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Everything posted by Davroth

  1. If I have to pick favorites, it'd be Dragonair.
  2. I'm the kind of player who /never/ uses his rare items no matter what. So I just retried the birds for long enough until I got them into a hyperball. I ended up using my Masterball on Mewtwo because I was done level grinding when I got to it.
  3. It was good popcorn, but I had to share it. Mystic just best fits my state of mind. And thanks.
  4. I had popcorn earlier, since my parents wanted to see Star Trek Beyond with me. Fine movie. No smellovision, though.
  5. Mine. Articuno was part of my red team. I spend quite some time finding 6 Pokemon that would serve as silver bullets for any fight I might face in the game, and Ice/Flying was one of them. And as a legendary, it had great stat growth as well compared to other ice types I might have chosen. So there.
  6. Mmm... okay? Excuse me for choosing a team that fits my mentality the best. XD I'd rather be soulless then mindless, so...
  7. I joined Team Mystic. I'd guess my rarest find was a 10 CP wild Blastoise. edit: What's with all the Team Mystic hate anyway? They are the dominant team in my region, so it was either that, or barely any chance to interact with gyms.
  8. OBJECTION!! Wait. That actually makes a lot of sense.
  9. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a pop tart?
  10. Some things always never change. Everything does.
  11. >:I edit: Page 3 of the Burning of the Forest theymademedoit
  12. Eww, my honorably little sister is hitting on me.. again. I could be a deer and stampede you a path through the burning wood if you want. Heck, I am 80 percent fire anyway.
  13. The forest might be on fire, but it can never really be consumed by the flames. We wouldn't be here if it could.
  14. I'm even more hyped for Danganronpa 3 now that the first episode of the other arc aired. That was amazing. 

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