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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. Hi! Just one quick fix and I'm ready to stamp :)


    In the unique traits under dark magic you mention Sombra as part of the shadowed seven. So as not to assume that for anyone playing Sombra please take that one sentence out. 


    Other than that you're good to go! This app is great, what a story! 

    • Thanks 1
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    Well now, that was...awkward. Rarity cringed slightly at the interaction between the two. She'd been hoping with AJ's amiable nature that maybe their first encounter would have gone a little smoother. She had thought Moonlight might show up today and had asked Applejack to make an appearance around lunchtime. It hadn't been a sure bet the two would cross paths in the boutique but apparently luck was with the fashionista today! Well, she thought it had been luck until the encounter actually took place.


    "Oh well yes were are all set with the uniforms darling." Rarity smiled softly. "Perhaps you'd like to join us?"


    "Uh yeah!" Applejack spoke up. She knew she'd not made the best impression at first but she was gonna try her darndest! Family was and always would be family. No matter what! "I brought enough fer three of us. Let's share lunch an' you can fill me in!" She pointed to her forehead. "You know on what it's been like to be a unicorn!" She glossed over the change in other areas. No need to go into details. 


    AJ set down the basket and opened it. There were fancy sandwiches like she knew Rarity liked. There were also small bowls of green, and sweet pastries filled with cinnamon apples as well. "Looks good don't it?" She placed a few items on one of the plates that was in the basket and offered it to Moonlight. "So how've you been sugarcube?"

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    Glitter rummaged around in the far room. She filled bowls with food, water, and assorted treats. She watched carefully that the animals got their fair shares and that no one fought with each other. A parrot perched on her poll and squawked loudly effectively drowning almost all of what the unicorn in the other room said. 


    "I'll be right there!" She called to the visitor, wishing she could get the animals taken care of faster. She hardy ever had visitors much less visitors like this one! The unicorn was tall, dauntingly so. She seemed rough around  the edges and she was well...she was attractive. Glitter felt herself blush at the thought! She hadn't felt anything like that in a long time. A very long time. Too long a time! She sucked in a breath and fixed her thoughts on finishing the feeding as fast as possible.


    "You guys keep it down in here ok?" She raised an eyebrow at a particularly fussy dog. "No complaining," She glared at a cat that was about to bat the tail of an unsuspecting puppy. "And no fighting!" She sighed and walked back into the other room to see to her guest. 


    She caught the last part, the part about being the mare she was supposed to help. Glitter trotted into the kitchen and offered a chair to the plum colored unicorn. "Uh," She levitated her tea from earlier over to her and took a sip. "Yes?" She did a double take when she looked Tempest in the face for the first time. "Yes! I could totally use some help!"


    Glitter looked to her tea and then back quickly to Tempest. "Sorry. What did you say our name was?" She blew a few strands of stray forelocks away from her eyes, not noticing the macaw still perched between her ears. 

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    "Ok, ok, you got me. Come on, let's get all of you fed!" The unicorn stood up and with some mustered resolve set herself to the task of the morning feeding of her pet zoo. Cats swarmed and birds fluttered. Dogs wagged and one very fat raccoon burped. 


    It was in the middle of all of this that a knock came to the door. "Hmm?" She looked up from a particularly pushy cat's feeding dish as the sound came to her ears. "Oh!" The thought of the letter from the Empire that she'd not bothered to open. She'd tossed it on the stack with the others. They always said the same thing, she hadn't opened one in months. Keep the peace. Track the mysterious beasts. Ask the aging ponies around the area if they were in need to help to get their houses ready for the coldest months. Yada yada yada...


    And now came this knock, and behind it a voice. She hadn't heard what the voice had said but there was definitely somepony out there. Somepony that was probably pretty cold and would probably want to come inside for a few minutes at least! Must to the dismay of various pets Glitter turned and trotted to the door. A bird followed her, intent on having his morning seeds. 


    "Hi there!" She spoke not unkindly as the door was opened at least part way. "Come on in." The bird behind her let loose a squawk that turned her head. "I'll uh...I'll be right with you. There's tea in the kitchen if you'd like?" Glitter hadn't even glanced at who was at the door. She wasn't intending to be rude, there was just a lot going on!


    She turned and made her way back to the animals. The visitor could follow if they wished. She really just needed to get the pets fed and then she'd be all ears for whoever this was and whatever they wanted. 

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    The day dawned pristine in the the lands of the Far North. Snow sparkled on every pine needle and the world was stillness. The sky tinged pink and soft blue as the sun touched the land, waking it from frost laden slumber. No breeze disturbed the quiet, no trickle of water, no bird song. Everything lay locked in icy serenity. 


    CRUNCH! Crunch crunch, crunch crunch, crunch crunch...


    A set of pony hooves cracked through the frost layer upon the glittering snow. Her hooves delved holes into the top layer snow as she made her way along what she knew was a path deep under the drifts.


    "Whew! It's a cold one!" Glitter Drops shivered involuntary under her layers of scarves and coats. "Glad I wasn't out here last night!" She glanced around. "Still, at least there's no wind today." The unicorn spoke to nopony in particular as she made her way through a particularly deep drift. "Ah!"


    Aqua colored magic streamed from her horn towards a bush not far away that had red berries growing from it. Once some of the fruits had been stowed in her saddle bag the mare turned to make for home. 


    Home was also an office, the headquarters of the Imperial Arctic Patrol to be exact. A ranger station in truth it doubled as the accommodations for the solitary unicorn. Well, for Glitter and her 'pets'. She was met with much trilling, squeaking, meowing, and barking as she stripped her outer layers and made for the kitchen in the back of the station.


    "Yes yes everyone, I'm back." She soothed her myriad animals as she set a kettle on the stove. Soon it was whistling and she poured out the water along with a tea bag and a hoof full of the berries. "Nothing better than holly berry tea on a cold morning!" She sat back in a chair and mused while petting two or three cats that joined her.


    How long had it been now? Well, a long long long time since Princess Cadence had appointed her to her role as head to the Arctic Patrol. The Princess had seen something in Glitter. Something she hardly knew was there but it was true. She was strong, she was brave, and yes she was good at illusion magic. She also needed space, time to heal, time to find out what she was meant for. The Princess of course had seen all this being that she was the Princess of Love. Cadence knew the mare that had come to her after leaving Celestia's School was heart broken. She'd failed herself and a friend she dearly loved. 


    The ranger station in the Far North was the perfect respite for Glitter. Time on her own to test her mettle and to think over what had happened and where she was headed next. She'd fought ursas and wolves, well not really fought per say but at least kept them from bothering the residents of this frozen country. She solved problems and helped to better the lives of many ponies. In fact most saw her as a hero up here!


    Her heart was empty though. Too much had happened. She knew deep down it was all her fault. She'd heard too many stories to not make the connections. Yet here she stayed, unwilling to re-enter the world she'd left behind. At least she'd been able to help lots of ponies and other creatures. That was good, but it had not yet mended her broken heart. Was that in Candence's plan? Should it be taking this long? 


    And now there was a new threat in the Far North. The neighbors had been telling her tales of howling in the night. Of paw prints from what could only been timber wolves. But they were large. Too large to be regular old timber wolves. It didn't sit right. So far nothing had actually happened, but it was only a matter of time. The paw prints lead up to the doors of cabins and barns. What were these beasts after?




    "Oh sweet Celestia you scared me!" A particularly hungry cat had jumped up on the table in front of her and let loose his plea. 


    Glitter Drops sighed, wondering what was going on with the large paw prints, her assignment to these arid lands, her heart, her life...

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    Name:Glitter Drops



    Species: Unicorn

    Eye color: Gradient of deep violet

    CoatHer coat is a verdigris blue/green color. She tries to maintain it to the best of her abilities but at times, especially when out for long patrols, it looses its gleam. 

    Mane/TailHer mane and tail are both a light teal color. Some ponies think that it's probably magic that keeps the poof it this mare's mane! Even when she's returning from a long day in the snow her forelocks still maintain a height of fluff that would make Pinkie Pie jealous! Her locks are swept back from her horn and tumble down her neck in swirl of puffy curls. Her tail is similarly fluffy and poofy, curling under just above the height of her hocks. 


    Residence: As the key member of the the Crystal Empire's Arctic Patrol, Glitter needs to live near where she works...the far north! She has a cozy cabin there that double as the Arctic Patrol main offer. There's about four rooms and plenty of space for all kinds of critters that want to stay warm and out of the snow. She has her own personal quarter in the back of the cabin complete with a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. She shares this speace with her pets, mostly a bunch of kitties and a few birds. 


    PhysiqueShe keeps herself fit for the task at hoof. Since she's out trekking in the frozen arctic often she needs to be strong and resilient! 


    OccupationThe key patrol pony for the Crystal Empire's Arctic Patrol. This along with running a pseudo-rescue service for stray pets.


    Cutie MarkTwo golden stars, one slightly larger than the other. These are connected by a swirl of blue in a spiral shape. 


    History: She grew up outside of Canterlot, spending most of her time with her two closest friends; Fizzlepop Berrytwist and Spring Rain. When the accident occurred with Pop's horn Glitter and Rain felt so bad! Glitter knew it should have been her that went into the cave to get the ball. She knew it should have been her that lost her horn or worse! But Fizzle would have never allowed that. She had gone in and well, lost everything. Glitter and Rain tried to console their friend but she was so very sad. Eventually Glitter went off to magic school. They did well and were invited to attend Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She just couldn't keep up with the work load and eventually Glitter dropped out.


    She had learned lots of spells during her time at the school, mostly illusion work. She didn't really want to stay near the school and so went as far away as she could to the Crystal Empire. It were here that a certain Princess found worth in the unicorn and her spell work. She charged Glitter with running the newly formed Arctic Patrol! Here she could have her own space, work outdoors, and have lots of animals friends! It was the perfect job! It helped Glitter find her worth again!


    Here she has worked for a number of years. Recently there have been a few disturbances in the range of the Arctic Patrol including some ursa major issues. However, it's nothing she can't handle! She's used her magic and wits to help out in lots of situations and now that she'd remade connections with a certain snap-horned mare, there's no telling where her life might lead!


    Character Personality: Glitter Drops is a strong and resilient mare, wrapped up in a friendly and positive demeanor. She has some skeletons in her closet form her past but she's on the mend from a lot of them. Glitter certainly has learned a lot about the value of Friendship and Love. Especially since her recruitment by the Princess of Love herself! Glitter is quick to forgive and is competent at talking through issues. She will stand up for herself and those she loves. So is also extremely brave and sure of herself. She will literally stand in front of a roaring ursa minor to keep somepony she loves safe!


    She hasn't always been the most loyal of friends, leaving off an important friendship from her past. She's also experienced let downs and hardship. She's failed herself and others and has learned from these mistakes. She knows what makes her happy and will do what it takes to get there!


    Character SummaryA caring and brave pony, Glitter Drops may live in the Frozen North but she has a knack for friendship that can melt even the coldest heart!


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    Diamond Tiara stood in the shimmering snow, sipping at her mug of cocoa. The filly thought perhaps there was something to all of this? It wasn't super complicated. Just be nice to other ponies and enjoy spreading cheer to others. Nope, no mystery there! It made her feel really good. Almost free, like a huge weight was just floating right off of her withers. As the mares asked Boulder if he'd like to join she looked up at the big guy with shining eyes.


    "Oh yes! It would be fun to have you come along!" She sized him up. He was taller than Big Mac she was pretty sure! "Plus we could use a deep voice like yours!"


    It wasn't much, just a shot at being kind to other ponies. She had lots to work on even if she was never perfect at it, Friendship took practice!


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    Twilight could tell by the look on his face that Martini liked the gift! She smiled warmly as he experienced a little slice of home. When he offered her the air hug the Princess returned the sentiment. Her horn glowed for a moment, sending a small gust of air swirling around the griff. 


    "Air hug it is!" She laughed lightly. "I'm glad you like your gift Martini and I'm so excited to find out what your stay at the Friendship school turns out to be!" 


    The Princess glanced at the trays of goodies. "It's ok with me! Eat all the muffins you'd like...I do hope you feel less awkward as you get accustomed!" Twilight knew the griffon would do just fine at the Friendship school. There was so much to learn!



    Pinkie stared at the items on the tray she held before her. "Ooooooo, what does this do?" Her eyes glittered with interest as she leaned in.


    Meanwhile her gift was opened. Inside there were three little boxes. One was gold, one silver, and one pink!


    "Don't open those yet Candy Cain!" She explained what was in the boxes. "These are 'Party-In-a-Boxes! The gold one had a birthday party in it, the silver one is for house warming or shower type of events, an the pink one is..." Confetti burst into the air form seemingly nowhere! "...well it's an any time party! Just pull the ribbon loose and set the box down, it will do the rest! The decorations at least." She grinned. "I'm sure you'll have no problem supplying the treats!"

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    Spike felt a strong sense of relief when the older dragon came over to give him a hug. Smolder always seemed so confident and strong! Like he wished he could be! But for now he would settle with just knowing he had a friend to send confidence and strength his way. 


    "Wellllll," He gulped, looking up at his friend from his hug. "I'm uh, a little nervous." He tried to take a deep breath and ended up coughing some smoke. "Don't tell anyone but I haven't exactly done a lot of kissing in my life," He looked around to make sure nopony heard him. "Twilight sent me to get some apples for something she's try to make and well, I didn't know I'd have to give a kiss to get some." He blushed again.


    Then Applejack was calling him up for his turn! 


    He tried to toughen up, rolling his shoulder back and grinning. It felt good that Smolder cared enough to make sure he was ok. She really was a good friend! "Th-thanks Smolder." He allowed her to straighten him up before jogging off to meet Applejack and get those apples! He turned and waved.


    "Let's hang out soon ok?" There was always more to learn from a more grown up dragon!


    "Oh, uh....hey there uh Applejack," The young dragon stepped up to the booth. "So Twilight said to get her some red delicious and a few granny smiths if you've got them?" He didn't mention the kissing and his blush was only deepening.

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    As the whale went by Terramar offered his own baritone to the others. "Hmmmmmmmmm." He had always loved the big whales that co inhabited the sea with them! They were so strong and powerful and majestic!


    Soon it was their turn to hit the current and his sister was first to be swept away! He loved the feeling he got right before taking a trip down the stream! It made his stomach churn just a little and his anticipation for the turn of speed made his heart race. He smiled at Gallus, challenging him in a friendly way. 


    "You got this right buddy?"


    It wasn't long before Gallus was swept away as well. "Hmm, not even sound!" Terramar had to admit he was a little impressed. The first time he'd swam with the flow he'd made some kind of shocked noise. Well, he figured he had. Terramar had been pretty young his first time. But Nothing from Gallus? He shrugged, if this was a tough guy act it would only get him so far.


    "Yeah!" He laughed out as he lunhed into the flow and zipped away. The world seemed to fast forward and he swam with the current to catch up to Gallus and Silverstream. When he did catch up he noticed them side by side. Terrmar swam up, clapped Gallus lightly with a fin on the shoulder.


    "Not bad for your first time Gallus! I like your style!" He flipped onto his back, watching the light change up above in rapid succession. "Just like when we were kids right sis?

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    Pinkie and Sunburst were both impressed with the cold tolerance of the ponies that had come out for the plunge! Every one of them had gone right in and not had any major reactions to the fridgid temperatures!


    "Wow! W-well looks like maybe I'm the only one around here that has a problem with how cold that water is!" Sunburst shivered as he thought about his plunge. "Brrrr!"


    Pinkie grinned, happy that the ponies who had gone in had all completed the time to get their own self warming hat and scarf! "You guys must be part polar bear or something! We never had a winter where everypony completed the time limit, but this year it looks like we did!"


    Sunburst stood ready with his warming magic and Pinkie with her prizes once the two that were in the warming pool got out. 


    Sunburst chuckled as the kirin tossed in some nirik magic of her own. "Thanks for the help Iggy! Not sure my heat magic can match up to nirik's!"

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    Spike stood on tip-claw and waved back to AJ. He had a while to mull things over before he made it to the front of the line. He wished he could act more grown up about this whole thing! It was just a kiss after all!


    The line was getting shorter and shorter and Spike felt himself getting more and more nervous. Plus, Smolder was in line too and he hadn't noticed her before. Not until she waved her hello. Before he could respond the female dragon was next up and giving a smooch to her teacher! 


    "Hey there Smolder!" He waved to the dragon who was leaning against a tree. Why hadn't she left? Then it dawned on him and his blush only got deeper! She was going to watch him smooch Applejack! Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe she could give him some encouragement? 


    "So, uh, how are the apples?" He asked awkwardly from his distance away from her. He gulped, noticing there was only one pony separating him from his big moment now...

    • Like 3
  13. Howdy! Welcome to Canterlot! 


    As for how to use our site:


    If you'd like to RP right away then go to the Free for All section. You can start a thread there and/or ask others to join a thread by posting in the OOC.


    Our World of Equestria sections are for those who have character approved for use in WoE. To get your character approved for WoE use post an application in the Character Applications section. Myself or another staff member will respond to your application and walk you through any changes that need to be made for approval. Please read Rarity's Application Form carefully and follow the format presented in that post. Also check out Fluttershy's Creature Compendium to make sure your character falls within the WoE accepted for pay species. If not, remember you can always play any character you'd like (within site rules) in FFA!


    You can also chat and get to know us on the Discord server if you're interested in that. ;) 


    Feel free to PM myself or any other staff for further assistance! I hope you enjoy getting to know Canterlot.com!

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    Reck blushed as Neb made her way over to the pretty much famous Dusk Til Dawn. Geez, this bat was really cool and she made Reck feel well, Reckless! And now she found out that Neb was friends with Dusk? Sheesh, perhaps she'd finally met her match, in lots of ways!


    "Cool cool!" Reck tried to play it off like it was no big thing. She wasn't about to loose her head or anything. Neb was just a hot mare, with cool friends, and sweet moves...that was it! All those things. Reck took a breath. Keep it cool! She thought to herself as she came up to the pair.


    "Neb!" Dusk reached out for a hoof bump and then a quick side hug. "I came out here for a quick breath and I find the bat with the moves!" She shrugged. "Figures, I mean I do have the hottest beats around so the best dancers should be here!" She laughed and commented on what Neb had said earlier. "Oh I'm good, no worries right? Nah, I've got the coolest fans, this sweet venue to play. Opening for DJ-PON3? Not to shabby!" She glanced over at Reckless who was standing next to Neb.


    "So uh, who's this?" The DJ got a sly look on her face as she noticed it was just the two bats up on the roof. Had they been looking for alone time? Dusky laughed again. "I didn't interrupt anything did I?"


    The comment made Reck half smile and raise her brows. Has the DJ interrupted something? Reck wasn't sure but she'd make her move at some point tonight!



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    The spa experience was enough to get anypony to enjoy the 'froo froo' life style. AJ found herself melting as the rocks did their magic on her back and legs. The massage was heaven and the following hooficure had the farm mare feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted away. After all this the spa ponies directed both mare towards the sauna for a quick steam. 


    "Ah!" AJ settled down on a cedar bench as the steam did its thing. "Well Rares, I guess I see what you mean about the spa treatment now. Hi could get used to this sorta thing!" 


    As she relaxed she thought over where the rest of the day would led. After the spa they would head back to their cabin to relax and have a little time to enjoy the privacy a sky cabin offered. Then it would be time to get ready for the gala this evening. Gala's were also not exactly her sort of thing but she knew how much fun Rarity would have which meant she'd end up having fun too!


    "Hi made sure tah book a flight that had a fancy-shmancy dinner and evening gala for you," She winked at her mare. "Can't wait teh see yah in yer fancy git up!" She wiped a towel across her brow. "I might need a little proddin' teh get into my gala outfit," She smirked a little. "I'm sure you'll be able to wrangle me though." She blushed again. Rarity did have her ways of keeping the farm mare in line. 

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    For somepony new to casting spells Moonlight was doing just fine. However, most unicorns of this age would have completely mastered the basics levitation spell...along with others. She of course was not going to let this on to Moonlight, though she'd most likely find out on her own soon enough. Well, hopefully Rarity could help get her up to speed on the basics. She didn't want things to be any tougher for her than they already might be. But, Moony had her looks and her personality. Those things would carry her far and she doubted most ponies would have the audacity to make fun of such a beautiful filly for not being so great at magic.


    Yes, Rarity assured herself. She knew just how far looks could get you when applied properly and she knew Moonlight had what it took to carry oneself with poise and grace. Enough to win the hearts and loyalty of others. She'd get hold of her magic abilities eventually and until then she'd have to practice if she wanted to get better.


    "Yes dear, you've got it!" She clapped her hooves, encouraging the filly. "See if you can bring the cushion over this way." 


    Rarity then turned her head and the door bells tinkled. Who could this be?


    Applejack figured now was as good as ever to bring Rarity some lunch. She knew the seamstress had been working hard on couple big orders and some sandwiches and sweet cider could be just the thing to help her friend keep up her strength. She balanced the basket with the goodies on her rump and pressed on the door of the boutique. 


    "Well hey there Rares!" She trotted in, still holding the basket on her back end. "I brought yah a little some...thin..." Her voice trailed off when she saw Rarity had company. It was Moonlight! Twilight had gone on about what had happened but AJ hadn't got the news that the filly in question was out and about!


    "Uh," AJ gulped just a little before gaining her composure. A colt that she knew had been changed into a filly wasn't something AJ dealt with on the regular. Plus well, this filly really was easy on the eyes! "Hey there uh Moonlight," She trotted closer, and noted Moonlight was attempting some sort of spell. "Woops! Didn't mean to interrupt yer uh, practice!" 


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    Dash couldn't help but grin proudly as the little guy snapped his goggles into place. She winced a little as the band snapped a little too hard. Reaching out she rearranged his mane quickly so that the band wouldn't pull on him. "Gotta slip them on," She readied her own pair, slipping her hooves between her head and the band. "Like this. I'll help you next time if you want, until you get it down."


    "Yep, those are for you Zappers!" She placed her own over her eyes. "So the trick is to wear them around for a while until you get used to them. You can still see pretty much everything, but they do block a little vision to the side, see?" She waved her hoof next to his head on the right, out of view now that the goggles were in place. "You get used to it after a while." She encouraged him. "Plus, now when you reach those high speed you won't have watering eyes!" She knew he hadn't reached a speed high enough to cause tearing yet but he eventually would! "Oh, and take them off whenever you want, if they get uncomfortable or something."


    She stepped back, observing her son done up like a Wonderbolt recruit. Gosh it was exciting to see him this way. Of course if it ended up not being for him she'd not pressure him however, there was a good chance he'd be a champion flier just like she was! 


    "You ready for practice Zappers?" She nodded towards the door. "I'm sure there's some fun stuff you can do out there!"

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    When he asked about her goggles Dash grinned hopefully. "They're over in my locker!" She shepherded him in the right direction. "Let's go check 'em out!"


    The pair made their way through the barracks. Dash nodded to a few Bolts that were still inside. Daily training was starting in about five minutes so most of the pegasi were already out on the field stretching and getting warmed up. That was fine as it made it easier to keep her little guy on a straight course to their destination. 


    Once they'd made it to the locker room Dash led him to her locker and opened it up. Inside was her flight suit, washed, pressed, and folded. Alongside this was a peg from which hung her flight goggles. And then there was something on top of her flight suit. 


    "Hey Zappers!" She moved to the side to give him room. "Looks like there's something else in here. On top of my flight suit. What are those?" She waited to see what the little guy would think about the pair of flight goggles she'd had made for him. They would fit him and he wouldn't have to hold them up with his hoof to get them to stay over his eyes!

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    Twilight Unwrapped the present carefully with her magic and smiled and big warm smile! Wow! It was such a thoughtful gift! Something from his home, that he picked the fruit for and made himself. It was really nice and made the Princess' heart felt good. 


    "Happy Hearth's Warming to you too Martini!" She sniffed the treats and lifted one toward her muzzle. She took a quick nip and chewed reflectively. It was good, fresh, and pleasingly sweet. "This is soooo good!" She set the piece back down. "You certainly are excellent at making family recipes, and at picking the perfect fruits!" She meant what she said. "I'm going to enjoy these later." The Princess giggled. "I probably won't even tell Spike about them so I can have them all to myself!" It was a joke, she'd share with her number one assistant of course!


    "Oh!" She lifted her gift towards Martini. 




    "Happy Hearth's Warming!" She waited for him to open it before explaining. The gift was a medium sized golden star shaped locket. It was enchanted of course. Inside the locket was a mirror. When one looked into the mirror they would see the place they loved the most, no mater how far away from this place the wearer was. 




    "Take a look inside." The Princess spoke with excitement, hoping the griffin would like the gift!




    Oh my gosh! She'd been so excited to meet Candy Cain that she hadn't responded to his offer of a sweet treat.


    "OOOOOoooooo!" She glanced around, noting all the sweets. "Did you make these?" She questioned while taking colorful sucker from the table. She took a lick and then a crunch! "These are really good!"


    She nodded as he spoke of them not crossing paths. "Yeah! If you are a candy pony it's really weird we haven't met! I'm known as the Super Duper Party Pony around here...and pretty much everywhere. Well me and my friend Cheese Sandwich," She blushed a little as she mentioned the party stallion. "Cheese is also a Super Duper Party Pony!" She finished her sucker. "Anyway! I'm glad we're meeting now Candy Cain!" She was excited to share gifts with Candy and when she saw his gift her eyes got big. "A special touch huh? Sounds interesting!"




    "Here's my gift!" She giggled. "So I guess we can open them...after you add the finishing touches!" 


    She waited eagerly to see what he'd wrapped up!

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    "OOooooooooo!" Pinkie smiled and leaned in closer to Cheese. "Sure Cheesy! Of course I can help you with whatever you need!" She was super excited at the prospect of getting to spend some more time with the party stallion. She hadn't seen him since her visit to his factory and the thought of him leaving town again just made her feel kinda empty inside. So, the prospect of helping with who knows what was intriguing and of course she'd do it!


    "Yeah, the strawberry jalapeno ones don't come out as good with the instant mix! But that's ok!" She whipped a plate of a variety of cupcakes from behind her back and trotted towards a table. "We can snack on these while we wait and you can tell me what you need help with!"


    Was it just her or did Cheese seem pretty embarrassed to ask her to help? She didn't want to think that maybe he didn't really need her help but felt like he had to ask, or that she'd somehow pressured him into asking for help or...nah! That couldn't be true. Cheese was like her best friend which she of course knew he knew right? And she felt all springy and butterfly-ie around him. Gosh she pretty much thought she like liked him! She knew she like liked him!


    "Eeep!" A squeak escaped her muzzle as she went to sit. Like like thoughts made her blush and she figured she was blushing now! Maybe he wouldn't notice. Nope, he would! "Ummmm, Gummy!" Yeah, good cover. "Gummy where'd you go?" The gator in question blinked from the flour covered counter where he'd been for like twenty minutes. 


    She sat down and popped a chocolate chocolate chocolate cupcake into her muzzle. After swallowing she leaned forward, resting her chin on her front hooves on the table. "So! What's up Cheese?" She smiled disarmingly, she hoped. 

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    Pushed herself and got better? Yeah, she could go with that! She was going to be pushing herself pretty soon here. She had to say something...didn't she. Twi had been so super weird around Dash for so long. It was long overdue that she let her feelings out. Otherwise she'd keep on bottling it up and she'd keep on getting weirder and weirder until well...she'd probably end up doing something dumb instead of what she was trying to do tonight. She was going to tell somepony very special what she thought about her, in private, and with time to consider the words being said. 


    The thing was she wasn't sure how things would work out. They didn't have the most similar of personalities, that much was obvious. But, there was something about Rainbow. Some spark that Twi just never could get enough of. It had built over the years. It had taken her a long time to even realize what it was. But at this point it was a deep and long brewed passion. She obsessed over it just as much as anything else in her life well...let's be accurate here... along with everything else! She even wrote stories about their exploits together, mostly not fit for fillies and colts. She'd played out their times together more times than she could count and she'd really, really like to see them as more than just fantasies. If....*gulp*... Rainbow was interested in seeing where things might go. 


    They made their way up the steps towards the upper chambers. There was a covered walk, like a long hallway balcony skirting one side of the castle. This she had filled in with stained glass and then enchanted by Sunburst. Some glass was on the sides, framed with stone pillars, and some was inset in the ceiling, also enchanted. The light of the moon and stars would cause the magical reactions to take place! It really was special...and magical...and um...romantic?


    "So, uh, this is it!" Twi nodded to the double doors leading onto the walk. Even from their position outside she could see hints of sparkling and changing colors of moonlight through glass in front of them. "Tonight it should be...well, it should be images of us! All of us!" She trotted into the walk and smiled. Yes, the glass was all enchanted pictures of Twilight and her five best friends and their exploits for the good of Equestria. Scenes of their triumphs over foes, of their adventures together, of their friendship in action! 


    She came upon one of the first glass windows and laughed lightly. She traced the image lightly with a hoof. "Remember this one?" It was the six of them heading up the mountain when a sleeping dragon was working on smoking out all of Ponyville. "That seems like an eternity ago!"  

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