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Posts posted by QuickLime




    Thank you! There we go! Well in the Season4 spoiler video there is a sneak peak of the return of Nightmare Moon! Well since such a plot really won't go on in WOE...I decided to make a FFA PLOT!

    Now despite the fact this is FFA I want it to be the flavour of the show as much as possible, I will be playing Princess Luna

    However if you already play a cast character you get first dibs on the slot

    The plot is as followed! After the Celebration of Princess Twilight Sparkle once again the Poor Princess of the Moon has been cast in the shadows! Now there is not just one but THREE other Ponies that utterly make her obsolete! Her role was already hardly needed since Celestia can do both jobs but NOW Twilight is there to summon forth the stars and the colours of the sunset! Now ALL Luna did was raise a big shiny ball and that was it!

    Due to her rage, pain, and heartache the Nightmares have returned, and once again she has taken the form of Nightmare Moon! Again dead set on casting an eternal shadow over the world of Equestria! Just like the one that she herself has been cast into!

    The mane Six is not enough this time, and Twilight only fuels the others pain! The poor princess feels unloved, and unwanted

    There will be trials, manipulation! Pony against Pony!

    Equestria most work together this time to overthrow the endless night!

    Now to be a Mane Six/Cast pony you need to send me a PM with a sample UNLESS YOU PLAY THIS CHARACTER IN WOE!

    Ocs are allowed, however the OC must have been accepted for WOE

    I don't want any Alicorns, elemental ponies, or anything like that, as I want this as close to WOE as possible!

    To Play a Cast send me the form below

    Name of Cast Character:

    Roleplay sample:

    ^ That's it

    To Apply for an OC slot (I'm going to allow 5 for now) Fill out this form


    Link to WOE Approved Application:

    Reason for involvement :

    Note while I normally don't allow this I will this once allow a character to have a previous relationship/friendship with Luna, be it as his friend, or someone that was learning under his wing, however send me the relationship idea in PM and get my approval before using it in Rp

    Anyways Long live the Night and I hope we can have massive amounts of fun with this plot!

    AND It'll be fun when Season 4 comes around so we can see how close we were to the Writers vision! :D

    Oc slot 1: Time Turner



  2. Hey there! First off Welcome to Canterlot! This is a great app in the making and I think it can pass very easily with just a few tweaks into WOE!

    1: The Cutie mark: The cutie mark story actually makes very little sense, Cinnamon Buns arn't a cake, they are a roll of dough with cinnamon and Sugar rolled into the dough, sliced, then baked. So you might want to tweak the story to more accurately explain how cinnamon buns are made :D

    2: Her history is really REALLY not WOE, In Equestria they arn't going to abuse and tease a pony like that, and a teacher is certainly not going to just forget that her student exists, there seems to be no basis for this bullying so I suggest you remove it and make her character lest angst driven.

    3: Her Antisocial behavior: While Antisocial ponies are something we have, she seems absolutely unable to interact, we try to pull people away from making overly shy characters that avoid social situations, and honestly someone that shy with so little people(Pony?) Skills would have a very hard time running a business.

    4: You are going to want to make her a Mare instead of a Filly, a Filly is about the age of the CMC so your character wouldn't be old enough to leave home, let alone run her own business!

    Welp that's all I have! Let me know when you have made these changes and then I'll look this application over again :D

    Once again Welcome to Canterlot and we look forward to your staying and being part of this community!

  3. sparoombanner_zps6bacbfa9.jpg

    If the thumping, lively party scene wasn't your bag, the Spa and Resting Room was perfect instead!

    The Spa had many staff on hand, there were massage tables, stations for hooficures, face masks, there were tons of mirrors, so that you could freshen up your make up, or anything else you wished! On the side and out of the way but within easy reach was a table covered with a white cloth, on that table were several silver trays of tiny snack foods for one to munch on! Little carrot sticks, celery stalks, fresh fruit and flowers to indulge on, as well as some tiny cucumber hooftip sandwiches! There were a few piping hot teapots all marked with what sort of tea rested within them, as well as sugarcubes and cream, and there were dainty little teacups for enjoying them in.

    The room smelled slightly of steam, and the gentlest waif of freshly brewed tea was in the air, the very essence of relaxing!

    However if the spa wasn't your thing, the whole other half of the room was dedicated souly to relaxing! There were big comfy bean bag chairs to lay on, warm blankets, a bookshelf full of interesting books, board games, a foosball table, and some ping pong tables set up as well.

    Since this was a little less froo froo, there were some sandwiches cut into neat triangles, the same fresh fruit and veggie options, there was some tea to drink too, as well as fizzy pop


  4. Bedroombanner_zpsd93911ad.jpg

    The Bedrooms were all neat and tidy, beds made with fresh linens and there was a place for every single mare to store her suitcase! Each room fit up to 5 mares and you were welcome to pick and choose a room to your liking, while they were all the same in furnishings some rooms had cute themes that were decorated with the appropriate bedding!

    There was the SunRise Room that had white bedcovers that had golden swirls all over them, had soft yellow curtains, and each bed had a tiny package that had a golden foil sun tag on it that said "Welcome to MareCon"

    In the package (and it was the same for each room) was a nice little tin of peppermints cut in various shapes! There were little moons, and little stars, little hearts, and even little music notes!

    There was the MoonRise room, that also had white bedcovers, but instead of golden swirls there were silver, and the curtains were just the right shade of cobalt blue, the little packages in this room had silver crescent moons cut out on their packages.

    There was the SweetSuit room, their bedcovers were pink, and had fun candy prints on the sheets, and soft pink curtains that had lace on the bottoms! There was a cut out gumdrop (varying in colours) on the little packages in this room!

    There was also a Room that had a musical theme, white bedcovers with assorted music notes in a nice black colour, with inky black curtains, little music notes dotting the tins in this room.

    Finally there was the Nature themed room that had soft green bedcovers for each bed, that had dark green leaves dotted all over it, pale green curtains also dotted with leaves, and the little packages had a pretty flower tag atop of them.

    Each room was big enough for you to stretch out nicely on your bed and relax, room to play a boardgame on the floor, or just to chat! Aside from the beds there was a rocking chair and a bookshelf in each room.


  5. Ooley moon princess goodnight Elder mine, rest now in real life's embrace.. bare up my lullaby winds of the web, through time and through distance and space :(

    Carry the peace and the coolness of night, and carry my sorrow in kind

    Elder you're loved so much more than you know

    We'll miss what you leave behind :cry:


    • Like 2
  6. Just going by the app, I'd have to say that Quick Lime looks okay for a character. I suppose it's expected that there would be no major issues or inconsistencies, since it was approved for WoE. There are a few things I can comment on, though.

    One thing that I find interesting is that Quick Lime is an herbologist in Ponyville. I think an herbologist is a great job for a pony, but... it kinda seems to me like she would have competition with Zecora, wouldn't she? I'm a little hesitant about there being any kind of problem there because it seems like Quick Lime does a lot more with her talent than just remedies and such, though.

    That brings me to some of the dangers that might be involved in playing this character. One, the temptation to solve all sorts of problems with a cure-all that she has made. Two, the danger of being too attached to the character. Your username is QuickLime, and based on what I've read on the forums, it sounds like she has some of your personality traits? People who get too attached to their characters can be difficult to play with, sometimes, because they don't want anything bad to happen to their character, they don't want another character to view their character negatively, or they have enough insecurities that they view another player's character opinion on that character as an opinion about themselves. I'm not saying that you do that (I haven't seen any RP's with QuickLime in them), but it is something to be aware of, I think.

    The other thing I can think of is that the character summary could stand to be expanded more.


    [colour=#282828]“As a first impression Quicklime comes off as a touch prickly and mean but she really doesn’t mean to be! She is a very blunt and honest mare that would rather have you be hurt by the truth, than coddled by a lie, she has unrelenting Honesty since her parents had always taught her that a lie does more harm than good.”[/colour]

    And this:

    “[colour=#282828]Her personality has been described as “bitey” from time to time since she doesn’t really mince her words very well, if she’s thinking it she says it, and to hay with the results! Though her mouth tends to get her in some hot water from time to time, she truly means well and if you get her to warm up to you then you’v made a loyal friend for life.”[/colour]

    These are almost the same thing, just worded differently. In any case, it gives the impression that Quick Lime is rough around the edges but nice enough when you get to know her.

    The traits I can get out of your character summary are these:



    Impulsive (doesn't think about what she says)





    I think that's a pretty good mix of traits, but maybe you could throw in a few more. For instance, I'm not entirely sure whether Quick Lime is introverted or extroverted (or somewhere inbetween but leaning one way or another). I'm also wondering about what kind of things she likes to do to relax (her hobbies). Her life can't all be herbology and stuff, afterall. What motivates her? What does she hate?

    And I think that pretty much sums up my thoughts. She seems like a nice character, but I think you can go a little deeper. :)

    Thanks Ginger but I have a few things I'd like to clarify!

    1: Her name is QuickLime not Quick Lime there is no space :D

    2: No she doesn't compete with Zecora, since Lime is more about day to day cure alls, like sore throats, and other mild discomforts, her store also doubles as a tea/coffee house


    [colour=#282828]That brings me to some of the dangers that might be involved in playing this character. One, the temptation to solve all sorts of problems with a cure-all that she has made. Two, the danger of being too attached to the character. Your username is QuickLime, and based on what I've read on the forums, it sounds like she has some of your personality traits? People who get too attached to their characters can be difficult to play with, sometimes, because they don't want anything bad to happen to their character, they don't want another character to view their character negatively, or they have enough insecurities that they view another player's character opinion on that character as an opinion about themselves. I'm not saying that you do that (I haven't seen any RP's with QuickLime in them), but it is something to be aware of, I think.[/colour]

    She is in a thread with Twilight, She is in MareCon (In fact she is running the event) She is in a thread with Spike, and she's been in several threads with Berry Punch actually,

    The issue of "Danger" is sort of null considering that is actually common sense NOT to do ;)

    And the issue of "Her being me" Is actually a little silly..Yes my account is named QuickLime...because QL is the reason I joined the thread, she was my first character, and while she does double as an avatar for myself she and I are incredibly different.

    QuickLime is antisocial, something she is working on (see MareCon for an example) She has actually expressed several times in rp things she dislikes (Loud noises, people that invade personal space) and she is primarly an introvert but is trying hard to be more social (as said all of which she has been doing in threads)

    I do appreciate your feedback a lot, especially since I asked for it, but this character has been 3 years in the working, has 3 years worth of activity, and a lot of things you have mentioned as problems

    (Her using her talent to fix any problem/Competing with Zecora)

    Arn't actually Character problems but Rper problems :)

    Thanks again I'll probably fix that bit that you quoted though..whoopsie on saying the same thing twice!

  7. To put it bluntly

    WOE has become all too easy for me! I am one character away from 40 OCS/Cast characters and am feeling like I have hit a level of "Meh"

    SO What I plan to do is to spruce up my old apps! However to do that I need your help people of Canterlot! Click my logs and select a character, tell me what you like about the character! What you dislike! What can be improved, and what could be expanded on! :(

    I need feedback! Positive, Negative! So long as it is helpful!

    I understand that my OCs meet the WOE standard, ofcourse they do XD They passed! But I want to raise them up to fit the QL standard as well :D

    So please don't hold back! Be honest ! I don't care if you are RPH or some newbie that just joined right now :D

    Please give me Feedback :D

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