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Posts posted by QuickLime

  1. I need a break from Canterlot, ever since I stepped down from RPH I'v actually felt really out of place here, and have contemplated leaving for a while, I'll be around vaguely to post with the cast characters I have and such, but my activity is going to slow down a lot =/

  2. Have an active admin that is reachable through other means like we do.

    Doing practical jokes that are, ultimately harmless, is not griefing. We do practical jokes all the time on our server but we don't ruin other people's work.

    Silk Touch - Solves all your broken glass or bookshelf problems.

    -glares at Brian- Yeah a PURPLE sheep named Twilight keeps showing up in me and randy's house :P

  3. really? they're stifling creativity?

    More like "Defending what's theirs"

    If I make an awesome thing, and copyright it, and enjoy making money off my thing, I have the right to come get pissed at you for taking my thing and showing it off, and using it however you want without compensating me for my own work, you don't get to just take people's things without getting permission.

  4. Just ignore the indents completely. Or fill them in. Or find identical color paint and find a pony with good indents

    I have to ask for advice. If I happen to get a unicorn with dark brown hair and a pegasis with brown hair, I wanna have a ponified custom day with my friend. I can't reroot lol. How should I paint the custom? And the cutiemark and everything...oh is there such thing as a brown and dark brown color comb? Cuz I dont think there are any brown haired ponies, and I doubt hasbro takes requests.

    Posted 19 August 2011 - 07:17 PM

    He hasn't been here for 3 years... :P

  5. Honestly I am so sick of the "YOU HAVE TO LIKE IT CUZ EFFORT WAS PUT IN IT" argument people bring up for this and Snow Drop both

    No, No I don't, you know what else had a massive amount of work and such put in it? Avatar :| and I didn't like that either, and I'm not expected to because "They worked so hard" on it

  6. Hmm, I guess this would be sort of a retroactive announcement, seeing as I've been gone for a couple months now... So yeah, I disappeared, what with getting a bit bored with the site (this place *does* seem to have become less active since Season 3 ended), plus addicted to WoW again for a few months.

    So anyway, I guess I'm kinda sorta back. Gonna be lurking a bit and keeping an eye on the RP forums for something I could jump into.

    Yeah surprise, the site goes a lil low when there's not a season to keep the blood flowing :razz:

    Welcome back I suppose!

  7. Ugh there is so much I am IN LOVE WITH! The Backstory, the sacrifice! DISCORD! I just HATED how quick they were to point hooves at Discord, even FLUTTERSHY got in on it :/ So what "Your reformed but we're still blaming you if something goes down" ? Dude if you don't LET people change they WON'T change..

    I was surprised to see how accurate Lullabye for a Princess actually was to canon O-0 Overall I loved LOVED LOVED this episode, This Day Aria still makes Canterlot Wedding my fave but this 2parter is now 2# favorite episode.

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