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Posts posted by Total-Tortilla

  1. I haven't gotten any official plans so far, but I've at least gotten my costume figured out.

    If you've watched the Fionna and Cake episode of Adventure Time, keep your eyes open for the dude version of Marceline.

    That's gon' be me.

    All I have to do is dye my hair black and lose a few pounds. Not a problem!

  2. I have just two recommendations at the moment.

    First one, I'm not sure whether or not it's popular. Regardless, it's called Being John Malkovich. This sent me on quite a mind-trip and gets a bit confusing if you don't pay attention, but if you're looking for a good movie that will mess with your head, give it a shot. It's rated R, so put the kiddies to bed, folks!

    Secondly, here's for people who need a good laugh. One of my favorite movies of all time, Mystery Team. The boys behind DerrickComedy on YouTube put together a feature length film about a group of teenagers who have been solving neighborhood crimes since they were 11 years old. The dialogue is hilarious and the jokes are spot on (which is common-practice for DerrickComedy), and should be seen by anyone in need of some humor. Once again, rated R, so don't let the folks find out!

  3. I can't say that I am with a straight face. I mostly blame Call of Duty for this, but the modern FPS is just kind of dead to me. Sure, there are things that will pop up and catch my eye like Deus Ex and Syndicate, but overall, they seem to be running on the cut-and-dry formula that Call of Duty put center-stage with Modern Warfare, and now everything and everyone is trying to be just like that. It's just making things less fun for me.

    Though between the two, I'll pick Battlefield any day. Haggard and Sweetwater are hands down the funniest characters in any FPS game I can remember.

  4. Sea Monkeys were pretty boss, actually. It was like a weird science experiment pet. XD

    Somehow I am reminded of my dad telling me about when he was in college, and he and his friends would get Beta fish and have them fight each other in tourneys.

    I don't know if I should be horrified of this fact or start doing it in my school.

  5. Who likes Jaffa Cakes? I bet you will.

    First off, what are Jaffa Cakes? They're a delicious treat from the UK, consisting of a sponge-cake covered in chocolate and filled with orange marmalade. From what I hear, they're unbelievable. I haven't had a chance to try the recipe (or the actual cakes, for that matter) for myself, but hopefully someone here will and inform me as to how awesome they are.


    For the cakes

    For the filling

    • 1 x 135g/4¾oz packet orange jelly, chopped

    • 1 tbsp orange marmalade

    • 125ml/4½fl oz boiling water

    • 200g/7oz good quality dark chocolate, minimum 70 per cent cocoa solids, broken into pieces

    Preparation method

    • Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.

    • For the cakes, bring a little water to the boil in a pan, then reduce the heat until the water is simmering. Suspend a heatproof bowl over the water (do not allow the base of the bowl to touch the water). Add the eggs and sugar to the bowl and beat continuously for 4-5 minutes, or until the mixture is pale, fluffy and well combined.

    • Add the flour, beating continuously, until a thick, smooth batter forms.

    • Half-fill each well in a 12-hole muffin tin with the cake batter. Transfer the tin to the oven and bake the cakes for 8-10 minutes, or until pale golden-brown and cooked through (the cakes are cooked through when a skewer inserted into the centre of the cakes comes out clean.) Remove from the oven and set the cakes aside, still in their tray, until cool.

    • Meanwhile, for the filling, in a bowl, mix together the jelly, marmalade and boiling water until the jelly has dissolved and the mixture is smooth. Pour the filling mixture into a shallow-sided baking tray or large dish to form a 1cm/½in layer of jelly. Set aside until completely cooled, then chill in the fridge until set.

    • When the jelly has set and the cakes have cooled, cut small discs from the layer of jelly, equal in diameter to the cakes. Sit one jelly disc on top of each cake.

    • Bring a little water to the boil in a pan, then reduce the heat until the water is simmering. Suspend a heatproof bowl over the water (do not allow the base of the bowl to touch the water). Add the chocolate and stir until melted, smooth and glossy, then pour over the cakes. Set aside until the melted chocolate has cooled and set.

  6. What Pinkie says: This is your singing telegram I hope it finds you well! You're invited to a party 'cause we think you're really swell!

    What Derpy hears: I have efficiently brought forth a vocal-induced message stating the details to perform a large gathering to hopefully bring forth happy emotions. I have reason to believe you have enough structure and poise to attend.

    Lord Gummy Alligator is aging past his first year, so aid us in mass rejoicing! The baked goods will be most succulent, and the assorted gathering items incomparable in quality.

  7. My first exposure was Matt Smiths two-parter on the Weeping Angels, which might be why I love his episodes so much. I think he's great. His quirky, almost off-the-wall attitude feels like what makes me like the Doctor, and he pulls it off very well.

    Also Amy is the hottest red-head ever hnnnngh

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