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Posts posted by Slazer

  1. MemoryLane_zpse69aa6cc.png

    Memory Lane answered Applejack's request for bits with a confused look, glancing down at the two gold coins he had already placed on the stand and then back up at the farmer-filly's eyes. "Um... I did, already. You said two bushels for two bits, right?" He tentatively asked, uncertain how she would respond. Friendly though she may be, it didn't escape Lane's mind that Applejack was a business-pony, and he didn't want to come off as somepony trying to start a haggle. He knew from experience that those didn't end well where he was concerned.

  2. MemoryLane_zpse69aa6cc.png

    Memory Lane raised an eye-brow at Applejack's gesture towards the red stallion, absentmindedly retrieving a few bits from the bit pouch as he asked, "You know that pony?" It wasn't every day that a stallion from a rural farm stole a kiss from one of the rulers of Equestria, and Lane was eager for a bit of information about the lucky guy. He looked between the two as he set down his money on the stand and returned his money to it's hiding place, noting the similarly apple-themed cutie marks on the two ponies; they were probably from the same clan, which meant... "He's family, I take it?"

  3. MemoryLane_zpse69aa6cc.png

    Memory Lane suddenly felt this situation had spiraled right out of his control. Whether it was the sudden close contact with Applejack or the fact she had essentially chosen his purchase for him, he had no idea; probably both. Well, I did ask for her opinion. It still seemed rather unsettling to the even-tempered stallion that she seemed so... upset, for lack of a better description, about his simple taste in apples. Rather than say anything about her apparent annoyance or her uncomfortable proximity, Lane just grinned awkwardly and nodded as she gave the price for a bushel. "That's a fair price."

    Actually, buck fair; when he thought about it for a moment, that was downright amazing compared to what apples cost in Canterlot! At that price, maybe he could even... "I'll go ahead and buy a bushel of McIntoshes, too. Those are pretty good on a salad, if you ask me. What do you think?" Well, now that he'd poked the proverbial dragon a second time, Lane only hoped that he could salvage this encounter by exchanging likes on apples. Just to show he was serious, he lifted his hat with a quick flourish of his green magic and removed the small sack of bits hidden underneath; an unusual hiding place, sure, but it was amazing what a little tolerance and a holding charm could accomplish.

  4. MemoryLane_zpse69aa6cc.png

    "Well, howdy there mister. I like yer hat. Hats are fun!"

    As he approached the apple stand-slash-adhoc kissing booth, Memory Lane admittedly had no idea what to expect from this sandy-maned mare, but it was hardly surprising that the first thing she talked about was his hat. What was surprising was that she seemed to like it, given the number of comments he got so often to the contrary (being called 'cuphead' during a particular field trip came to mind), and he couldn't help but raise an eye-brow as he closed the journal still levitating infront of him and slipped it back into his saddlebag. "Really? That's, uh... thank you." He chuckled, trying to let go of his nerves. She seemed like a nice enough gal just from first impressions alone, and unlike many ponies from his type of blueblooded background, Lane found he rather liked her accent; it was a very nice change from the ridiculous voices he was used to.

    "It was part of my university uniform to begin with, but it kind of grew on me. Your hat's nice, too, you know. Looks well loved, but cared for- like there's a history to it. That speaks volumes to a somepony like me." Lane smiled at her, forcing his eyes from her hat and the rather stunning emerald eyes beneath to the different types of apples on the stand. The ostensive reason he was here was not quite banished from the forefront of his mind, and he didn't want to make things any more awkward than necessary.

    "You come here to buy some apples, ah'm guessin' right?"

    Aaaaand there it was. Lane's ears folded back in embarrassment as he grinned sheepishly, "Well... to be honest, I got into the line back there out of pure curiosity. I didn't even really know what was going on until I was halfway here." He replied, looking over the rather succulent looking products on display and trying ignore the thought of the looming bonus that came with them. "But, uh, after that long wait, I am pretty hungry. I'm not much of an apple connoisseur, though; what'd you recommend for a pony with sweet tastes?"

  5. MemoryLane_zpse69aa6cc.png

    Throughout his time in the long and colorful line to Sweet Apple Acres, Memory Lane had kept a quick eye on the proceedings and a quicker quill to his journal. He jotted down note after note, watching the happenings and the surprisingly funny moments and recording his thoughts. Tartarus, he'd even caught a glimpse of Princess Celestia herself catching a kiss from a well-built red stallion just ahead of him! That had almost given the scholarly colt a heart attack, just from how scandalous it seemed- and that was saying nothing of him getting a short conversation with Princess Cadence; Lane wondered how much royalty had shown up in this seemingly backwater town just because it suited them.

    All too quickly, though, Lane reached near the front of the line, and he was more than a little nervous. Midway through, he'd became aware of the real purpose of the booth: as part of a clever sales pitch to help the Apple clan sell more bushels today, they had put a young (and quite pretty, if Lane was honest with himself) mare in the front and offered a kiss as a bonus with every purchase. Oh horseapples, how did I end up in this? Lane cursed inwardly, but he knew why; in all his infinite wisdom, he had jumped into the line out of pure curiosity and now he was way too far in to leave without looking like a prude or, worse, that he was insulting the pony in the booth- one that Lane was certain he recognized, and that usually meant it wouldn't do him any good to make her mad. He'd never even kissed a mare before, much less in public!

    Calm down, just calm down, Lane. It's not that big of a deal; it's just a kiss from a pretty mare in front of what must be the whole darn town. Lane was quickly figuring out that his mind wasn't the best companion right now. The only thing that eased his nerves slightly was the knowledge that nopony he knew was here; if he made a foal out of himself in public, at least it would only be one town he could never go back to, not two.

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  6. I'd like to apologize for a lack of activity on my part. Between my ISP being irritating, cram time at school, and a general creative block all around, I haven't had a lot of time or drive to post anything much on Canterlot. I'm still around, lurkin' and keeping up with the threads I remember being part of, so as soon as I get break my block and find an open moment or ten, I'll put down some posts. :)

  7. MemoryLane_zpse69aa6cc.png


    Memory Lane had been writing in his notebook when Princess Cadence's shout resounded throughout Sweet Apple Acres, and as soon as it processed in his mind, he snapped the tip of his quill against the parchment. What. That was news to him, and it left the stallion flabbergasted for a moment. When had the latest ascendant to the thrones of Equestria found the time to take a husband? Actually, he hadn't heard anything about a wedding since the disastrous event that Princess Cadence's own wedding turned into thanks to the Changelings, which meant...

    A Princess of Equestria is having a foal out of wedlock. Oh, horseapples. While Memory Lane knew he had no right to judge Princess Twilight on what she did in her own private moments, he knew more than a few nobleponies who were not so forgiving, and some of them fueled the rumor mill at the School for Gifted Unicorns. If this got to them, then within hours it would be all over the school, guaranteed.

  8. Sorry for being completely MIA with no warning this past week. I became ill with some kind of flu-bronchitus-sinus-infection...thingy on Monday night, and I've been bedridden almost the entire week. It's only late Friday that I really felt well enough to move around, and today is the first time in five days I've felt like going out to my usual internet cafe. If I keep improving, this impromptu break should be over with.

  9. "Wonderfully, Princess Cadence. Thank you for giving me such good advice." Memory Lane rose back to standing height with a bright grin, adopting a more conversational tone even though he kept his attention squarely on Cadence. "Really, once I started looking at the situation from the point of view you suggested, everything just sort of fell into place. I talked with him for a few days and noticed that a lot of his complaints were about a lack of self-expression. Fortunately, being a Prefect means keeping one ear to the ground: I had learned about a new vocal arts program that was picking up steam in the school underground just a week before, and directed him towards it. He seemed a bit skeptical at the time, since he'd never really thought about singing before then, but I had a feeling he would like it.

    I checked in on him after about two months with only a few minor incidents. It turned out that he was the lead singer for an on-campus musical group, and he was prancing about with a new cutie mark on his flank. I actually spoke with him a few days ago, and he told me that he's psyched that his band is on the graduation program this year. He's happier than I've ever seen him, Princess, and I've you to thank for it."

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  10. Memory Lane's ears twitched when he heard the Princess of Love's name mentioned- by someone quite taken by her presence, in fact. He looked over his shoulder and, indeed, Princess Cadence was in line directly behind him. He stiffened, overwhelmed by the thought of being in the same line as two of the four overseers of Equestria. Since when did an apple farm, even one as famous as Sweet Apple Acres, lure in this much royalty?! He took quick, calming breaths to ease his nerves; it wouldn't do to just stand there like a statue in the direct presence of a Princess- he had to say something. Thankfully, he had been paying attention and overheard the young mare Presteza talking about the Crystal Princess's 'Dear Cady' column. Bingo!

    The young student about-faced and greeted Princess Cadence with a cordial bow, "Good afternoon, Princess Cadence. My name is Memory Lane, but I think you would better know me as 'Record Books'." He said with a warm smile, hoping to everything that she remembered his letter.

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  11. Memory Lane sat splayed out on the faux-leather futon in his private dorm in the School for Gifted Unicorns, sipping from a levitated cup of mint tea as he sorted through the mail and newspapers on the coffee table. Most of it was junk mail or reader letters related to his latest publication, but among them was the latest edition of Equestria Daily- his newspaper of choice, which he wasted no time in perusing.

    Most of the paper was the news that Memory Lane came to expect from the publisher- the latest nobility mess-ups, royal edicts, published books, and so on- but something new caught the observant student's eye: an advice column penned by none other than the Crystal Princess herself, Mi Amore Cadenza. Reading the preface brought a small smile to the historian's face; he, more than most ponies, was well aware of what Princess Cadence had endured within the last year alone and the effect it had to have had on her, yet she still wanted to reach out to other ponies with an open heart and willing hoof. An inspiration of a different kind to the aspiring personal historian.

    The column itself interested Memory Lane as much as its writer- in part because of its writer. The prefect had been looking for an ear to turn to for advice concerning a particularly troublesome fourth-year student he was having difficulty keeping in check, and he could think of no better source than one of the four Alicorn Princesses who oversaw all of Equestrian kind. He set aside the newspaper and retrieved a set of school stationary- with the School for Gifted Unicorn's name and blazon in the upper right corner-, a quill, and a well of black ink. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves, the weight of who he was writing to starting to get to him. "Simple and to the point, Lane. Simple and to the point." And so he started his letter, in clean telekinetic script.

    "Dear Cady,

    It is a pleasure to be able to write to you, Princess Cadence. I am a prefect at your aunt's School for Gifted Unicorns, studying Equestrian History, and am presently in my tenth year in the university. Being in such a position of responsibility is troublesome sometimes, as I am responsible for guiding and keeping the younger students in line, but I enjoy the task. There's something magical about playing a role in teaching fresh minds about the world, even in something as minor as giving them directions about this immense school. But, I digress.

    Recently, I have had to deal with a... particularly troublesome student, who I shall refer to as "White Noise." This unicorn is amazingly gifted and possesses a lust for life that I envy on occasion, but his behavioral record is absolutely deplorable: he causes mayhem on campus for the sake of fun, vandalizes school property to make a point, and is more hardheaded than anypony I've met in my life. And I, by direct request of the upper administration- one step short from it being a request from Princess Celestia herself-, have to somehow put an end to his antics or write up the paperwork for his expulsion.

    Here is my dilemma: I know White Noise, quite well in fact, and I know he does not cause the trouble he does out of any malevolent intent. He wants to live his own life without restraint, but he wouldn't even hurt a fly if it crossed his path. He possesses amazing magical potential, as well- far eclipsing my own and even some of the instructors in his particular specialty. I don't want to be the pony to kick him out of the highest institution in Equestria, but if I cannot somehow get through to him that what he is doing is disrupting the campus, I will be forced to do so.

    I humbly ask your advice, Princess Cadence. What do you suggest I do to make him realize that his habits are causing problems and need to be toned down? I have already tried the direct approach, and wound up painted pink for my trouble- not that there's anything wrong with that- so whatever I do has to be more subtle. Subtly isn't my strong suite, but it occurs to me that there are fewer forces in our world more subtle yet powerful than love, so I hope you can help a frustrated friend help another pony today.

    Your faithful subject,

    Record Books"

    As Memory Lane finished reading over the three pages of neat, border-to-border text he had written, he raised his right hoof and applied it firmly to his forehead with a sighed. "Short and to the point. Yeah, right." He muttered to himself, shaking his head. A glance at his clock told him he had no time to re-write it, however; he quickly folded the letter within a school envelope, strapped on his saddlebags, and hurried off to his next class, mailing it along the way.

  12. Welcome to Canterlot, Leafeon. A roleplayer, gamer, and a game design student? I think you'll be right at home on this forum. :)

    Insofar as joining the RPs, this thread ( http://www.canterlot...re-always-open/ ) will help you figure out where you would want to join, but advice about creating an OC is best left to people better at explaining things than myself. It does provide links to the character applications for sub-forums that require it, if that is what you meant.

  13. Memory Lane trotted up the road towards Sweet Apple Acres, adjusting his orange fez- and checking his equally orange coat for any dirt or other blemishes. He had come to Ponyville to see the little country town that had become one of the most famous settlements in recent Equestrian history first-hoof, having finally found the time to leave Canterlot- and his stressful life at the School for Gifted Unicorns- behind for a few days.

    He had already visited a few other highlights- like the Golden Oak Library that his idol, Twilight Sparkle, had lived in up until her coronation in recent months- but everypony he had spoken to on the subject had told him that no visit to Ponyville was complete without a trip to Sweet Apple Acres, home of the rustic Apple family clan. Their hospitality was well known, even in the School, and Memory Lane was looking forward to meeting them- Applejack in particular. The Element of Honesty, like the other Elements, was well known to anypony who kept up with current events in the School, and Memory Lane was no exception to the rule.

    As he approached the farm now, though, he noticed a rather long line stretching from the entrance. Memory Lane stopped, puzzled at the crowd; he knew the Apples were popular in town, but it looked like at least half the population was at the farm right now- including a few ponies he would not expect to see in such a rural part of the nation. Princess Celestia? Prince Blueblood?! What in Equestria was going on here? He gawked, his jaw agape for a few moments; now he felt, of all things, very under-dressed.. The Princess wasn't that big of a surprise to him- her protégé had lived in Ponyville for nearly three years before ascending to the throne alongside her- but every Canterlot citizen knew of Prince Blueblood's aversion to the common folk, the Apples in particular; Equestria Daily had had a field day with his actions during the Grand Galloping Gala at the end of Princess Twilight Sparkle's first year in town.

    Memory Lane's horn glowed a faint dark green as he retrieved his journal and a fountain pen, jotting down a few notes as he tempered his nerves. He had been in the presence of Princess Celestia a few times before, but never with less than a couple hundred ponies to draw her attention with questions or praise; this was a much more close proximity with less distractions, so he didn't know what to expect as he put on his best smile and walked down to the first open spot at the end of the line- a mere two ponies behind royalty. He knew that his fez and saddlebag, with the School emblem emblazoned on them both, would give away his position if either of them bothered to look his way, so he occupied his time by reciting pleasantries and small talk in his head, recalling the- admittedly limited- social training for interacting with fellow nobility that his father had tried to instill in him as a colt.

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  14. This list is organized first by RP forum (WoE, then CC), and then alphabetically by species (Ponies first, then creatures). Links to profiles are included.

    [World of Equestria]

    [Valiant Warrant]

    Earth Pony\\Female\\Young Mare\\


    Overachieving Staff Sergeant of the Royal Guard.

    Active In

    [Crown Jewel]



    Aspiring Lady and Cutie Mark Crusader of the Manehatten Branch

    Active In

    [Memory Lane]

    Unicorn\\Male\\Young Stallion\\


    Graduate Student of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and published Analytical Scholar

    Active In


    Diamond Dog\\Female\\Adult\\


    Traveling Storyteller and Alchemist of Equestria, and beyond

    Active In

    [Albina Elena Greywing]

    Griffon\\Female\\Young Adult\\


    Hardworking Blacksmith and Merchant of Rockwington

    Active In

    [Canterlot Chronicles]




    Former Wonderbolt Trainee turned merciless Operative of WRAITH

    Active In

  15. I'm just looking for clarification about whether night clubs, and associated equipment such as turntables, are present in WoE Equestria. I know we, of course, have Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon-3 as a canon DJ and a few examples of venue music in the show- Rarity's fashion show in "Suited for Success" and the dance at the end of "A Canterlot Wedding" spring to mind as immediate examples- but I'm talking full-on dance clubs or raves within the inner cities of large cities like Canterlot, Manehatten, or Las Pegasus. I've seen this sort of setting depicted many times in FiM fanfiction, but I'm well aware that WoE is very adherent to show canon, so I wanted to get some opinions from above before I started planning any threads in this setting.

  16. Essentially just the tower. I can probably get a decent monitor for less than $100, and the mouse/keyboard are non-items in the scheme of things; I'm not the type of person who refuses to game on anything except the latest $200 gaming paraphernalia.

    Also, keep in mind portability and durability are going to be issues here. Whatever I put together is going to have to run me for 4+ years of university college.

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