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Everything posted by Davroth

  1. Good thing I don't want half of those things.
  2. I will once I can take pictures again and my eyes are not overflowing with tears Lapis style.
  3. Latest news, special feature Fawkes haaaaaaaaaaates.... me.
  4. You mean I was being legitimately creepy? :<
  5. With you? What? >.> You were my little squid sister before Splatoon was a thing.
  6. You were so cute that I wanted to adopt you as my little sister. That totally is how that works.
  7. It's like all the old people return one by one. God, I feel old.
  8. I pick starters based on the best type, which is always fire. Always. No exception.
  9. Grass starter is easy mode (in red and blue).
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