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Posts posted by Total-Tortilla

  1. You're always awesome. All the time. You never stop being awesome. You're like a Large Hadron Collider, but instead of testing the limits of the laws of physics, particles collide inside of you to form more and more awesomeness until you turn into a black hole and suck all the awesomeness out of every corner of the universe until they condense into one point: That point is you.

  2. Start: Maaan, these classes are easy. English, Jazz, Math, Psychology, no biggie. I don't really have any friends, but I'm sure I'll make some.

    Week 4: Huh...things are starting to get a bit tougher. I don't really know how to play a lot of the jazz music, and I'm kind of forgetting a lot of English stuff. I don't really have any friends yet... ah, well. Things will get better.

    Week 7: Oh, jeez. Looks like I'm going to have to drop English. Now Math is starting to pile up... at least I'm getting the hang of the Psychology work, and I know a song or two with Jazz. I at least know some people, so that's something. They all live way far away though, so we can't really hang out.

    Now: Okay, so I got kicked out of Jazz AND English. At least I nailed Psych. I'm gonna have to ACE that Math final if I want any hope of passing that class. And now I don't have any classes with my friends anymore... and I don't know anyone else in the school. Maybe next semester will be better?

    Moral of the story: College may seem easy at the start, but don't slack off. It will bite you in the ass REAL fast.

  3. It's music. I would be lost without music. Somehow, just listening to one album in the background can make me feel dozens of emotions all at once, bring about memories good and bad, make me think about what the song says about me and my future, and plenty of other things. Not just listening, but playing. Sometimes I just like to sit with my bass and just...think. Sometimes I'll play a random song I know, sometimes I'll jut fiddle around until I find a rhythm I feel. And besides feeling, I love to imagine. Listen to this song. Close your eyes, feel the music inside you, and think about what this could be in life.


    What do you picture? A moment in your past? A long forgotten friend? Something going on with you right now? I picture myself on a snowy cliff-top, standing in the snow and looking out at a lit up city in the night. I'm alone, thinking about my significance in the world. What have I accomplished? What mark have I left on the face of history? Will I be remembered? Do the people I know and impact today really care about me? Do they forgive me for all of the ways I've wronged them? It's not too late to make something of myself, or show the people that care about me that I care about them just as much, if not more. I have infinite possibilities. I can do anything. I will become something great one day.

    See that? I wrote that as I listened to the song just now. Music is powerful. It's a universal language with an infinite vocabulary. It can bring up emotions, memories, fantasies, and anything else you can possibly think of. Were there no music in this world, there would be no life. At least, it wouldn't be a life worth living at all.

    THAT is what keeps me going in life.

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