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Posts posted by LeCountryBrony

  1. It was a sunny day in the everfree forest, GoldDigger was at a bank of a stream panning for gold. When all the sudden there came a growl from behind him, Gold turned his head looking behind his shoulder noticed 4 Timberwolves "hunched down" and sneaking toward him snarling at him. Panicking Gold dropped the pan from his mouth and was off like a shot from a cannon. GoldDigger almost having them outran tripped over a tree root sticking up out of the ground spraining his leg. Standing back up Gold was surrounded by the wolfs "GREAT" thought GoldDigger to himself.

  2. It was GoldDigger's birthday he was an older colt now almost a stallion ! He hadn't planned a party... or planned on doing much that day. He was doing stuff around his home like every other day when a group of his friends showed up " I wonder what they're up to toady " Gold thought to himself as they approached " Hello there... what brings y'all out here toady?" He said to his friends as they walked up to him (this is a free rp anyone can reply to... feel free to join in don't be shy :) )

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