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Everything posted by Davroth

  1. I offer you the gift of friendship, the most valuable of all ships.
  2. He actually actually is. This is but an example. He can also sing passages of operas.
  3. ...nevermind. It's still there if you want to go looking for it in yesterday.
  4. Remember my hint? Try to honour my hint. It was made with the purest of intentions.
  5. How would we do that? Also, it'll be a while. XD
  6. The cold embrace of the grave? Or maybe that's just me.
  7. Fawkes might be back if he had fun. Or, you know, next year.
  8. Hope and despair are two sides of the same coin, though.
  9. Your opinion on the matter has been noted, Thala.
  10. Being 'good' is overrated. I'm a rebel who only plays by his own rules.
  11. 35 buckeroos is not enough for me to sell out my moral principles. Not even when they touched Cakey's paypal.
  12. I think making double posts is in poor taste when it comes to a competition such as this. It hurts the spirit of it all. :3
  13. We are still 4 pages away.. I don't think us two will be able to win this without bending the rules.
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