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Status Updates posted by Pretzelparty

  1. gonna try and get some posts out tonight

  2. It's almost over... the packing is done, now the moving may commence! and thankfully my new place will have intnet on the first night:)

  3. Is anyone else having a problem with WOE application. I Can't seem to see the prefix or tag menus there but in the CC app section it works fine.

  4. *loud typing noises!*

  5. I think I now know what my favorite pony episode is. :)

  6. *makes sick typing noises*

  7. figures on the day I was plannign to spend posting im called to help someone Move. XD

  8. posts planned for today: Foals at heart, smell of success, Unfair trade... and maybe horror coems to ponyville

  9. I'm wondering if I shoudl stop announcing when I intend to post on this ... I always seem to jinx myself!

  10. I'm Gonna try and post some stuff tomorrow eveninig or afternoon, sorry for keeping eveyrone waiting

  11. Sigrun posts coming tonight!

  12. -Agressive typing noises!-

  13. posts shall be made today if hte powers that be allow me time! Wish me luck!

  14. Working on my posts now! On a sidenote remember to vote in the alicorn voting poll!

  15. My martial arts pony has been accepted into WOE! Now where shall I put him to have him mingle...

  16. Posts coming today! also don't forget to vote in the alicorn poll!

  17. Don't forget to vote in the Alicorn poll! located in questions and suggestions category! Everyone let your voice be heard! on a side note, posts will be made later tonight

  18. Alicorn voting poll is still up! Don't forget to vote! in other new WOOOOOOOOO! I hit the thousand post mark!

  19. The alicorn voting poll is still up and will be open for about two more weeks! try to vote before it closes

  20. Gonna app my first stallion in awhile!

  21. Sorry I've been slow on posts for a lil bit... I've been working on some apps :)

  22. posts shall come tonight... they may come late, but by celestia they will come!

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