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Posts posted by Pretzelparty

  1. uLtPV0U.png



    "It always amazes me how quickly this country seems to bounce back from attacks. Still, it is a very admirable trait in this land I'd say." the diamond dog took another sip of his tea and smiled to the pony, "... and Don't worry, Mister Change. If we need to take the skies I have my own ideas for how to get up without the aid of unicorn magic. I'll show you what I mean when we arrive at our destination." It was always fun to lose the disguise in the presence of the unsuspecting, it was one of the little pleasures of being a yokai.


    It seemed one of the surprises ponies could produce was... magic floating hearts? Was he the only one who could see those? Were they caused by thoughts of his pet or his sister, perhaps familial bonds were stronger in Equestria. They were already very serious about friendship, Maybe Family was of great importance as well. "Well, Um...  I shall meet you at the station and we will embark for the basin on the morrow!"


    =====One Trip later=====


    Finally they had arrived. The journey alone had already been quite a trek. Getting to the Basin required a try via airship to Griffinstone and then it was a long hike east. Arrival in the griffin city was rough for the prim and proper pooch Pocket had proceeded with. Apparently, he was allergic to cats and that made him allergic to half of the entire population: specifically the back half. Once they made it past there, It was just  long walk with their equipment. Hogo-sha despite his seemingly noble bearing was happy to carry the supplies, splitting them up with Pocket all the way until they finally could see the jungles of the basin over the next hill.

    The dog took a deep breath of the air of the mountains they had been passing through for presumably the last time until his return. "Well then, Mister Change. Since we're here there's something I'll need to confess to you..."

  2. uLtPV0U.png




    The foreign hound bowed his head in Anu's direction with a smile on his muzzle, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Anu Hur. ... Did you say you had something stolen from you? Is there anyway I can be of help?" If it was something recent he would surely be able to help, a nose like his could surely scent out some stolen trinket in this town. Well, so long as he kept upwind of this darn cat nearby.


    Speaking of this giant feline, Hogo-sha couldn't help but notice that hint of worry from his words (even if he couldn't understand them). He hoped that his words hadn't cut deep, or was there something else bothering the ancient creature. Perhaps it was the growing build up of carriages and pedestrians growing behind him making him uncomfortable. Hogo-sha cleared his throat once and looked behind Nilaavin, "Maybe we should take these conversations to a place where we can truly relax... we probably shouldn't hold up the rest of Canterlot and interrupt your exhibition, Your Highness."






  3. uLtPV0U.png




    The mention of the storm kind made the dog raise a brow, "The Storm King? Was that the name of that strange person who attacked Equestria a while back?" Internally, Hogo-sha could appreciate the simplistically weighty title of 'Storm king'. It was a shame he couldn't have been around to see how that turned out, This land had amazing heroes of its own and he'd have loved to see how this villain was beaten. If he was going to forge his own legend he had to learn from the best!

    He took another sip of his tea as the stallion elaborated on the nature of pegasus artifacts. "I actually think I may have a way to help get us up to a temple in the clouds... although it won't be easy to move around much with. But like you said, locating it would be difficult. I might be able to speed up the process if we had any other magical artifacts from the same temple on hoof, but I'm sure such a request to see one would require a lot of paperwork..." Cloud magic was something Hogo-sha knew a little bit about, but he was nowhere as good as any pegasus, "... and that description sounds sort of Kirin like, doesn't it? I've known a few of them and not many have shown much propensity towards weather manipulation or cloud making." He cupped his chin in thought before looking back to Pocket Change, " 


  4. uLtPV0U.png



    "Well... I did hear some rumors about an mythical blade of somekind by some papers in one of the college's journal." He took a sip of his  of his tea, " I believe it was some blade called 'Chaac' Myth says ancient pegasus chieftains could use it to strike clouds and make rainstorms." Stories involving storms never failed to grab this dog's attention. Perhaps it was his affinity to them. Mom and dad always said he looked like a little thundercloud as a pup. If the rumors about this artifact were true he'd be especially curious if it was in any usable condition, sounds like a once in a lifetime chance to wield a weapon of legend!


    ... but parting with such a thing for the sake of the noble pursuits of archaeology was also good.


    Hogo-sha smiled and held up his own cup, "I have actually. I'd been hoping to try Pur'erh for a while. I have some spare coin so I'd be happy to pay for your drink." He seemed to fluff up rather proudly at that. "If you've got a magic detection spell , it might be more effective than my temperamental method.... and if you've got some methods of defense then we can definitely watch each other's backs.

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  5. uLtPV0U.png



    The diamond dog's ears perked up at the sound of Pocket's voice. He looked surprised at first... the university certainly worked fast. He'd sent out that letter less than a week ago and already someone had responded to it. "Ah!" Hogo-sha stood up from his chair and gave a formal bow in greeting, "It is a pleasure, Mister Change. I'm glad to see that the university took an interest in my request for aide." He gestured to the chair opposite him with a smile, "Please, have a seat if you'd like!"


    Once Pocket took his seat, Hogosha would slide the book his way. "To be blunt... I'm looking for an artifact in that book. Not one in particular... but one that hasn't been found yet. One that would bring quite a bit of prestige to both of our names if we can find it together."  Hogo-sha was trying to be honest but he had a habit of trying to cut to the point when it was necessary. Having that Daring Do book on the table as well may have added to a feeling of urgency. "I have a certain gift that helps me locate magical items easier than others... and I can protect you from just about any threat we come across."






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  6. rL75Dpx.jpg



    "I love the enthusiasm, Daze." Spoke fiver, "But you should be careful with training and flying twenty four seven... over-training can be a real worry even to the best of athletes. Can hurt your muscles long-term... even hurt your motivation." Fiver knew all too well the dangers of over-training, having been through many of those herself in her youth. Some times she had to wonder if all the work she'd done might have contributed to her own peak she'd been feeling recently. Brushing such dour topics out of her mind she picked up on Daze' mention of Cloudsdale, "I'd say Cloudsdale is a pretty special place, not everypony or even every-creature can even walk there... I had a lot of trouble learning to walk on cloud when I first visited the place..."


    Loose Cannon got her attention not long after, "Actually yes! A nod to my name and a flight trick that got me enough attention to join the team I was on. My name 'Khamsa' means five in Saddle arabian." That aerial trick she mentioned earlier was part of what inspired the nickname too, but in Fiver's mind it wasn't nearly as important now. ... especially after that weird clicking sound. 


    At first she was going to get up from her seat but then noticed something odd bout the window: The scenery. There were some mountains that they were in the process of passing by, including some rocks and other arctic imagery... but after that clicking sound things seemed to be getting slower. "Something... seems off." She said as she stood herself up, "Anyone up for some investigation?"



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  7. uLtPV0U.png


    In the cozy little teahouse there was a diamond dog with a sword. The blade left leaning against the wall in its sheath while the owner calmly sipped some fragrant tea. It was nice to be able to find a place that brewed the tea close to the way it was back home on the mountain. The unusually classy canine sipping as he thumbed through a book. The Title was: “Lore of Equestria: Tenochtitlan Basin Volume 2”.


    The book was full of various mythical accounts of sacred artifacts, ancient treasures, the various pony tribes there that protected the various ancient tombs. Seemed like most of them had apparently made appearances in those Daring Do books that were so popular around here. Finding just one that supposedly hadn’t been found, lost or returned to it’s pedestal by the heroine was strangely frustrating. Even if the events were fictional it would lessen the impact of this dog finding any to make use of himself if somepony popped up to say “Daring Do did it first.”


    Hogo-sha let out a sigh through his nose and leaned back in his chair, “Isn’t there some sort of ancient artifact in the Basin somepony hasn’t retrieved yet?” He asked to noone in particular.

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  8. Rather than taking the time to lay back Hogo sha pushed forward. Closing the distance between him and Tempest with surprising speed. His Arms were up and guarding  his body  until he prepared to throw a right hook.  His eyes locked on to the cow's with a fierce intensity as he let the punch fly only to abort as soon as she brought up her guard and then would rain down a series of sharp jabs to her side. Any attempts to made by tempest to back off weren't  going to bear fruit, Seems her opponent was determined to keep up the pressure on her and not give her a moment to analyze.

  9. rL75Dpx.jpg




    With the training finally getting its start, Fiver relaxed a bit. She looked back to the Daze and smiled, "Well thanks. I try to keep myself in shape but for me I've done all I can so... I'll be sitting this one out and watching from the sidelines. " Fiver always liked seeing new athletes enter the scene, not just fliers but runners or even swimmers. Some might say she was too old be feeling so nostalgic, and maybe they were right. Still, she was content for the most part and willing to cheer on anyone with a dream to improve themselves. When Golden Daze spoke up her name, Fiver quickly answered with her own. "Khamsa Alriah. My friends call me 'Fiver'."


    The musings of Zelda brought another smile to Fiver's muzzle. A chance to relax and not worry about what was left behind was exactly what she'd been hoping for. Shame it was only to last as long as this ride. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Zelda. I'm a ... stunt flier more or less. Been a part of a good team for a while, but I'm thinking about exploring other options in time. I'm on my own little vacation for the same reasons as you are."


    Loose cannon sounded much more knowledgeable about the nature of governments than Fiver did. Just hearing words like principality took the Pegasus back to the days of schooling with her mother back in Saddle arabia. Scholars could be such a boar, strange neither her nor her brother took to knowledge in the same way her parent had. "Frankly I stopped thinking about how Equestria's government is run a long time ago. It seems as though things will be as they will be regardless of what I or others do."


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  10. rL75Dpx.jpg



    "Not much to be nervous about, Stranger. It's a nice place according to the brochure." She said as she held up the aforementioned item, "That fancy festival they have seems to have passed, but there's gonna be a big race when we arrive." She pulled her eyes up from the paper and looked over Daze's cold weather gear and smiled, "Are you gonna be racing in it? You've definitely got the build of an athlete." Seeing her fellow Pegasus passenger like this really took her back, when she was a recruit in the Wonderbolts she had that same nervous look meddled with excitement.


    The griffin turned out to be quite the skilled artist. When Zelda spoke up about the rest of the cabin being her sketch subject Fiver cracked a smile, "If I can get a look at the result I'm fine with it. Are you a professional sketch artist? Or do you do other types of work alongside it?"


    The earth pony with the salmon colored coat was especially talkative. Her interest in the culture of the crystal empire was something that caught Fiver's attention, That bit about not interested in the crystals was a tad eyebrow raising. Not so much that Fiver was terribly interested in their architecture or artifacts either, but she couldn't help but think it was odd to mention that specifically.  That last question about it also drew the pegasus' attention too, "That's a good question actually... The empire doesn't really seem to fit the definition of an empire. Seems more like a king-- er princessdom maybe?"


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  11. uLtPV0U.png




    The black dog itched his muzzle a moment on the roof. Nilaavin's fur still bothering his senses and that paw smack earlier not having helped.  He fished around the inside of his coat until he pulled out a kerchief and brought it to his nose. "Thank you for the insight, Friend. " The sniffling diamond dog gave a bow, "I am Hogo-sha of the east. Have you come to this land in the hopes of broadening your horizons as I have?" He pressed the true diamond dog on in conversation, in part to distract himself from the scent of cat in the air and also out of genuine curiosity. Hogo-sha was not a real diamond dog,  but meeting a genuinely civilized one was always something that he tried to to take advantage of...  and Anu was certainly not one he had ever run into before.


    Regarding  the sphinx, Hogo-sha couldn't help but feel a bit insulted.  Not just by the rude dismissal of his offer of help through literature,  but somehow through the ancient words he could tell that whatever Nilaavin was saying: it wasn't at all kind. A huff of annoyance escaped the dog as he looked back at giant cat, "Dare I ask what he thinks of us, Your highness?" He looks back to Blueblood, "It is alright, Your highness. It is a waste of time to hold grudges over one's life ... or prejudices." He glanced back down at the cat then back to his master, "In my travels I had once heard that the wisdom of a sphinx was like an Oasis in the desert. I would tell him 'expect poison from the standing water.'" Those with a knowledge of poetry may recognize that line was from a work by some semi-obscure poet of the equestrian canon.


     He spoke through his handkerchief at his muzzle, "I may not speak  his language, but I feel as though I can hear the tone of contempt in it. It worries me.... but while he is in your care he must be in the best of hooves." 



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  12. uLtPV0U.png



    The punch just barely met its mark, it's target having rolled along with the blow to mitigate some of the force. After taking the hit, Hogo-sha puled his weapon free and swiftly leapt backwards to put some distance between them. At first his face was down for a few seconds, then shot back up with a delighted grin. "The first blow landed on me tonight." He took in a breath and stood back up in a flash, "Now..."  His arm moved in a blur in front of him in blur of blue and black colors.


    Tempest would have felt a rush of wind blast past her face and some knick her ear. Some sort of impact behind her. A roar erupted from the audience as they beheld the feat. The wooden sword had been jammed into the wall as (wooden) sword in stone, "... I'm Motivated!" A cloud dust flew up behind him as he again closed the distance between himself and the cow. At first it seemed like he was going to put all of himself into a haymaker but it turned out to be a feint. If Tempest fell for it, Hogo-sha would step back and then thrust forward with a fast straight  aimed at her shoulder.


    At this point, the diamond dog felt he may have figured out what type of fighter this cow was. The kind who tries to draw out an opponent, open up their guard, and capitalize on their mistakes. There were a couple ways to fight such a style, a few of which this dog knew of. He figured to try for the careful method... Tempest had taken on most of the fighter's before he'd gotten her attention. Her stamina was incredible, but even the best have their limits. The smile on her face was practically mirrored by her opponent, the wolf having his hopes renewed. Maybe he'll actually need to drop his disguise in this fight and resort to magic...

  13. uLtPV0U.png




    That saying gave the dog pause... the foreigner seemingly mulling it over before smiling up at the pony atop the sphinx, "Those are wise words, Sir."  He said with a short bow, "I see now why you have the privilege of riding a top a sphinx." He wrinkled his muzzle in the presence of the big cat as it looked down upon him in spoke that curious language, "Sorry to say I can't understand your words, Nil-san. I do think you should consider growing past your reluctance to speak common tongue... some can find it rude if it becomes to often an occurrence." The  dog fumbled his pockets for a moment  before picking up a book labeled: Equestrian for beginners.


    "I had a hard enough time getting ponies comfortable around me looking like this... I can only imagine how rough it could be for you being the size of a small building." Hogo-sha proffered the book in the Sphinx's direction, "If the print is too small for you to read then perhaps your master can help you out?" Seeing how large the creature's paw was he thought for a moment, "Maybe I should just offer this to your master instead--" Something on the wind caught his attention... Was it bacon?! no, of course not. He was more than civilized enough to avoid a tantalizing scent like that. Instead it was something the smelled of Saddle Arabia. 


    Hogo-sha turned towards the source of the scent and took note of a curious looking diamond dog on the rooftops. That little ankh hanging from his neck brought a smile to Hogo-sha's face. In a couple bounds, the black dog hopped from the nearby canopy to a roof in front of Nilaavin. Now he was eye to eye with Blueblood... and was easily able to see the dog nearby, to whom he waved offer. "Excuse me, Sir!" He called over, "You seem like you might have some knowledge of the prince's new servant. Perhaps you have some insight?"

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  14. Already going for the cheap and dirty? This was already getting disappointing and the dog's smile faded slowly until it turned to one of a kind of focused boredom. Aware enough of his surroundings and ready to react, but having already starting to have some doubts about his opponent. If She had really only gotten this many with raw strength and pragmatic tactics she was still very impressive, but he'd hoped to find someone skilled. "You take what you get in the end I guess..." he thought to himself as he tensed up, "I hope she's clever enough to get me to really push myself today."


    Not long after the cow dug her hoof into the dirt, the dog jumped back in a flash. Moist dirt flung in clumps fell to the arena floor as Hogo-sha  did. When he landed he knew he wouldn't be able to avoid that punch coming for him and ... to be frank he didn't want to. Upon landing Hogo-sha swung his blade once so that the cow's punch was met by the flat of the wooden sword and then batted away to force an opening. Hoping to take advantage of the opportunity he made he Thrust the blunt end of his sword at the cow. The blow containing a great deal of force, enough to send her skidding backwards and leave a deep indent in her armor... if she was hit at least. If she managed to Dodge he would press the attack doing some quick but forceful thrusts with the bokken in a quick flurry. Making sure to keep up the pressure.




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  15. rL75Dpx.jpg


    It was awfully nice for someone to invite Fiver to the racing event in the Crystal Empire. At first they floated the possibility she could be a judge, but by this time Fiver decided that her discernment had been somewhat impaired as of late. Thankfully, the organizer on the other end of the mail service understood and simply gave her some fairly nice stand to watch from. If she was being completely honest with herself, she really wasn't terribly interested in going: Especially if someone was only calling her in because of her wonderbolt status. She'd hoped the calls would have stopped by now. With how little she'd been going to the demonstrations lately, being forgotten about would have been preferable. 


    In the end, she accepted the offer so already she was on her way. Making it to the station just in time to hear the conductor calling out for the late arriving passengers. With a short rush of wind she was already past the doors, ticket in hoof. "Thanks, Mister." She said almost reflexively as she started down the Hallway, "See you when you collect the tickets."  


    Toting her luggage behind, her eyes bounced between each cabin numbers and the ticket in her hoof. The bag was fairly heavy, even for her. So many larger than average clothes for a larger than average flier. Her Saddle Arabian ancestry made her shopping in general pretty difficult thanks to her taller build. Finding winter clothes for the crystal empire was almost an ordeal by itself. Still, she found some and now they were packed up in the bag behind her. Maybe she should have taken up Mother's offer to make use of the tailor's back home but Fiver's pride hadn't fallen so far ... yet.


    Finally finding a matching number on her ticket, Fiver knocked a few times for courtesy and then opened up the door.


    She looked over the occupants already present and smiled. This was a varied group she'd stumbled in upon. A griffin, an Earth Pony, a pegasus. If she waited a little longer maybe a dragon could pop by. That green maned pegasus looked like she might just be about ready to explode with how much she was shaking... Must be nervous. The black griffin sketching away at her pad made her curious, but she managed to resist the urge to peek: She heard some artists were very touchy about being watched in the middle of a work in progress. 


    Seeing a seat by the corner of the cabin, Fiver took it and carefully put her luggage in the proper compartment. "Okay..." Once that was done she slacked down into her seat with a sigh, "Um... This everyone's first trip to the empire?"




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  16. uLtPV0U.png


    Yeesh. That was certainly... a look. Hogo-sha had seen shellshocked gaze here and there. He'd even given a few of his own when he was first starting out and trying get past his hangups with failure. Thankfully, he'd managed to pull through such a look with time and experience. Like He'd said before, he'd been fighting a while... more then likely twice as long as his opponent had.  On some level he envied her raw strength, but goodness that was a sad gaze. 


    The Dog stood unshaken, the stare only managing to stimulate his curiosity. A smile coming to his muzzle as she tapped the wooden sword, his narrowed as he felt his heartbeat quicken in anticipation. His ears twitched ever so slightly as the cow's hoofs clopped against the cold ground of the arena. On the first tap he dropped the smile, the second tap his eyes narrowed, and on the third he was ready. He was surprised, not so much by her speed but by this risky venture. Eyes were glued to her haunches as they came around... he waited for the moment when they would soon be thrust in his direction and swiftly moved out of way: looking for a moment like a blur of black and blue. 


    When the cow's leg's came out he  was already at her side and delivered a quick jab at the cow's side. The impact wouldn't deal much damage to a hardy 'caribou' like her but being jabbed by a blunt object still hurt... and her opponent's strength managed to slide her backwards about two feet. "You've got very good Hoofing there!" He called out, "If you’re done testing the waters. I hope I've been satisfactory."

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  17. I could definitely give Fiver a try. Haven't played her in years but it could be fun!


    As for what causes of wha tstrands them there... How about someone just uncouples the latch connecting their car to to the train? If they were near the back and in the middle of a snowstorm thent eh car could get sorta left behind and the train could just keep on going?

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  18. uLtPV0U.png


    As renowned caribou were for their warriors, Lately Hogo-sha's time in their land was getting... disappointing. It wasn't his first time in Saarvagerg, this traveler had made several visits in the past to hone his skills in a fight. When he first showed up he he had already been tempered through training with his old master, so he had a bit of an edge of the regular fighter. But now he'd become something of a seasonal regular. He had the advantage of experience now over most of the competition, normally he had his most fun in the royales, or when there was a notable talent in the ring.


    Seems that one had finally managed to show up. This curious scarred caribou showed remarkable strength, even for... whatever she was. There was no fooling this "dog's" nose. An unmistakable scent of magic seemed almost baked into her form or whatever was covering it. Whatever reason she had for concealing herself from the caribou wasn't something Hogo-sha was concerned with. Right now there was a promising scrap in front of him and he was not about to let the chance slip. The black dog nimbly hopped over the fallen bou around him, his own number of beaten opponents already  fairly impressive, though clearly this silent cow had outpaced him. "It's good to see someone around here with a some genuine talent..." The dog approached his opponent with a warm smile, "I'm Hogo-sha."


    While the strange dog seemed welcoming enough to his opponent, he was hardly open. He had an air about him, something that just said he was prepared for what was to come his way... or that he at least felt he was.  "I've been coming here a long time... and I look forward to days when I meet someone skilled." He casually handed off the weapon in his left hand to his right and pointed the Bokken* toward the cow. This wooden sword was entirely clean, not a speck of blood or dent on it. Members of the audience might have noticed that earlier he's not really been fighting with the sword in any serious way. Mostly just tapping opponents in vital areas  here and there then knocking them across the stage or into other fighters. None he hit though were ever preocupied and he took care to not interrupt the battles of others in the arena.










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    Hogo-sha couldn't help but notice that derisive look from the big creature. What was with his attitude? Hogo-sha had grown accustomed to looks like that from the Canterlot nobility he occasionally passed by, but on a gigantic mug like that it somehow felt even more annoying. He gave a roll of his eyes at that giant creature and just gave a somewhat dismissive sounding laugh, one of those laughs that you knew was laughing at you: When someone isn't even bothering to take you seriously or with respect.


    The visitor's ears perked up at the sound of a voice from up above. Seemed this large kitten's master had decided to address him, "Good Morning, Your Highness! I'm flattered by your assumptions, but sadly the only high rank or office I could hold is only in a very small pack on a mountaintop back home. I do hope to represent my people in a greater capacity someday! All I am is the son of an old dog."  Seemed the gaze of the sphinx had managed to unnerve a few ponies that they parted around the Dog. At least this gave him some room to bow his head towards Blueblood. If anything, Hogo-sha was not going to let this overgrown feline make him forget his good manners. 


    "I've never gotten to see a Sphinx in anything other than pictures in books, Your highness. Could you ask him if the others of his kind are as large and mighty as the legends say they are? Is there a chance he may grow bigger in time?" 



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  20. Headless Hexxer


    Tier 4


    Intelligence: 4

    Strength: 4

    Speed: 6

    Durability: 6

    Energy Projection: 5

    Fighting Skills: 5





    (Kirin) Tier 3.5

    (Yokaiju) Tier 4.5


    Intelligence: 4

    Strength: 4

    Speed: 5

    Durability:  4

    Energy Projection: 5 (kirin) 7 (Yokaiju)

    Fighting Skills:  3


    Avant Garde


    Tier 4


    Intelligence: 4.5

    Strength: 3

    Speed: 4

    Durability: 2

    Energy Projection: 6

    Fighting Skills: 4


    Sunlight Sentinel


    Tier 5


    *Relative to the position of the sun*


    Intelligence: 7

    Strength: 6-7+

    Speed: 5

    Durability: 6

    Energy Projection:  5

    Fighting Skills: 6


    Moonlit Knight


    Tier 5


    *Moon and Armor


    Intelligence: 7

    Strength: 4 - 5*

    Speed: 5 - 6*

    Durability: 4 - 6*

    Energy Projection: 7-7+

    Fighting Skills: 6




    Sorry to keep everyone waiting. Finally managed to finish this list. Would everyone be alright with me adding the Tier and Stat list to the character app sheet?

  21. 12 hours ago, DerpRavener said:

    I came up with a scale a while back, that worked roughly as follows.  Note that the lists are not exhaustive, meant more to give examples than encompass the tier.


    Tier 1 is approximately civilian level, generally low level or improvised capabilities.  This would include wild animals, militia, petty criminals and the like.


    Tier 2 is that of active combatants, including your average soldier, higher skilled or more specialist police, and would probably lump in people with (atypical) powers or magic who are otherwise untrained.


    Tier 3 is where you get into more specialized or empowered combatants.  I would expect 'typical' superheroes and supervillains to fall into this tier.  Specialized and particularly trained military or magic users would also fall into this tier.


    Tier 4 is the start of the extreme end, where you get low grade or localized reality warpers, or people whose abilities while smaller in scale are much wider in range.  Examples are a little harder to come up with for this tier, though I think things like demons, AIs (say in control of a facility) or large mecha could probably fit into it.


    Tier 5 is the top, including the most extreme sorts of things like physical manifestations of gods, ancient wizards who can raise armies of constructs or level cities, or AIs in charge of an entire fleet or a country.



    I'd also be up for using Tacobob's chart, though it'd be a little more involved.  I'd also like to either get or come up with a scale for that one, to get a sense of what a given number means for a character.

    It might almost be worth using both, Tacobob's to be extra description that could be applied to characters, and mine as a means of shorthand for what level a given thread is intended or expected to be.


    On 2/16/2019 at 1:44 AM, tacobob said:

    We could always use the old marvel power chart.




    Z.E.L.D.A would probably be.






    Energy Projection:0

    Fighting Skills:5

    I don't have any issue with using both of these, frankly.  I can see the pros and cons... Would everyone be alright trying to categorize their character according to where they land on these scales? I can start us off by trying to  stat my character's starting with my latest. 

  22. Today the citizens of Canterlot were treated to more than one oddity on their streets. While he was nowhere near as impressive as a creature of legend walking down the square or as glamorous as the "pharoah" riding on the beast's back, A well spoken diamond dog in a fancy coat and a wooden sword was still quite a sight for the natives to behold. He'd been here a couple days so far, partly drawn here when he noticed a particularly familiar scent coming from the town. By the time he'd caught wind of it though it seemed the one who had caused it had moved on to somewhere nearby... he hoped that old goat hadn't found himself in some trouble of somekind. That rumor about some giant creature winning second place in the running of the leaves had gotten him worried.


    While the oddly regal Diamond dog strolled through the street he paused as his muzzle began to wrinkle up. The dog pinched his nose shut in time to stifle a harsh sneeze, "Huh... A... cat?" Against his better judgement, Hogo-sha took another few whiffs of the air. After a short fit of sneezes he realized something very strange about this scent on the wind. He'd scented out Nekomata and Bakeneko before back home... they had a feline scent tinged with magic, but this: This was something very rare. 


    HE'd been relaxing by the backstreets with a book when he noticed a tail flick by behind the roof of a building. This was something EXTREMELY unique, and very big evidently. Large knuckles made a pass over his damp nose and grimaced, knowing he'd probably be regretting this all week. It seemed despite the spectacle, not much of a crowd had formed yet, So Hogo-sha slipped into the masses, following along carefully as he scoped out this massive creature. "A... Sphinx? I thought they were all extinct." He looked up and down over hte creature, "Hm... Oka-san made them sound so much bigger. Maybe this one's a runt?" He muttered aloud to himself.





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