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Posts posted by QuickLime

  1. "It's my Cream of Mushroom soup with Parsnips and Carrots" She said getting a ladel and two bowls, filling the two bowls to the brim with the warm white soup, and sat one infront of each of them, and sat the coffee down as well "Enjoy boys I need to fetch the bread from the oven" She said and excused herself to remove the loaf from the brick oven, cutting it in slices and sat it also on the table, served with rich creamy butter.

    "I hope you feel better after freshening up" She said getting her own food and sat down across from them "Tommorow I'll be happy to help you find work in town"

  2. QuickLime Flinched as her hoof got shook vigorusly by the new pony "Ahh" Retracting it "Um..yes we're from Canterlot..the Princess asked me to come and check on how things were going...its um..a pleasure" No it wasn't these ponies were driving her bat poo crazy! At least this one hadn't pelted her with mud or worse...

  3. Roleplaying was my first hobby to be honest, it was a way to interact with exciting places and characters, like living through a movie! It kept my mind sharp and the creativity flowing. I love it because you can explore so much about a person in it , how they react to things, what keeps them going.

    And Roleplaying helped me through school because the drive to write bigger and better posts drove me to always write bigger and better reports so thanks to Roleplaying I always got A's in creative courses/ history reports.

  4. "Oh..no I don't live anywhere really" he shrugged "Me and my daddy always travel so I don't stay in one place too long.. so it's kinda hard to make friends " He admitted kicking at the ground "I wont worry about my flank Miss Luck I promise I'll just try to be smart like you" Glancing up at her and grinned "I hope it's for pirates though.." Boy did he love those pirates and their swashbuckling fun!

  5. Reno just sat back on his back legs and listened to her story, ears pricked foreward to listen to every word, eyes widening in excitement as she mentioned the cheater and her beating him with skill alone, she was a very very impressive pony... "Wow Miss Luck you are amazing!" He said throwing his front hooves up and moved to rub his head against her chest 'Really smart too, I hope when I'm all grown up I'm as smart as you" one hoof lifted off the ground.

    True Reno had probably picked the wrong pony to admire,but Reno had a way of looking past the bad and only seeing the good, and he saw a very smart , brave, resourceful pony in Miss Luck and he desparatly hoped that he'd be half the pony she was when he grew up.

  6. Clover’s ears were very sensitive and he heard the sound of the others hooves on the road outside and glanced up from his work, a grin crossing his face as he heard the sound of his dear cousins hooves trotting along the dirt road. He went over and swung open the top half of the door and grinned ear to ear waving at him “Hey there Ace!” He called out to him “It’s almost time for lunch would you like to join me?” He was making parsnip stew with golden biscuits and fresh clover tea.

    The good smells from his kitchen wafting out the window to dance under the black ponys nostrils enticing him to come on in! Clover was very fond of his cousin even if he was a no good low life snake in the grass like the rest of his family, but hey ! Family was important even way out here where he was alone most of the time.

  7. Agate decided to not comment on the fact that there were two stallions in her house showering together, they seemed well enough but she couldn’t fully shake the uneasiness from her mind. Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs that the whole situation had let settle she turned back to her business of cooking for herself and her two temporary boarders; going over to the bubbling black cauldron that was resting atop the fire that burned brightly in the hearth simmered a cream colored broth that smelled of parsnips, carrots, and mushrooms.

    It was her favorite recipe and she hoped the rowdy stallions liked it as much as she did.

    After stirring it she added a dash of salt and pepper, and just for a tiny kick of heat a sprinkling of cayenne peppers that she had ground herself just that morning so they were as fresh as could be! Figuring after the cool lemonade and warm shower both men could use something warm on the inside since the sun was setting and the air would soon be cool, so she went over and put some fresh coffee grounds in the coffee press and poured hot water on it waiting for it to steep.

    The air was starting to smell cool and soon it would be nightfall…Agate couldn’t help but ponder what exactly the hay had she gotten into…

  8. Roleplay Type: Equestrian Mane Rp

    Name: HoneySuckle

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye Color: Hunter Green

    Coat Color: Pail cream

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane is long about shoulder length and neat, often covered by a black cowboy hat, his tail is rather long and slightly curly, but great for smacking at unruly bee’s

    Physique: Small in stature but strong where it counts! Good strong back and strong backlegs that can kick a young tree in half

    Cutie Mark: A honey stick dripping honey

    Origin/Residence: Originally born in Solistic Heights but now resides happily in Appleoossa

    Occupation: Bee Keeper/Apple Bucker.

    Motivation: To sweeten up life , to run with the wind, to listen to the wind sing its sweet song, and to have a good time

    Likes: The Ladies –Wink- The Gentlecolts –wink- Honey, Sunshine, Dancing, running, the wind in his mane, Apple Cider, Apple Pie, Apple-…you get the idea

    Dislikes: Big Cities, Thunderstorms, Lightning, The Cold, Snobby ponies!

    Character Summary: HoneySuckle from a young age was a dyed in the wool work horse! Back in Solistic Heights His parents SugarSnap and Money Honeycomb owned a very small bee farm along side their apple orchard , making some of the sweetest honey that ever came out of a bee’s behind! It was sweet and slightly apple-y and a rich golden color that made you just want to drizzle it all over everything!

    HoneySuckle worked from dawn to dusk tending to that orchard but wasn’t allowed near the beehives, when he had celebrated 5 summers his father finally decided that it was his turn to learn about the beekeepers ways.

    He taught him how to be gentle with the bees, how to gather the golden honey but to always leave some more for the bees, and how to strain and bottle the golden liquid. HoneySuckle loved every single bit of the process and caught on quick, his favorite part was the end when he swirled the honey stick in the liquid gold and watched it drip down on some apple slices, he loved it so much that he knew instantly he wanted to do that for the rest of his life. After the lesson he glanced at his flank and grinned proceeding to ‘YEEHAW!” And buck in the air as his cutie mark had finally appeared!

    Years passed and he kept tending to the trees even long after his parents left the farm to retire, leaving it in his capable hooves, but he was heartbroken when a wave of parasprites came through the area and gobbled up his entire crops! But he had heard about a town being settled way out west where they planned to start growing apples out there and would be needing workers!

    HoneySuckle was sad to see his beloved farm but he packed up his stuff, and his bees and rode the train out westward; the moment his hooves touched Appleoosa soil a grin spread to his face! It was untamed land! It was a small tight knit community! He was going to love it here!

    He talked to the other settler ponies about work and was more than happy to be settled into a small home near the apple orchards that were already in bloom for the spring. He let his bees out and took a deep breath in enjoying his new home.

    HoneySuckle is a hard working pony, he works his very best to make friends and to make the best product possible for Mare and Stallion alike, but he is a Celestia awful Flirt! Bats those pretty green eyes at anypony that catches his gaze and tends to forget to do his work if that happens! He also has a near crippling fear of thunderstorms but tries to keep that well hidden. A Very generous pony but is probably a little too honest for his own good. (When Somepony asks you if a saddle makes their flank look big you say NO)

    Cutie mark: honey-dipper-photorealistic-vector.jpg

    Yeee haw everypony!


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