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Everything posted by Oosdi

  1. I have tried uploading my pic like 5 times now. It says i created an album, but it always shows that it has no content after uploading to it. I have tried the new and old uploader a few times now. My pic is not too large and I have also tried both .png and .jpg files. Whats up? is it down or something? * So sorry I just aw a quick flash of text that told me my images needed approving before they could be posted. I feel bad cause I sent the same thing like 6 or so times. My bad yall.
  2. I dont like any of he princesses, including twilight. Luna is pretty but thats all for me. AJ was always a favorite toy of mine for g1, but I find her character lacking and forced in the g4 show. Rainbow dash is an annoying, arrogant jerk, and I dont think kids should look up to that. Even though she was willing to quit the wonderbolts, I dont think that makes up for her overall attitude problems. I love Rarity, although I must say she doesn't show all that much generosity throughout the show. I think Pinkie should have been left to Faust's design and stayed Surprise with her original colors. I loved Spike in g1, but really dont like him in G4.
  3. Thanks for the welcomes. Hope i get reviewed for my RP app soon
  4. Hi hi, and whats up? Im new. Made an account a little bit back, but real life has been kicking my behind for a while and left me with no time for fun or to relax. Finally, I have the chance to sit down today and say hello, and make my oc! Yay! I was a g1 baby, that frowned on this one at first. That quickly changed and now im a happy pegasister. Still a g1 OG, but I love them both now. My main gamer tag has always been Oosdi, and I reply to that like my given name. I like lots of stuff. I like games of all kinds, board games, computer games console games, i like it all. RPGs, shooters, strategy, (Sins of a Solar Empire is awesome!) anything Zelda, although this might step on some hooves.... im not that big of a windwaker fan! I much prefer OoT and Majorias Mask. Yay for Nintendo.... except the game cube... anyways... I also like music of all kinds, I really love people suggestion things I havent heard . Doesnt matter what genera. I wont know if I like it till ive heard it! I like theater and any art really. Painting, sculpts, music, drawing, writing. I dont do much of any of it myself, but I do admire and enjoy others. I used to be in any play i could get in to when i was younger, and did all the drama clubs in school. I also used to write, and draw... sad things happened tho and its not something I do personally anymore. BUT, im all good I like to fish, camp, swim. Go to music festivals and sit by a camp fire. I love love frogs, and the color green. I also flock to anything shiny, glittery, glow in the dark, or colorful. A prized possession of mine was a glow in the dark, glitter, sticky frog, that i got out of a quarter machine. It made me smile soo much Theres lots more, but this was just supposed to be an introduction and im running long. Hit me up sometime
  5. Oosdi

    Oosdi's art

    my pony art
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