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Everything posted by Davroth

  1. Rewatching some old Steven Universe episodes is weird. It reminds me how whacky that show used to be, and how much it changed even in its first season.

  2. I would, but you are really far away and air travel is really expensive.
  3. That sucks.. I guess I can't share the greatness with you guys. Sad day.
  4. Maybe he means flying. Lately, flying types have become a little freaky.
  5. Yeah I can see nothing evil looking or ominous about her design. She's a little angel.
  6. The spoiler potential is too high. Sorry, Cakey. Hah. Oh, I will, don't worry. Monaka is literally the devil. But I don't hate her for that.
  7. Man, all my waifus are trash tier today. I see a certain pattern in your choices of Waifus though.
  8. Well, I guess my waifu is trash tier. Woe is me. ^^ Naoto is a solid second pick, even if it's not mine. Yo, Penumbra! Danganronpa Waifus by game? Mine are Toko and Sonia respectively. And then Toko again, if UDP counts.
  9. You are listening to the English voices? Oh, you poor soul..
  10. How can you resist Yukiko's shrine maiden-esque charms?! She's clearly best P4 waifu!!
  11. It is!!! Yo, Phil! Who's best girlfriend? There are no wrong answers.
  12. Oh! But I meant both Danganronpa 1 and 2 are available on the Vita, I wasn't talking about Ultra Despair Girls. UDG had a good story and characters, but I never warmed up to the gameplay. Im super hype for anything new Danganronpa. Even if we might never learn of the ultimate fate of the class of the second game.
  13. What's wrong with the other Danganronpa game?
  14. Someone never heard about the black album. Just go for it!
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