Azure - their sanity is pretty much attached to something (in his case, music). They run away or do something else that concerns the parents. Why? They (your character) wants more exposure to that one thing. The parents try taking it from them, and your character is ruined. You decide what happens from there.

    And if you want to meet my characters, then here ya go.

    Dice Focus; Born in Manehattan, no plans on ever going back. Incredibly rude to strangers, but nice when you get to know him. Makes and sells board games.

    Azure Tune; Call him a traveling musician. Call him a beggar. There's one thing for sure - he's great with his Ocarina and has an indian accent. He tries to be calm, but is rather sensitive.

  8. Love how you talk about us as if we are just plain wierd. And to answer those questions...

    1. Rarely. When I use Brony language outside of the community, it's usually by mistake. Even in the community, I'll rarely use it.... Unless you count "Eeyup." I use that ALL THE TIME.

    2. lolno. Everybody/everypony knows we don't have new grammatical rules!

    3. No. I mean, sometimes I'll think in Brony Slang... ... but Brony words don't have any special meaning to me. A word is a word is a word is a word!

    4. Nnnope. It's not on Internet Explorer, and it would probably mess up in humorous/just plain pathetic ways. And it would ruin quotes that would be great for essays and school assignments.

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