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Everything posted by Pandy

  1. Hey there! ^_^ thank you all so much for the lovely welcome, I look forward to roleplaying on the site soon~ I will go and read through everything shortly. Thanks so much again. @Keyblade Master - your avi is AWESOME! I'm a huge KH geek lol<3
  2. Hello there everypony! I am Pandy and i'm also relatively new to the brony community ^-^ my favorite pony tends to lean on the more tomboyish ponies such as Rainbowdash, Applejack and Twilight , versus Rarity, Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. I love Vinyl Scratch / DJ Pon-3 honestly, who dosn't? and for the older gens I liked : Moondancer, Glory, Ivy and Minty. I'm not sure why really as I don't dislike any pony, But my favorite tends to really rotate. Right now I especially love Applejack and have a big soft spot for her but I feel most connected to Twilight in terms of personality. You could say i'm mixed with some of Fluttershy as well, especially now as i'm new to all this and feeling a bit nervous posting. XD What about you? : D Recently I have been a little lonely in the past year and a half as I moved to a new area and have had a hard time making some friends around my age. I would really love to make some friends here online! or possibly some friends in my area who share my interest in pony or other hobbies, but for now I will just enjoy my time here on the forums. I am a honest and genuine person , I am positive and I try to be a good friend. I have many layers to my personality, though I kind of wear my heart on my sleeve. As far as my other interests go outside of pony it relates to the typical geek fandoms; I love going to disneyland and disney movies, Gaming (mostly RPG and MMOs), Anime, Manga, Kpop, Cpop, Chinese herbalism, Chinese astrology, Cosplay, BJDs (ball jointed dolls) , Dr who, Sherlock, Game of thrones, Xmen, Drawing, Reading, Writing, Roleplay, DIY projects, crafting , having deep conversations, listening, helping someone in need , wolves and Horses. I have been a role player for quite some time and i'm good at portraying characters or coming up with my own unique ones, I'm open to most RP genres so if you'd be interested in that feel free to message me anytime! I thank you for your time and I am looking forward to getting to know you all very soon : ] I hope to enjoy myself around the forums~ ^__^ take care!
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