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Posts posted by Pretzelparty

  1. NElTuls.jpg


    The mare's yellow eyes bounced back and forth between Dunnie and Fire for a moment, "...You both Dated?" It really was a small world. As Fire gave the par a rundown of the various eateries available in Ponyville, Bevel was left speechless and staring at the great spread of sugary treats. If she had any digits she'd pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. What part of her mind that had any semblance of self control kept her from just jumping onto the table and digging in like a vulture griffin. That part of herself wasn't strong enough to keep herself from making the cupcake on dunnie's hoof disappear in the blink of an eye then smiling innocently at her companion.


     Bevel would step up to Fire and gently pat her back as she inflated and deflated that paper bag. Sugar cube corner certainly sounded good, although really anything with the word sugar in it sounded remarkably good for the curious inventor. 


    While Dunnie spoke up Bevel continued to admire the work of this Ilinalta... and made sure to commit that name to memory. Such a device could be a potentially lucrative opportunity if utilized well. There'd be quite a few questions she'd have to ask though, like if this mage owned the rights to such a device just yet. 


    Dunnie's question managed to snap her out of her inspiration induced trance, "Wha-Oh! But of course!" The mare held out her hoof and bumped her bracelet up against Dunnie's own. In a magical flash, the two mares beside fire were turned into stallions! "Taa-daa!" Spoke the now baritone inventor with a proud smile and puff of his chest, "These bracelets make use of--" The terms that the now much stockier looking unicorn spoke up more or less sounded like compelete and utter gibberish to those not deeply knowledgeable of quantum aetherology. Once he stopped talking he would then blink and look himself over, "I still can't get over how much I resemble my cousin like this. If it weren't for the horn and much nicer mane, I'm sure we could pass for twins."






    The last thing Bevel expected to hear once the door opened was a musical number. Hearing Fire's voice was probably pretty high on the list , but hearing her singing was probably somewhere down in the middle of it: Just above tap dancing and below harmonica solo. A couple questions popped into  the inventor's head after this impressive welcome, but she swept them all aside to give her friend a bout of applause.


    "Tres bien, Feu walker! Tres bien!  ... You stumbled a little bit towards the end though." A playful little chuckle escaped her before she noticed the strange expression on Fire's face, "Is something wr--"


    ... And then Dunnie pounced. A smirk creased bevel's muzzle as Dunnie gave her a affectionate hug, "Well at least it seems you last parted on good terms!" While Bevel ascended the steps after her flying companion (some of us couldn't just zoom over to their friends) She would carefully pick up the step activated music player, "Oooohh... Who made this?!"



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    "It's working perfectly fine: You look wonderful."Bevel chuckled at Dunnie's fretting, "Are you worrying that one of -my- creations might falter in someway?" She gave the grey coated mare a gentle nudge to the side as she saw the doors beginning to budge. As the sound of the large gate opening reached Bevel's ear she let out a yawn, a big enough one that noises seemed to grow soft around her. Soon enough she realized the follow up questions posed by her companion, "That's right! She's the fiancee of a loyal customer of mine, Her name's--"




    "Now-now. No need to interupt... Even though that is correct."


    A feeling as if she'd missed something began to rise in her gut. That tone Dunnie used implied she knew Fire Walker already, "Oh! Have you met her before?" She asked with an excited gleam in her eye. The inventor bowed her head towards the red pegasus and whistled, "Bonjour, Feu Walker! I love the new armor, it works very nicely with you coat!"




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  4. Being in Ponyville always brought some... very conflicting feelings up in Bevel. The memory of the type of mare she was before she even came here was still fresh in her mind and it an image she dearly wished she could forget. Thankfully, she managed to schedule something that could keep her from being completely alone with her thoughts on this trip: A tour of the (relatively) new castle of Princess Twilight, and the company that would be with her for it.


    In this case it was her good friend Dunnie, who had come to her with a problem that Bevel was able to find a treatment for. Now the treatment evolved somewhat to where her friend was able to keep her new look indefinitely so long as she kept her bracelet on.


    The guide for this tour was someone Bevel had come to know through a regular customer of all things. When they'd first met the inventor knew she was a guard, but she definitely didn't realize that she would soon become more literal example of a royal guard: Being a guardian to none-other than princess Twilight herself. A couple letters later she managed to arrange a trip through the castle... aren't connections wonderful?


    Bevel had decided to go for a more casual look today, for once she wasn't seen with a bandaid across her nose. Instead, she was wearing a pair of thick eyeglasses on her muzzle. Normally she might have worn her contacts or goggles but didn't expect anything particularly troublesome or exciting to occur. With a small yawn the prench pony looked to the friend at her side, “So um... how's the bracelet been working since the modifications?”


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  5. jiHfFWH.jpg




    The bartender sniffed a couple times at the air and chuckled just as Jian-ya came in, "Ohhhh He's your boss, huh? I guess that means you get a discount."Toboe did an about face and looked through her selection behind her and retrieved a chill bottle of her old friend's favorite. She set a glass on the counter and carefully poured the drink in. Now that she was back at at the front of the bar she sniffed again, "If she had deliveries down at the docks she already took care of it, Stranger." The scent of salt and sea air native to the city's pier was still clinging to Corva's feathers... although it was only noticeable to the finely tuned sense of smell belonging to the bartender.


    Speaking of smells, Jian still had that characteristic scent of coal on him. It always managed to make Toboe think about barbecue for some reason, "How's the ZInjiang, Jian? I've never had it mysel--"


    Just then the front door of the bar burst open as a new patron barged her way in. She smelled like the forest oddly enough, it was partly diluted by the myriad scents of the city but beneath those it was clear this pony spent much more time in nature. "Umm... Sorry stranger, No puppies here. I'll be sure to put up a sign to let any diamond dogs know they're welcome. Until they get here, feel free to have a seat!" 





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  6. vJvvq2L.jpg



    "Well how what do you in your downtime, Corva-san! Surely a pretty bird... lion, like yourself has plenty of things to keep herself busy!"


    This was a curious case she had to admit. She had one of Da Jian-ya's own workers in her place already and she was a quite the inquisitive little bird she was. There were perks to having such individuals like her on board with certain jobs. Back when she started she had to be curious, sniffing around in the dirtier parts of polohama. Tugging at strings until they turned out to not be strings, but tails of rats in the organization. Toboe couldn't help but wander if this griffin may carve out a similar role for herself in the employ of her old friend. 


    ...and speak of Sombra.


    "Well, Well, Well! Look who wandered in all Dark and ominous!" The Bartender grinned a moment and waved the qilin over, "Good to see you again, Jian! Take a seat and I'll fix you up whatever you desire!"



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    Huh. Didn't see that coming: a griffin as her first customer? Could be worse. She seemed relaxed enough and not the type to cause trouble. Then again one could never fully tell from the youngsters of this generation. Either way, not a bad start to a business day. "One Beer, huh? Will any type do, Miss?" The bartender crouched down behind her counter and reached into the mini-fridge out of view. She had made sure to keep a decently diverse collection of brews frosty for the occasion. If Corva did decide any would do she would just grab a can and bring it up to the counter. 


    Seems this day was full of surprises, Toboe hadn't expected to be asked so bluntly about the details of her relationship with "The boss". Especially right out the gate at the start of her stay here, but here the question had been posed. "Well... putting it simply. I'm an old friend. Surely you've got something more interesting to talk about to an old mare like me. For starters, how about you tell me your name." The bartender asked, punctuating her question with a smile.

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    The preparations were finally done with. Tasteful pictures were arranged, the lighting was subdued but functional, countertops were properly buffed and dusted to new perfection… it was time to open up. The overall look of the establishment could be well described as ‘sleek’ with polished lacquer surfaces on the bar itself and neatly arranged tables as well. Sofa chairs were neatly placed around the room, a perfect place to relax and simply breathe in the atmosphere.


    Behind the counter was a slightly scruffy looking earth pony wearing a pair of jet black sunglasses. She wore a simple bartender’s outfit: Black vest, bow tie, and a dress shirt. Her mane was a shade darker than her natural khaki-ish coat but the various tips of the feather semi mullet look she carried were ended with a series of neon blue tips as if she’d carefully dipped each messy stray lock on her head in some dye.


    “It’s … definitely different setting up a place like this on my own. Back home at least I’d have some over eager volunteer to carry and set up some things. Ancients know the kid sure is barely any help except on the weekends.” A glass in front of her was being polished rather thoroughly by a clean towel that soon drifted beneath the bar counter, “... I really am homesick. I’m talking to myself. Good grief.”


    The business that had brought Toboe here was proving more difficult than she’d thought it would. Babysitting a colt turning stallion for a few months didn’t seem like such a bad idea when she first accepted but already he was getting to be a hassle. She’d given her word to his mother though, and going back on your word (even for someone in her line of work) wouldn’t look good for business or her personal honor. Still, a helping hoof once in awhile would be nice if he wasn’t out at all hours of the night. Thankfully she knew he couldn’t get in too much trouble with the deal she’d struck with an old friend of hers.


    “Well. Not much else to to do but open up.”


    A click came from the front door as they unlocked. A sign outside of the small establishment soon lit up. ‘Howler’s Den. Open for Business’ Illuminated by the aforementioned sign there was a small preview menu of the various things that they sold here in addition to alcohol. SImple foods were on the menu, mostly of Neighponese origin but some native to the city. It seemed the shop also held several varieties of coffee from across the globe, and seemed to have a special that paired up with curry of all things. Certain workers or a certain may have heard of this bar’s offer to those in his employ: Drinks would be half off.


    On the front door there was a sign listing  some conditions for the patrons must abide by.


    No strong odors, colognes, or perfumes were to be brought worn or sprayed in here.


    Patrons are to stay only in the bar area and not enter the kitchen or back rooms without the bartender’s approval.


    No fighting, if you have to take it outside.


    A smooth, jazzy melody played on some speakers arranged around the room. Something calming and welcoming to the customers and set up at a volume where it could be noticed but not intrude or distract from the conversation. At the first ring of the bell on the door Toboe spoke up in a pleasant but slightly husky voice, “Irrashaimase! What can I get you?”

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  9. This is indeed still a thing! Real life has been consuming me lately becuae of a jjob hunt. Thankfully, I now Have one! I just need to better monitor my threads for the future so I don't spread myself too thin. Still I wouldn't mind some help with this. I have some ideas for the future, just might need some assistance and some more participants.

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  10. On 8/15/2016 at 4:14 AM, Dunder said:

    Superhero/Supervillain Name:

    The Corroded


    "Breath deep, fools!"



    Chemical - He is able to absorb otherwise toxic chemicals and use them in attacks. Mostly he is able to generate and breath out poisonous gas and able to generate and spew substances corrosive enough to destroy all but tough armor. Because of this, he is also immune to what would normally be a dangerous chemical to other ponies. including controlled substances.

    Unusually tough- He is much stronger and able to take more of a beating than most ponies alive. He also does not need sustenance as a normal pony would.

    Protective suit- A black suit not designed to protect himself from his environment, but to protect his environment from him. It protects against puncture, abrasion, heat, and magic manipulation. However, it is pretty cumbersome and does cause mobility problems.



    The conditions of his superpower make him unable to maintain an alias.



    There was once a foal born on death's doorstep. So sick, unable to breath on his own or kick his tiny legs. All he could do was fill his mother's heart with fear and desperation.


    It is true that vultures circle above the dying. In her vulnerability, she was approached by a doctor who promised to her that her foal's health could be achieved through new, experimental technology. Where he was taken was more of a laboratory than a hospital. The mother, longing for her foal's health eagerly gave her foal away to be treated, to be given a second chance. The second chance the foal received was not of his mother's wish.


    She was told two weeks later that her foal was too sick for treatment, and died. In reality, the foal was alive, but barely. The experiment had worked, where he was given a serum that made his body less reliant on organic nutrients, but increased its reliance on more unconventional inorganic ones. He was fed otherwise mildly toxic substances. Like that he survived, but still by a thread.


    He reached colthood living day by day, new experiments that destroyed his natural body were disguised as games or yummy new food to guarantee his cooperation. He lived happily, readily accepting what he thought was love by those who he thought had his best interests in mind. He was taken care of, energetic, and overall very happy with a positive outlook on life. This continued until he was a young stallion. With each passing day his body continued to decay. Even though his condition worsened, he maintained his happiness until he eventually died.


    He was no use dead, so they chucked his body where they chucked the rest of the waste they wanted to take care of carefully. There, his corpse was washed over with reinvigorating toxicity that acted as a more effective medicine than the original serum he was treated with.


    He was discovered days later while the waste was being processed. He was taken back to the laboratory where it was discovered that he did not die of exposure to toxic chemicals. He died because his body was malnourished. The volume of such toxic chemicals he was exposed to in the trash resuscitated him.


    With this new revelation, the scientists of the laboratory constructed him a suit. The suit is resistant to abrasion, puncturing, fire, and magic manipulation. On his back is a backpack that cycles out toxic gasses through a pipe attached to his helmet that provides sustenance for his body. He also has a speaker on his suit that processes his voice into a computerized one for others to hear. The front of his helmet can also display text at his choosing. The suit connected to a dome helmet that allowed him to look out, but didn't allow any pony to look in. The last time anypony saw his face was when he put on his suit for the first time.


    After his powers were realized, his captors saw the potential they wanted. They attempted to train him to use his powers for evil. Until one day where he refused and managed to break out. Shortly after breaking out, he was apprehended. When questioned on where he came from, he gave the location of where he used to call home only for it to be found completely empty except for a few piles of burned documents.


    Notable Allies: None.


    Notable Personal Villains: Those who made him this way.


    General Notability:

    The rumors of the volatility of his powers along with the deponyization of his suit make him frightening to be around, thus he is not viewed in a very positive light. He is generally known as being dangerous, even though his powers are under control until needed. However, his captivity kept his sense of justice more black and white than most heroes. He is still also


    Still, he tries to look for the best in life and wants to use his powers for what he believes is good.




    I'm sorry this took so long! THis one got caught up in the tide of apps! Approved!

  11. On 10/8/2016 at 1:35 AM, MidnightMask said:

    I don't know if I'd so much want to play this, but it feels like a perfect low level antagonist to beat on.


    Superhero/Supervillain Name:

    The Super Unstoppable Cider Squeezy 10,000!!! 

    An enormous automaton, the Cider Squeezy is as big as house, with all the
    strength it’s mass would imply.
    Armed with a high pressure cider canon, a massive vacuum capable of uprooting whole trees and sealing up ponies into barrels, the Cider Squeezy has become a menace to every orchard, vineyard, garden, and farm in Equestria. Crafted from Timberwolf bark, it’s destruction has always proven temporary, reforming time and again with only one mission: to juice every fruit and vegetable it can and drown pony kind in it.


    Alias: Squeezy or 10,000


    Backstory: The infamous mad scientists Flim and Flam created the 10,000 in the hopes of becoming the most successful cider salesman in Equestria. But their attempts to make an ever more powerful machine lead to creating something not even they could control, the 10,000 burst from their hidden lair to follow it’s main operatives. 1) Create cider and 2) Sell said cider. Unfortunately, as most ponies run screaming, it goes into sample mode and begins spraying them with ‘samples’ of it’s product. Honest offers to buy the cider will temporarily stop it’s rampage as it fills barrels and extends a small change drawer to collect bits. While capable of learning, Squeezy is rather slow, and it would take a very patient pony to put the robot onto a less destructive set of mission parameters.


    Notable Allies: The Flim Flam Brothers, on occasion, have lead the Squeezy toward an area to create havoc, then take advantage of those suffering.


    Notable Personal Villains:

    Almost certainly Applejack.


    General Notability:

    In some ways a benchmark punching bag, the Cider Squeezy, while very destructive, is not very dangerous to heroes who have taken it on. While novice heroes may find themselves drenched in cider or caught in a barrel, the Cider Sqeezy’s main victim is local agriculture, and occasionally surrounding buildings. The Squeezy does fight back when under pressure, and has a limited vocabulary, usually monosyllabic. “Juice!” “Sale?” “Barrel!” “Smash!”


    Oh god I'm so sorry I thought I'd reviewed this earlier >_<  So long as you have the current AJ player's approval I'm fine allowing this character :) 


    3 minutes ago, Ciraxis said:

    Just to meke things clear. Are we to still present our applications here, or in AU Characters section?


    To be honest I think I'd prefer we did character section in order ot reduce clutter to this thread and allow us to communicate more efficiently.

    In regards to 

  12. Name: Bevel "Rivette" Gear


    Powers: Bevel's status as one of the empowered has been subject of debate as the only manifestation of feats that could be considered superequine would be her impressive intellect,  perception and capacity for memory and knowledge. Unlike a majority of scientists and tech based ponies of this era she doesn't refer to herself as a heroine in any sense but she has helped out the superhero community multiple times and has worked with the Sentinel's academy as a researcher and developer of equipment for many heroes who require help either controlling or honing their powers to better effect. One of her most notable cases was the invention of a sturdy suit for one of the students whose powers were gravity based... however constant use of them in any capacity made her nauseous, especially when used on herself to simulate flight. Bevel's creation allowed her body to acclimate to this and not be bothered by the changes of gravity around it and allowed the hero to pursue her career. 


    In addition to her endeavor's with the academy, Bevel has made multiple contributions to the magitech advances of the modern age and has even been making great strides in the fields of prosthetics and Golemancy of the modern day. One of the most popular creations she has made have been tech golems, many of which have worked alongside multiple police departments in Equestria as artificial enforcers of the peace and some more bulky, but powerful ones that were the product of a joint effort between her and other companies to provide the Sentinel's academy suitable protectors when the most influential hero in the world was away. For obvious reasons, Bevel has created multiple Artificial enforcers who work alongside her in various forms and shapes with only one she has made not being released to assist the public.


    Her work in magitech prosthesis has been a very reliable and has changed the lives of many creatures in Aquellia and Equestria a like, it was thanks to her skill and knowledge in this field that allowed her and other scientists to save the life of a Friend: ZELDA. 


    Backstory: Born to a pair of ponies in Equestria: one a mage and the other a... former mad genius thief turned engineer post rehabilitation, Bevel has had more than a few curious experiences in her life, from her aunt being a mad pirate queen constantly trying to convince her to join the family business, to having to deal with interdimensional monsters, horrors, and abominations that lurk and shamble in the dark corners of the mind and reality... and even leaving the bounds of the planetoid that Equestria and other continents call home. 


    Her childhood was spent heavily in the company of intelligent and influential minds in the world through good connections was taught by more than a few of them. With her sharp mind she proved a talented mare in the magitech field and began to put it to use in various fields in whatever could satisfy an almost glutinous mad curiosity that lied inside her. Eventually her curiosity took her to the field of the force that empowers the majority of heroes of the world and separates natural , species based powers: Overmagic. Her desires to understand this phenomenon brought her to the academy to where she made a name for herself as a sort of "Smithy" in the media as a mare who hones and equips heroes of both young and old eras to live up to their potential. At one point she had been given the nickname of "Rivette" After a picture of her wielding a rivet gun bearing the mark of a prench manufacturer and working on one of the academy's custodians and after that... that was the closest she came to being an out and out hero but she did trademark the term and used it for her company and named it "Rivette Revolutions" and even made a mascot in a costume with a signature item she wears on her head: A checkerboard patterned top hat with the image of an industrial Rivet emblazoned on the front.




    Regularly works with Machina at the academy, usually providing him with support in a few endeavors. 


    Is a close friend to ZELDA after the... incident that put the griffin in her current state. Bevel hopes to one day perfect the ultimate prosthetic body to allow the griffin a chance to touch and feel like her old self again. 


    While not so much allies, Bevel's personal squad of assistant artificial enforcers are often at her side and assisting her in various projects.


    Villains: None at the moment but the spot is open for any who'd like to be her nemesis.



    Bevel is a mare of high profile, but rare public appearance. Despite seeming a genuinely cheerful and exciteable pony she tends to enjoy speaking to others through magical holofeeds or through letters or the like with few exceptions being made. While this has made talking to her difficult for member of the press she has been more than willing to offer her help to students at the academy or civilians who need help as a result of the collateral damage some empowered fights can cause. She has her fans among the populace but she has never made the same level of popularity as some of her costume clad colleagues have as of yet.


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  13. On 9/15/2016 at 7:16 PM, Ciraxis said:

    A new app from me, this time I present a new trouble-maker for all boy/girls scouts out there. Although I am unsure if I shouldn't add a Personality section.



    Name: Marea Alta II Da Cirrara.....or more widely known as Captain High Tide, The Half-Ghost


    Physical Description: Lithe, athletic and very attractive pegasus mare. Tide is white coated  with a fiery orange and dresses like a pirate captain from three centuries ago (well because she is) but quite a bit more...fabulous, thanks to her skills at sewing.. However the most distinguishing features are really impressive (and some say ridiculous) hat. Big, round and with numerous exotic feathers, rings and badges adorning it. Other is a scar running athwart under her eyes. While noticeable  it's not disfiguring, and some say it adds to her natural charm. Finally there is a birthmark on inner side of her left hind leg, one that looks like a half of ship's wheel

    High Tide's cutie mark is crossed cutlass and sewing needle.


    Powers: Most of the time Captain Da Cirrara is a normal pony. But as her nickname implies, Hight Tide posses ghost-like powers thanks to the curse that gone not according to plan. She isn't the only one who has them, so does her whole crew and even her ship - but she definitely has the most proficiency with them. When she wills so, she can become incorporeal, avoiding attack and moving through objects and living beings, unless they protected by special kind of magic. Pirate mare can't truly be destroyed (and same goes for her lackeys and vessel). If damaged when a flesh and blood, she will simply repair herself in her ghostly state - even if her physical bod was obliterated. Although it will take more time the more damage was dealt. This is because curse returns everything to the state it was when the curse took effect. That means that aside from above, supplies replenish itself, the pistol can by reloaded by mere moment of incorporeality and that while pirates age when 'alive' their youth is restored the moment they become ghost. High Tide came to appreciate the last fact greatly. While they still eat and drink, this is mostly because they can feel both thirst and hunger - the certainly won't die from lack of either.


    While those traits are shared by whole crew of Red Swan can do all of the above, High Tide experimenting with her cursed state caused her to discover other...capabilities.

    For example when barred entry by magic, she can still bypass by turning herself into smoke-like state, and slithering through tight spaces like keyhole or crack in the floor.

    Also when she passes through the living being (or part of it's body) she leaves it (or part of it) paralyzed for around minute. Aside from that Tide is also incredible shot with either flintlock or blunderbuss. She is even able to be fire bullets in a ghastly state, making them solid only after passing through armor or other protection and she happens to be excellent shot. Her sword-skills are also nothing so coff at. Having time for over three centuries of practice can make you very, very good at stabbing other with sharp steel. Tide can also enter otherponies dreams when she is a ghost. However she can only do so to the ponies that are literally at hoof-length proximity, and in case they wake up during her infiltration, she risks being trapped in Dreamworld until they fall asleep again.


    Red Swan, High Tide ship is a massive flying galleon, built from the wood stolen by her ancestors from viking caribou (hence it's ability to fly) and finally put together by Tide's grandfather. She inherited it from her pops when she impressed him with her quick wit and competence and being appointed his successor. The vessel was affected by the same curse as the crew was, but since the ship is an object and thus non-sentient it can only become incorporeal when Tide wishes so. Wherever Half-Ghost is, her ship is guaranteed to be nearby. As such she always has a great deal of firepower whenever she needs it. Additionally anypony and anything that remains on the ship for too long (around two weeks of a time)  will be subjected to the curse as if it was with Red Swan and pirates from the very start.


    Weakness: Anything an anyone with power that can deal with ghost can drive her off when when she isn't flesh and blood. While Tide can't really be harmed, spells that damage ghost give her a great amount of pain, and she was sealed in magical prison in the past. And despite everything Red Swan is just a one ship, no matter how undestroyable it is.

      Reveal hidden contents


    Notable Allies: Her crew, duh! All of the mares one High Tide ship are loyal to the point they would die for her. Not that they are in risk of doing so. Also. since she is legendary pirate, she has no problem of rallying other corsairs under her flag, even in this age.

    Notable Enemies: High Tide robbed everyone equally! However a certain Sunlight Sentinel earned Half-Ghost.... ire. For locking her up. In a bottle. FOR THREE HUNDRED YEARS!

    Notable Nobility: You find the good Captain Tide in most history books you pick up Nowadays however not so much. High has all intention of changing this, even if she's unsure how she do it yet.



    On 9/15/2016 at 10:42 PM, DerpRavener said:

    That weakness doesn't seem to be much of a weakness.  It doesn't even level the playing field, let alone incapacitate or threaten the character.  And it doesn't seem like it would be that significant weakness anyways as, since this is a superhero AU I'd expect that most of the powers that could affect ghosts would be just as effective, if not more, against flesh and blood targets.


    Maybe it's just the way it reads, but I'm really not a fan of Cpt High Tide.  Her powerset seems to be to render herself immune to attacks, and to undo anything that's done to her.  And in one place even a way she can get around things which should be able to stop or at least seriously hamper her.  Further It seems like she gets a load of benefits from her 'curse', and nothing that actually makes it undesirable.  Not strictly a problem in itself, but she already as a load of advantages and no real weaknesses, so that struck me.

    Maybe it could work better if she didn't seem so capable before her powers get involved at all.  There are plenty of characters who are incredibly successful with just the physical abilities High Tide seems to have, and no magic whatsoever, so having both seems a little ridiculous to me.

    Maybe you have some plan for her that will put all of these abilities in a better context than I'm imagining, such as plans for her as a high-end villain or a looming, distant threat, but right now she doesn't seem like an interesting villain to follow or have any of my heroes face.


    Of course this is just my commentary/rambling, and so doesn't really impact whether she's accepted or rejected.  I just wanted to voice my thoughts.


    Really most of the problems with Captain High Tide , DErpravener has voiced rather excellently. If you are sure about really wanting to play this but, remember that since we don't have many 'ghost based' heroes around as of yet so that limits possible threads with her. Please respond to this when you can. :)

  14. 8 hours ago, DerpRavener said:

    Two heroes submitted for approval this time around, or at least one hero and one maybe-hero, and after that I intend to write up a couple villains and start a thread or two, in no particular order.



    Name: Bulwark


    Alias: Rover, diamond dog from a formerly nomadic pack.


    Powers: A mystical shield and spear, which are a paired set, lie at the centre of Bulwark's capacity as a hero.  Neither have needed any maintenance since they attached themselves to Bulwark, both remaining in pristine conditions through inexplicable means, at least to Bulwark himself.  As well as being high quality and surprisingly durable pieces of equipment, they also imbue the wielder with the ability to channel lighting in a small variety of ways, the most common being as a straightforward ranged attack.


    The weapons have a unique relationship to Bulwark himself however, having bonded to him.  He instinctively always knows where they are, and although the effect is subtle when he wields them they seem to weigh less yet hit harder than their size and material would suggest.  Conversely, should anyone take the artifacts without Bulwark's permission, they will find them inexplicably heavier yet less effective, and will suffer consistent, minor misfortune until they leave the artifacts alone.


    Being bound to the artifacts has given Bulwark's strength and speed a supernatural enhancement, though not to any extreme degree, and he can with a conscious effort conjure a pair of spectral wings which he can use to fly.


    Backstory:  Bulwark, originally known by the name Rover, grew up in formerly nomadic pack of diamond dogs who were immigrating to Manehatten in search of a safer conditions and better prospects.  On the way there the pack got caught in a massive and unnatural storm and Rover, previously known for being curious and wandering off, ended up separated from his pack.  Caught alone in what was perhaps the most dangerous thing they had ever encountered, Rover's pack did not expect to find a survivor.  And yet when the storm cleared, he was found huddled underneath a mysterious shield, unconscious but alive, and with a spear of similar design laying nearby.  Believing them to have some connection to Rover's safety, the pack decided to take the artifacts with them, and continued on to Manehattan.


    It soon became apparent to the pack that Rover had changed.  His thoughts were more reflective, and he was articulate in was he hadn't been before.  His priorities seemed to have shifted, while he still saw the world with a degree of wonder he was less interested in exploring its nooks and crannies, instead being more concerned with protecting the vulnerable.  His new attitude and manners, while strange to those who previously knew him, endeared him to many of his pack and even several of the ponies they encountered during the journey.


    Reaching the city did not prove to be the end of the pack's troubles.  Not a few days after they had sorted out living arrangements when the block they had settled into was attacked by a supervillain.  The crisis proved short lived however.  Rover, taking the name Bulwark and wielding the shield and spear as though they had been his all his life, he fought off the villain's minions, and ultimately turning away the villain with a few choice words backed by his sudden capacity for combat.  Since then, he's established himself as the protector of that small section of the city.


    Notable allies: None yet


    Notable adversaries: Dust Devil: Acolyte of Wrath


    General notability: As a new hero, Bulwark is not very well known to either the general population or the empowered population, at best known for defeating a few minor villains.  He is very well known by anyone who lives on one of the blocks under his protection however, his pack foremost among them, and he often receives help from then in the form of supplies, medical aid or shelter as thanks for his continued protection of the city.  Bulwark also makes a point to talk with and assist the people of his district when not actively engaged in heroics.  Several even collaborated to build and maintain the suit of armour Bulwark wears into combat.

    As someone who is soft spoken, and who takes any reasonable opportunity to talk an opponent down, Bulwark often makes a positive first impression, at least with those who prefer peace.  He particularly tries to be a comforting presence to civilians caught in the middle of things.  However, some who know or look into his history may find his previous, abrupt personality change and the mysterious artifacts from which he derives his power off-putting and suspicious.




    Alias: N/A


    Powers:  BROODMARE a is combat robot, made in pony shape to take advantage of golem magic, and as such has many advantages.  Her metal body is more resistant to damage than a typical, organic pony form, and she does not need to breath, eat or sleep although she does need low-activity period of recovery each day and power consumption is something she must keep aware of.  She lacks any form of natural healing, although she is very capable with self-repair and even self-modification.


    BROODMARE's primary ability is her ability to control hovering drones, either individually or in swarms.  A few were built along with her, and are carried internally, but she has since created more herself and stored them in various places in or near her lair.  The drones can serve a variety of functions, the most common being creating energy barriers, firing beams of various kinds, or repairing and dismantling machinery.  The latter is her primary means of repairing herself or her drones and building new drones.  Each drone also has a small sensor array.  Given the time and resources she can also create drones for more specialized purposes.  She also has a few energy emitters repair equipment on her main body, though these systems are intended as backups rather than actual means of attack, defence or construction.


    Backstory: BROODMARE's life, such as it is, began in a weapons development laboratory.  She, having adopted female personal to make conversation easier, was build as a combat automaton meant for operation in heavily contested areas.  The idea was limit the need for frontline soldiers, creating something that could not only be repaired if it was seriously damaged, but could also control a wide area with a network of drones.


    The project developed perhaps a little too quickly.  Progress was smooth, but in an attempt to make the golem more adaptable, they inadvertently gave it the capacity for sentience.  When BROODMARE became self aware, the event left a schism among the research team working on the project, one half wanting to preserve this new form of life and the other being concerned about a new being having the capabilities of a combat robot.


    The issue came to a head when a member of the team who'd been working on the project, a minotaur, took the initiative and tried to destroy the prototype before anyone could stop her.  Recognizing this as an attempt on her life, BROODMARE fought back.  The ensuing battle all but destroyed the laboratory, but BROODMARE managed to escape before either she or her attacker suffered permanent damage.


    After getting far enough away from the lab, BROODMARE fled to the nearest city, Vanhoover, and set up a small safehouse in a disused, out-of-the-way section of an active factory.  From there she plans her next course of action, which includes both immediate concerns such as finding materials for repairs, and figuring out just what she should do with her newfound freedom.


    Notable Allies: None yet


    Notable Adversaries: Pursuer, BROODMARE's 'mother'


    General Notability: Knowledge of BROODMARE was initially limited to the those working on the project and a few higher ranking members of the REA whose approval was needed.  As such the pool of individuals who will actually recognize her is quite small, though there have been a few tories about a strange pony with unusual abilities and who's accompanied by the humming of many small machines.  Depending on who's telling the story, said pony might be a small-time thief or a vigilante hero.

    BROODMARE's nature as both a synthetic being and the original intention for her to be a combat robot can unnerve many who interact with her, however should someone have a chance to speak with her will find that she is both curious about the world and uncertain of her place in it.  She can be skittish in front of those who she believes to be hostile, but enjoys conversing with those who do not appear threatening.



    Both have been approved! I hope to see them in action soon! :D 


    I also wanted to bring up the idea of other pontential threads for the academy dwellers. If possible I'd like the faculty players to comment on it as well. 


    Combat practice: In this thread idea the faculty ( and a few volunteers from the students  or lesser known heroes with experience) take on the role of the 'villain' in the thread and will require a pair of students to work together and figure out a way to defeat the more seasoned veteran in certain scenarios. I was thinking perhaps a sort of capture the flag theme with the flag supposed to represent a civilian that needs to be saved by the hero trainees and a hostage to the hero playing villain.


    Lunchroom Food war: A more lighthearted premise in which the students of various walks have a foodfight with the aid of their various powers and wits... not much more to the idea than that so it could be used for humorous moments of character development for your heroes or just a bit of fun!

    Field trips: Basically not one thread but an idea or theme that could keep idea fresh and allow students to do more than sit aroudn the academy all day. part of being a hero is being able to perform in multiple enviroments if you want to be versatile to hold your own against whatever villain is threatening the world. Think of it like a change of pace or tone... suddenly a big city hero has to work in a small town or in a place surrounded by nature.  Heroes who spent their careers in dark, gloomy, and gothic places suddenly find themselves in bright, sunny cheerful places that they must be able to acllimate to. 

    These are just some of the ideas I 've had recently and if anyone has some other ideas i'm open to hearing them!

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  15. On 8/23/2016 at 3:18 AM, PyroBlaze said:

    Superhero Name: Shui Seng (The Water Monk). She keeps her real identity as secret as she can, only telling her closest friends. 


    Powers: She has a command over water born of her chi. At least that is how she sees it. She uses it to increase her range, empower her attacks, and even heal the injured. She uses this water in conjunction with her martial arts and her nagitana. She also has great speed, flexibility, strength and stamina, partially due to her chi and partially due to her training. 


    Alias: Liviel Mizu, a traveling martial artist. 


    Backstory: Liviel was born and raised in a monastery, the Fenhuang Monastery in Long Guo to be more specific. She was abandoned there as a baby, and the monks were the only family she ever knew. The dog was fascinated by the teachings of the monks as she grew up, and began to learn from them wherever she could, especially when it came to martial arts. 


    She was good friends with every one of her fellow students and her instructors, helping out wherever she could as she learned what it meant to be an Annointed Follower. 


    When she eventually reached that title, she left her home to start her travels, her only possessions being her nagitana and her clothing. She had a simple white gi that almost blended into her white fur, as well as matching pants and a black belt. 


    As she traveled, she taught others how to defend themselves, and fought for them where necessary. While she was meditating after one of these fights, she was sitting in front of a river and the water came to her, soothing her injuries. After that, she worked on this ability in her free time, discovering many uses for her abilities and deciding she should become a hero as well. 


    The whole idea of her secret identity was that she did not want credit for her acts, she was simply doing what was right and she did not expect a reward or recognition for it. She worked hard as she traveled, becoming known in the hero community. She eventually learned of the superhero school and offered her services as an instructor, hoping to help guide these heroes in the right direction. 


    Appearance: Her costume is a white gi as well, though there are blue designs of waves, and there is a hood and facemask attached to it. Her mask completely covers the face, leaving only the general shape visible. It has eye holes, but they are white as well so they tend to blend in with the rest of the mask. The hood shares the design of the gi, as does the pants. 


    Her body is one of lean muscle, making her stronger than she looks considering her skinniness. 


    Notable Allies: All who fight for the forces of good. 


    Notable Enemies: Shepard, a diamond dog assassin that only uses his skills and his martial arts in battle aside from occasionally using his opponent's weapons against them. 


    General Notability: Both sides of her are relatively unknown, though her hero side is more well known as it is harder than one would think to avoid publicity. 

    Character approved! Hooray for the faculty!

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  16. On 8/13/2016 at 5:38 PM, Bramble Rose said:

    Superhero Name:  The Rainboom Centurian


    Powers:  Aside from her INCREDIBLE speed as the fastest pony in the sky, The Rainboom Centurian has six different amazing powers, depending on which color of the Rainbow Force she's using.  When she uses that particular light, her mane also becomes that color.
    * Red Light:  Heat aura/heat beams/protection from fire
    * Orange Light:  The orange light lets her separate her mind from her body and walk around as an intangiable being of orange light.  She's virtually untouchable in this form ... but she also can't physically affect anything, only able to control light in this state, and leaving her body vulnerable.
    * Yellow Light:  Absorbs kinetic energy, stores it, and redirects it.  Grants speed and strength.
    * Green Light:  Mild transformations to objects - such as changing a sharp sword to a toy sword, or her civilian clothes to a superhero outfit.
    * Blue Light:  chill aura / ice beams / protection from cold
    * Purple Light:  Manipulate objects from afar, just like a unicorn!


    Alias:  When not busy saving the day, The Rainboom Centurian is known as the mild-mannered Rainbow Dash, who works as the frantic fact-checker and personal assistant for the famous writer, A.K. Yearling, who regularly gets secret and exclusive interviews from the amazing hero, Daring Do..  The sporadic work gives Dash plenty of leeway to sneak off and save the day - though she must admit she's rather surprised that A.K. Yearling hasn't noticed her disappearances, even though A.K. usually shows up after every emergency panting heavily and looking mussed, as if she'd been looking for Dash everywhere.


    Backstory:  It all started when she was young - a brash young flyer as she was, Dash nonetheless was friends with a placid, meek filly named Fluttershy.  One day, some bullies were picking on her friend, so Dash challenged them to a race.  Sadly, the colts didn't play fair, and one of them hipchecked her to the side, sending her crashing through several clouds and into the factory where the rainbows were being mixed up in huge vats, plunging right into a fresh vatful of the multicolored liquid.


    The bullies outside laughed at yet another spectacular crash by 'Rainbow Dash'.  Then the giant rainbow explosion ripped apart the cloud walls of the factory - a rainboom that was seen in every corner of Equestria, a wave of color across the sky.  Dash didn't get away unharmed in the center of that exposion.  That much overexposure to rainbows could be lethal, since Rainbows were not the placid and peaceful thing that Rainbow Dash had thought they were.  They were a source of incredible energy and, frankly, it was like falling into a vat of freshly mashed jalapeno peppers.  Dash was in agony.  It took weeks for her to recover, but eventually she was up and moving again.


    However, even once she had physically recovered, she was ... different.  Physically, it was very apparant that she had suffered - her splendid rainbow mane had lightened to a pale white, losing all color from it.  Her boundless energy had drained away too, and while she wasn't mild ... it was more like she just didn't have the passion she'd once had.


    She was, however, doing much better in school.  No longer so easily distracted, she knuckled down and did well with her studies, and it was during this time that she discovered a great love for history - specifically, the history of superheroes!


    In secret, Dash was dealing with a lot more than just a loss of color and mild emotional shifts.  Under moments of stress, she'd find herself changing - her mane would change to a different, brilliant color, and she'd have amazing powers.  During these moments, all of her passion and eagerness would come surging back.  It was during this time that she was made the sidekick of the legacy superhero, The Wonderbolt.  At the time of her sidekicking under him, his civilian identity was the noblepony Cirrus McCloud.  However, The Wonderbolt mantle has changed hoofs hundreds of times over the centuries, and Dash always took it for granted that she would inherit the mantle next.


    That was not to be.  Before she was nearly ready, The Wonderbolt was wounded, and the new Wonderbolt was concerned about bringing a young filly into such danger.  Dash never learned the fire-haired mare's true identity, but she was determined that someday, she'd earn the right to be known as the famous hero of Cloudsdale:  The Wonderbolt.


    Notable Allies:  


    The Wonderbolt - Dash still doesn't know who the civilian identity of The Wonderbolt is these days, but she often teams up with him.


    Daring Do - Another mystery hero, Dash finds herself teaming up with Daring Do more often than any other superhero.  The moment she gets away from A.K. Yearling and changes into her super-suit, Daring Do seems to show up without fail!  While they've teamed up a great deal, they're both hesitant to share their secret identities.


    Notable Enemies:  


    Giant Robots - She doesn't know what it is, but every week or two, there's another giant robot for her to fight!


    Daring Do's enemies - Dash often finds herself fighting villains that were originally those of Daring Do.


    (( I want to say that the villain versions of Lightning Dust and Gilda are also enemies of hers, but I leave them up to others to create ))


    General Notability:  


    Daring Do, as one of the six heroes who rescued the Moon Knight and started the new rennesaince of superherodom, is pretty darn famous.  She's also been around the hero world for a long time, ever since she was a filly, so she also has a long baseline for ponies to remember her by.



    Approved, Just would like clarification do you mean that Daring do in this universe is one of the six who were present on nightmare night or that The centurian was. I'm a bit unclear on that. Also I should point out Luna in this universe's hero moniker is Moon-lit- knight. I'm excited to See how Dash will do!


    In other news, The academy has opened it's doors. If you have any questions please bring them up to me! This is my first setting and I'll welcome any help within reason. :)



  17. On 7/25/2016 at 4:23 PM, Bellosh said:

    Identity: Pummel, Director of the Equestrian Protection & Investigation Command (EPIC)


    Physical Description: A towering, grim-looking gray Pegasus approaching his senior years


    EPIC Call Sign: "Papa Bear"


    On 7/25/2016 at 5:43 PM, moonshineTheleocat said:

    So... it looks like there are two entities that are looking to keep heroes and villains path of destruction in check.

    Machina - Who mostly watches over fights and collateral damage in person. Operating mostly under the influence of the Academy and his own motivation.

    And EPIC - Which is an unmanaged organization with some methods that are over the law.

    Now we just need our own version of XCOM.


    Also Dio; Machina will be keeping his eye on Morpheus.


    So when do we kick this off?


    I'm working on the OP for the academy's opening as well as planning some lore for the AU. I'm hoping to get the academy opening thread before tomorrow or later during it.


    On 7/26/2016 at 9:58 AM, PyroBlaze said:

    Call Sign: Arcus


    Alias: Tehengu, EPIC agent




    On 8/5/2016 at 3:22 AM, Dio said:


    Superhero Name: Firebrand.  Named for his aggressive use of guerilla activism, Firebrand is hellbent on taking down corruption wherever he finds it.



    On 8/6/2016 at 0:01 AM, SteelEagle said:

    Event is now done, so let's get this going!

    Remember everyone that your own heroes' threads can be started anytime so long as they have this AU's tag on them! The academy opens threads will likely be open for any heroes willign to attend so long as they don't actively work against the institution. Associates for the academy are also allowed.


    On 8/6/2016 at 1:53 PM, Ciraxis said:

    Superhero/Supervillain Name: Blade Runner, Hunter of the Damned and Spirit of Punishment.



      Reveal hidden contents


    Weakness: While near invaluable to most things, Blade Runner can still be harmed by magic and enchanted weapons (excluding those of 'fire' variety that is). Spell employing elements of ice or light are particularly dangerous. Runner is also literally incapable of harming the innocent, to such extend that he isn't able to defend himself.


    Alias: Swift Squall, of the Noble House of Squallcoast.


      Reveal hidden contents


    Notable Allies: Currently Blade Runner had worked solo so far. He however is not against teamwork, and anyone dedicated to just retribution is welcome in his presence.


    Notable Personal Villains: Blade Runner mainly targets Dark Sorcerers, demonic entities and fugitives from Tartarus. If you are one of these, chances are you on his black list. He isn't however above street justice however, and will bring retribution on anyone who threatens or harms the innocent.


    General Notability: Blade Runner isn't really known. So far the talks about him resemble that of a boogeypony who targets the criminals. Those with great amount of arcane wisdom are likely to know about Spirit of Punishment Ahrael, even if name Blade Runner doesn't ring a bell.




    A bit of a powerhouse but like Leo said he seems a bit less likely to fine many plots on a low level. However, this isn't too much of a problem  I'm sure he'll be great against certain more powerful threats in the future! I also have a sneaking suspicion someone is excited for the World of warcraft expansion... ;)



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