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Posts posted by halofan303

  1. gallery_883_35_43044.png

    Name: Tinker

    Sex: Female

    Age: young adult

    Species: Hippogriff

    Pelt Color: Brown

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: white mane, cotton candy colored hair and eye markings(#FFBCD9 – main Rp color)

    Eye Color: Eton blue (#96c8a2 -secondary Rp color)(incase somepony is already using a pink in the rp.)

    Cutie Mark: two gears, two clock arms and steam enveloping the gearwork

    Physique: slightly above average

    Origin: born and raised in Talonpolis

    Roleplay Type: “Mane” rp

    Occupation: Clock-worker and steam powered engineer, that lives a few kicks from Talonpolis.

    Motivation: To make amazing, staggering, breathtaking clockworks, and to be known across equestrian for so.

    Likes: Clockwork, most of the things she makes she likes, fruit-mainly apples-, One-wing(as a friend, for now :lol:)

    Dislikes: the touching of her personal work without care, "meanies", rust,

    Character Summary: A tomboy hippogriff that doesn’t have much of a species preference, meaning she doesn’t dislike ponies or much other creatures. This is mostly due to the fact that their all potential customers, but also because it seems pointless to bother with such a thing as racism. She is very skilled with clockworks and steam-punk styled machines, owns her own -rather large- workshop too.

    History-its rather long-:

    When Tinker was young she didn't go to school, her family was in a rather deep dept, because her mother was a Pegasus they had to pay a large amount of living expenses. because of this her parents were always busy with their work. Instead of going to school, she would watch her father work, and from watching she learned how to do the professions so herself. when she did not watch her father work. she would go around the city, unwatched, unnoticed by most griffins, and collect scraps of metal and small bits of clockwork parts that had been tossed to the side and forgotten. she knew most bits had a purpose or use, because her father was a clockwork and a metalworker, working in several techniques and methods of artisan.

    she would use the scrap she collected for building clockworks and small steam powered toys, using her father’s work shop(with his supervision of course, she was still very young,) and would turn them into trinkets or parts for her fathers work. Her room was full of trinkets, each and every one of them had a purpose and ability. for some-pony so young, she had become very talented.

    One day, after having saved some of their money, her parents had enrolled her to a artisans boarding school(she was around 10 or 11 at the time). She was happy to go, to be able to get better at that which she was already good at, but it came at a cost. she could not bring all of her clockworks and figures. she was heartbroken, devastated, but not at an all loss as her father had made her a clockwork pocket watch with parts from various trinkets, she could easily tell what parts came from which trinket so she was rather pleased.

    In her school she got bullied for being a hippogriff and having short head feathers at the time, but this didn’t bother her. She could easily beat those who bothered her, and was smart enough to know that only bad would come from so. being one of the best clockworks and engineers at her school, there was a point she began excelling the teachers in most of the practical departments. making them rather embarrassed, but impressed at the same time.

    She completed the schooling and left to go journeying, she was tired of being in that blasted city all the time. So she traveled across equestrian. From canterlot to apploosa, from manehatten to ponyville. however one day as she flew over roughrider ridge she was attacked by a band of thugs, she ran through the Everfree, hoping to escape the band. An aged Pegasus was in her path, and she crashed into him. She was about to continue before he asked if she needed a place to hide.

    This Pegasus could see the panic in her eyes and took her within his keep. It was a rather large domain, with living space, several bedrooms and bathrooms a kitchen or two as well. However, the most interesting factor of this place was it had a laboratory and a library. And the Pegasus which had took her into shelter pronounced himself as “one-wing”

    This Pegasus had only a single wing, but in turn seemed rather intelligent. He helped her back to her feet from the incident, and asked of nothing of return. Tinker, slightly shocked at a pony(and a Pegasus at that) showing such kindness towards a foreign species. She chose made him a gift, a clock work pocket watch, similar to her own, but much different in its own way. giving it to the pegasus, she asked if he would visit her one day within razor claw canyon.

    After that she was off, she spent some months more exploring before returning to the griffon kingdom. She had made some money in her travels off selling clockworks as well as helping out, and decided to open up her own clockwork shop within the mountains of the razor claw canyon. She made custom parts with her rather detailed arts, getting rather well paying contractors within Talonpolis. She also spent her time creating new forms and techniques for the art of clockwork and steam-punk, and often got contracted to run over schematics for improvement. She was running quite a well-paying business.

    On a rainy night, she was woken from her sleep by a clash of lightning, and decided to take a look at the storm. When below on a poorly shielded ledge, she saw a pony, resting. Knowing how harsh the storm could get around these parts, she went down to offer the pony a place to stay for the night. As she approached, she recognized the pony as the Pegasus, one-wing. The one that had helped her in a time of need.

    Inside her cave home, they reminiscence upon their many adventures they had in the months that went by since they last had met. They talked as if they were naturally friends. Sharing a common interest in gaining knowledge and creating, in their respective areas of course. They became rather good friends from that point on, visiting each other often. For a young adult as herself, things are going good for her.

    she still traveled Equestria every now and then, and from time to time she visits Talonpolis, to meet with some of her old friends and family.


    Tinker welding:


    Tinker's color ref:


    Tinker's cutie mark:


  2. ~one-wing~

    "likewise, midnight." he had said that before fly-by reacted. sitting there quietly, he looking over at the muffin shop, not sure of what he was gonna say or do next, hopefully the line in the muffin shop would clear up soon. who was this stranger though? and why did she sit here? this didn't seem normal to him as there were some available seats about. never the less it would be rude to tell the mare to leave. unless she became a nuisance that is.

  3. ~one-wing~

    "yea i spose some of them d-" interrupted by fly-by's arrival, he turned to the newcomer. "umm," (....awkwarrrrd.....) "well nice to uhhh meet you fly by..." he looked at midnight, curiously wondering if this "fly-by" was a friend of hers or not and shrugged. he then looked back over towards the muffin shop, the line had still not calmed down. and the constant noise of ponies and creatures out and about was getting to him, he needed a dang muffin to calm his nerves.

    ((ooc: a fair note, thier outside the muffin shop, which is not too far from the pancake place, just trying to keep the chrono in check...so may we say you meant something from a nearby restaurant perhaps? if not then i got no clue on what to do about the sudden environment confusion @~@))

  4. ~One-wing~

    "well, pancake shops are far and thin, more pastries such as muffins, cupcakes, ect.... not alot of pancake shops, especially not of such quality and taste..." he sat there thinking about it for a few moments, knowing how odd it seemed. "but, i come to manehatten like thrice, maybe four times a month. plus there's a few shops here i check so its not much of a bother i guess." he wasn't sure what to say, most of the herbs he used for his mictures were either wild, bought, farmed or all three, but telling her his profession would probably make him seem weird.

    he tried to put a smile on his face, it was slightly unstable. "but ummm yea, i come here for a few reasons..." (good celestia when is that line gonna lighten up!!!)

  5. ~one-wing~

    He sat there for a moment and then got a sublt look on his face as he turned to her.

    "yeap, i was invited by my favorite pancake diner to come to their annual event as a "guest of honor", usually its only generous donators and loyal customers that get these titles..."

    he shrugged as he lent back. "Guess I'm one of the two? i come round' once in a while to get some of their exquisite pancakes and restock on syrup...and i have done so fooooor..... the past five years i think?" he looked up "Not my first time going to the event either, and probably my second as one of the guests of honor." his attention turned to her. "but yea, there holding an event this evening, the reason im here early is.... well a few reasons i guess..." he sat up straight again and looked at the muffin shop, the line having only cleared up by a bit... (by celestia what the he*k is taking so long?)

  6. ~one-wing~


    It had been a long race, and one-wing was exhausted, tired so to speak. his head did not feel all to well either, and decided he were to go to the medical wing right away. knowing he had not won the race, and that it would be based off points rather then position. if only he thought of that earlier... but at the moment his welfare became a rather important objective for him. He had gone to one of the nurses whom worked at the hour and got a quick patch up for his head, and there after headed to the celebration area to have a good time


    Upon arriving at the celebration he was unsure of what to do, or who to talk to. and chose to just sit at the side and watch for now. it had been a long day for him, but he thought back at the beautiful views he had seen that day. The soothing river, flowing with a bright shimmering light.

    The leaves, falling and shined against the suns rays in their various colors.

    The trees glistening in the autumn day, with the sweet smell of syrup up and about.

    and who could forget the breath taking view of which was seen from up atop of the mountain pathway? The vast and gorgeous field of autumn trees, with its various red and orange leaf colors.

    thinking back upon these wonderful views had him at ease, and he looked upon the others of which he had raced along side of. today had been quite a good day, despite all the head bashing, cheating, and drama of the race. it had still been quite fun and humorous. (I hope i get to be with next year. or watch, that be mighty fine too.)

    when he heard applejack holler of her giveaways he thought for a moment and decided it was best to not take too much for granted. he felt the other, much harder working racers deserved/needed it more then him, Especially after all the help he had already gotten that day...

    ((ooc: /)((o(||)o))(\ <-blargh... <-random <-obvious <-indeed <- add-on <-pickles <-random <-obvious <-indeed <-add-on <-pickles <-colorful ))

  7. ~one-wing~

    "Iye, well that certainly does explain why your in a place like this, but not as to why your here early." he looked up in the sky as a group of young Pegasi seared by up above, making a "swoosh" sound as they flew by. "mhmmm...."

    After they were out of sight, he looked back at her, with a slight smile. "Well, as for why i am in Manehatten. I'm really just on a joy trip, as well as for a certain event at one of the restaurants here tonight."


  8. oh wow,

    there sure is alot of ponies replying to thier elements.

    itsssss a nice forum...

    would be a sssshame if ssssomething were to happen to it....




    -this post is legal, because this topic is in the spam stables. UPVFV.gif


    on a related note,

    it is interesting seeing all of the elements!


  9. ~One-wing~

    "yea, peace and quiet aren't easy to come by in places like that I'd image." One-wing enjoyed piece a lot at times, and especially while taking a good look at scenery. However places with corruption do tend to be interesting, full of adventure, and danger too, of course most prefer being at peace then fighting. "Well it does make sense as to why you aren't comfortable here. no quietness, tons of crowds, doesn't sound like something your used too. so what brings you here? mind me asking." He looked at he curiously, certainly someone who lived in a place were ponies didn't go often. it would seem absurd as to why she was in a big city such as this. perhaps shes out here shopping? business? or maybe shes here for a meal of sorts, but why go all the way to Manehatten for that? whether she told him or not it did not matter much.


    ////as as long as pickles are pickles there will be a cricket at the dawn of the empire//// -random quote

  10. ~one-wing~

    "true." he sat there quietly for a moment. "But if your wise with the forest it can be a nice place to live." he had a even more feel of interrogation now, as if she was trying to get details for an assassination attempt or something of the like, but no, no, its not good to jump to conclusions. maybe shes just curious? "i for one do enjoy the scenery of the forest quite well. of course I've had a few run-ins, but i haven't really gotten into too much trouble within the forest." He smirked a little, hoping that she would not ask as to details of his forest home.

    "but its not every-pony that make their homes in Roughrider ridge either, now is it? Considering that some of the cities in the ridge aren't very friendly." having passed through the ridge once or twice before, and he had gotten the impression that it wasn't the "jolly-est" place in Equestria.

  11. ~one-wing~

    "well that's neat"

    he looked into his bag, but stopped as she asked him a question. he thought for a moment, as to what he should answer. he turned towards her holding a flask of sorts in his one hove.

    "Well," there was a short pause in his sentence.

    "I have a home in a sky city, not clouds dale but another city in the skies." he drank some of the yellow colored liquid "and then i also have a home in the Everfree." He shrugged slightly, unsure if he had answered her question

  12. ~One-wing~

    "roughrider ridge.... is that not far from the Everfree?" (by Celestia my geography is horrible...) He had a somewhat relaxed look on his face, as he was rather enjoying having the company of someone to talk to, even if it twas someone he did not know all to well he still felt decent from it. A feather fell off his working wing, from a quick look it appeared as he hasn't preened it properly of old feathers yet, perhaps he was intending on doing it later? but even so it still did not explain as to why what appears to his other wing looked like it was damaged to a intense degree.

    He stretched his legs a little, as they were getting a little sleepy from him just sitting there on the bench.

  13. ~One-wing~

    He retracted his hove, slightly confused, but regained his mental footing as he replied; "Well it tis a pleasure to meet you ma'am." smiling, he nodding back at her. was she from a distant part of Equestria? one of which he did not know the culture of all to well? perhaps she was raised in a forest? or maybe out by fillydelphia? He didn't know and wanted to avoid being rude by asking outright. but he had the feeling that he was being slightly inspected, as if she was a detective, maybe her sword was just a disguise? Either way he stretched his working wing and his obliterated wing, as they were beginning to get tired from sitting still. he folds them in again and looks over at the muffin shop. the line hadn't gotten much shorter, maybe they were having a shortage of muffins? "~sigh~ i take it a lot of ponies want muffins today heh...but you don't seem at home here, would you mind if i ask were you are from?"

  14. ~One-wing~

    One-wing began getting the feel that the mare wasen't in the best of moods from the city. so he felt a need to be as well mannerd as he could, but being horrid with manners knowing what manners are it that meant he was gonna avoid being sour.

    He glanced quickly at the muffin shop, keeping tabs on the line. and quickly back at her as she spoke again. giving a rather gentle look at her with eye contact.

    "Iye, crowds are rather frustrating, makes things too slow or too hectic... alas the only discrete thing one can do is wait it out or avoid em' all together." he gave a subtle smile as he finished talking his sentence.

    "Anywho my names one-wing." He reached out his hoove for a handshake smiling.

  15. ((ooc: i hear this song when think of this moment of the rp event, suited it quite good despite the lack of relevance :D ))


    "THE FINAL RUN! haha! didn't think id make it this far!!" somehow one-wing had managed to keep up with the ponies in the back of the herd. he had no intention on winning, no it was too late for that....but he was going to make it to that line, and then come in last place.

    with this intention in mind he broke of from the herd, running along side it while still staying on the path. He made a very sprint filled run, trying his hardest to make it to the finishing line, determined and full of energy he passed a couple of ponies.

    he was almost there, he was almost across the line, when he came to a slide and stopped right next to the finish. Without passing it he sat down, smiling at the other racers as the ran across the finishing line. There was no way he could win, so he decided he was going to be the last one over the finishing line. (Today sure was one heck of a race....and it sure was fun!....maybe I'll get to be with next year if I'm lucky!) He sat there watching, patiently, and smiled as the other competitors finished the final leg of the race...

  16. ~One-wing~

    Rather surprised that someone actually heard him amidst the rather loud city, let alone actually responded. He was unsure of what to say, slightly at a lack of words.

    He turned towards midnight slightly and smiled, "yea, but still it's good weather." Why was she approaching him? he wondered, and in a city like this? He had a slight feeling of awkwardness. it would be different if it was in a less of a hectic place, but in a city? however this did intrigue him, and so did the mare that approached him.

    Upon looking her quickly over he saw that she reminded him of a mare he once knew from his hometown, one he used to know well. Her cutiemark caught his eye, twas blade of sort., was she a warrior? a duelist? perhaps an assassin? If she was he didn't think it twas safe take his eyes off her, but wouldn't that be rude? He quickly looked over at the muffin shop, realizing that he had been staring at her flank. After clearing his through he looked back at the mare. "pretty busy here today isn't it?" He often felt awkward around strangers. However she did seem rather interesting, and had approached him, so why not try meeting someone new he thought to himself.

    ((ooc: sorry if its a bit short, i aint the best at making fillers :???:))

  17. ~One-wing~

    Admiring the skies, he smirked and to himself he said; "such lovely weather were having today..." One-wing was walking down the streets of Manehatten, as he had a craving for a muffin. walking down a rather long street he passed by various buildings and shops, restaurants and parleys, hairdressers and one of the town's spas, not to mention a few buisnesses and a interesting clockwork store.

    As he approached the muffin bakery he saw that there was a rather large line, apperently he wasent the only pony with a craving. Not being much of a stallion for standing in lines, he decided to go sit on one of the benches to wait for some of the ponies to leave the shop.

    He looked up as he sat on the bench, admiring the clouds. "wow, the clouds here look great, i bet the pegasi here work hard on them..." (urgh, again with the talking to myself....) In a big city like Manehatten he really didn't expect anyone to respond to his random queries, as most ponies here are busy.

  18. ~Pancake Diner Event~

    -The setup-

    It was a rather warm autumn's day, in the busy city of Manehatten. Today, the pancake shop near the center of town was having a small late evening meal event as a thank you to a number of kind customers and donatores.

    One-wing, being on the list of these participants, had been invited as a guest for his a few of his donations and his time as a customer. He had also been given an extra guest seat which he could bring a friend with, but he had no clue as to who, and the meal was not until the evening. so a walk around town was his idea, maybe he'd even meet somepony he could bring along to the meal?

    ((ooc: this roleplay will most likely stay invite only., but if anypony wants to join, pm me and ill give it a thought. however for the meal itself i might consider opening it, or giving more spaces because a meal isent a meal without other ponies....but until then I'm pretty sure it'll stay invite only/pm to request joining)

    ---note this list updates, so some may be added and some may be removed. so if you want to be well informed check it every so often---


    list of current Rpers/characters 4/4


    Halofan303- One-wing

    Phil the time wizard- Midnight brand

    Bronies For Life- Fly-by

    Dusty - Dusty hooves


    ((ooc: that's not here for a specific reason, but rather for me too keep track of things personally so i don't get lost :lol:))


    Event Que list 4/6


    Halofan303- One-wing

    Phil the time wizard- Midnight brand

    Bronies For Life- Fly-by

    Dusty - Dusty hooves


    (just cause ye aint a guest of honor or a guest of the guest of honor's doesn't mean you can't be with! but there is only so much room in the pancake diner!)


    ((ooc: the second list is cause we can't have a big dinner with only 4 ponies now can we? :???: there is of course background ponies, but we still need a couple of extra's to join in...so yea theres a bonus 2 slots for those who wanna be at the event!-might add more later on, idk-))


    ((ooc: a note; this isn't an official event rp thing like rotl, just a roleplay. i just chose to get creative with it.))

  19. ~One-wing~

    After having finished licking syrup off the tree, he happily galloped on. the sweet syrup taste had gotten stuck in his mouth. Not that he didn't enjoy that of course...

    "MAN its been quite some time since i had some fine syrup. i should really visit Manehatten again sometime soon..." looking up at the sky, smiling, he was enjoying most of the race. with the exceptions of getting hit in the head. as he came around the corner he spotted the griffon, and the several ponies that were trying to get her free. passing by at a rather slow pace, the thought of the irony of the situation and chuckled quite a bit. continuing on he avoided most of the puddles, knowing things wouldn't end so well if he fell into one.

    He looked up into the tree tops, as the sun glistened through what was left of the leaves. the sun shine reflecting off the thick syrup was also quite a view, but being distracted by the view he walked into a pony who was in front of him. "!!!- oh umm sorry." (third time today...just my luck...) " i umm was distracted..heh sorry." he gave a slightly nervous smile...

  20. well id say its going fairly well for one wing,

    despite having hit his head by falling off the bridge...

    and faceplanting a rock...

    and a rock faceplanting him....

    hes actually doing fairly good despite that!!! :lol:

    though everypony-and griffon- in this race is doing a pretty good job!! -cheating or not-

    keep it up yall!! :grin:

    I'm quite happy that i managed to enter an event such as this, and that it was hosted in the first place!!

    so thanks to all the ponies behind this rather epic event! :smile:

  21. -research findings/reading results-

    well i read the cupcake story.

    and boy was i surprised, apparently the constant fear built me some kind of mental immunity to being scarred.

    i mean sure, i cried a little through it. but no were near as bad as one of the horrible unintentional scootabuse picts i saw D:

    but still...

    it wasn't easy at first, but then after the first scare it became too obvios that dash was toast. so at that point i started feeling less terrified and more amused.

    and, as sick as it sounds, all the inside jokes made me laugh a little.

    so my opinion?

    because dash was toast early on it killed the horror factor, and the plot itself was a little dull...but the concept was rather original ill give it that.

    If i was a pony id probably be a lot more "hit" by this...

    but it was far less terrifying as everyone made it seem like. :lol:

    i must say that the cutiemark cutting and the wing chopping were two of the parts that made me cry, and i get wet eyes just by thinking about something like that happening to dashie.... but never the less it was an interesting story.

    so yea,


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