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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. glitter banner.png



    There was a doctor, not too far from her cabin. She'd made sure of the medical locations before moving in. Glitter knew how to survive but knowing how and where to get assistance when needed for herself or others was an essential. She felt the unicorn under her, carrying her on undaunted. Nothing seemed to be able to slow Temy down in this quest. Her heart was so stronger, stronger than she knew. But Glitter felt she knew, and she'd help Temy find her own strength after a time.


    They neared the cabin now. She could see it through the trees. Before they knew it they were home. Well, she was home and she hoped Temy would come to call where ever they were together home too. 


    "Down the road, a few minutes trot. There's another cabin. A medic lives there." Glitter spoke haltingly as the pain in her face was beginning to increase. "I'll stay here," She spoke softly.

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  2. th?id=OIP.ab6p904da2uvXKWBObfDjAHaJG&pid


    Rainbow felt her heart flutter as her mare pulled her roughly in. She loved when AJ handled her a bit roughly, she was one of the few that would attempt such a notion. RD loved her for that...and so much more! 


    "I've always wanted to share," She nodded upwards. "Up there with you AJ! Probably shouldn't have asked Twi to infuse my speed into this though...I know you're gonna want to race!" She laughed, trying to bury the sudden apprehension at AJ besting her in the one thing she always exceled at. Still, if this was a test of her new way of thinking, it was a good one!


    The pegasus watched and waited for a few seconds, wondering how the potion would take affect...

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  3. th?id=OIP.f9752ez7DRq0SAMZhtHhjwHaKE&pid


    A gleaming pink portal opened and then closed right after a certain Discord had stepped through. He bounced lightly on the clouds and came to a stop in front of another version of himself.


    "Well, my my my, look who's here!" He winked and offered a cattish grin. "Hello there handsome," A lift of the eyebrows before settling back into the lazy boy that puffed into existence behind him. He reached up and brought down a steaming cup of tea and sipped it noisily. 


    "I do hope you've invited Fluttershy to this shindig?" The question lilted forth as he sniffed appreciatively at his tea.

  4. AJ knew where this little game was headed... it was embarrassing and she's die if any pony else ever knew she liked to play this game with Rarity. It was a little demeaning, in a way that exposed her to Rarity as she would do forgo pony else in this world. Even though it made her feel that way it also drew her to the unicorn. Something about baring her weaknesses to another, for a pony as strong as AJ, the mixed feelings brimmed into some sort of unbridled passion at times. Perhaps tonight would be one of those times?


    The mare turned dutifully and trotted to the stick. She picked it up and put it in her muzzle once more. After this she came back and dropped it for the unicorn. As she did so, AJ's stomach rumbled a little. She could really go for some of those snacks...

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  5. RD watched as AJ inspected the concoction. She had no idea how Twi had conjured up what was in the vial. All she knew was she was going to be helping Twi and Spike clean the castle library a week from today as payment. She pressed that thought from her mind. Books and dust? Double yuck!! However, it was worth it to spend this time with her mare.


    "Oh, I'm not sure about that!" She commented as AJ got playfully competitive with her. "She did say that you should be able to take to it really quickly due to the potion." RD hadn't even thought about AJ besting her up there. She did best her at pretty much everything else already! 


    "I just figured we could have an exciting time up there together!" She blushed a little, thinking of a special spit in the clouds she had picked to finish off their adventure in.


    "Ready for your wings AJ?"

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  6. AJ raised a brow at the comment then smiled.


    "Ah Rares, any mare would kill for a figure like yours!" She winked. "An' you know it."


    She watched as the unicorn selected some fare and set it to warm up. AJ reached for the stick that was held in Rarity's magic only to have it tossed off to the edge of the campsite.


    "Well now, ain't that somethin' " She watched as it came to a landing some twenty feet away. Then Rarity asked her to fetch it. AJ's cheeks reddened just a tad at the rouse. The unicorn knew just how to get her fire started.


    The farm mare took her time stepping over their seating logs, flicking her tail to the side as she did so. AJ knew what Rarity liked and she was happy to indulge. All those long hours of farm work gave AJ one heck of a flank to work with.


    She made her way to the stick, bent down and picked it up in her muzzle. Then she trotted back nice and slow and stood before her mare, stick in mouth.

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  7. "Actually, kinda like a body swap... but not!" She leaned in close and sniffed. When she raised her head she found herself muzzle to muzzle with her mare. AJ smelled like alfalfa and sweet apples. RD loved that smell. It was safety and understanding. Comfort and strength to the pegasus. She had become much less irratic as of late, however this idea might end up being a throw back.


    "Twi really did a number on this to get it just right! It will grant you wings and speed like mine!" She glanced up. "I've always wanted to share the sky with you AJ!"


    She cringed a little, wondering how AJ would respond...

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  8. "Welllll, not exactly a relaxing day by the pond..." She gave a playful half grin. "Maybe above the pond?"


    The pegasus took the vial she'd been carrying and showed it to AJ. It wasn't like she was going to trick the mare into taking it after all!  


    "So, I talked Twilight into mixing this up for us," She winked playfully. "Any guesses as to what it does?" 

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  9. AJ with her outdoors knowhow had a fire crackling merrily within a shake of a lamb's tail! She patted one of the cushions that she added to the logs Rarity had levitated over. Then she moved a couple logs for a comfortable backrest. It was a comfy set up!


    "Only the best a'course!" AJ responded to the snacks question with vigor. "Let's see here..."


    She pulled out a number of small bundles wrapped in cheese cloth from her saddle bag that she had dropped nearby. 


    "We've got biscuit dough with fresh cheese inside for savory. That an' some dandelion honey mustard spread to dip. Really nice when they get toasted over the fire. For sweet, we've got some cherry tarts I bought from Pinkie today, granny's famous soft cinnamon apple rolls for toasting, and crunchy caramel apple cookies that Abby made!"


    She unrolled the clothes a little so her mare could choose some treats. Rarity had a fine figure of course but she knew the unicorn would sometimes indulge in Sweet Apple Acres fare. 

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  10. Glitter was late...really late! However, she did catch the vows and her mane was blown back by the rush of air from Star's wings! What a wonderful display of love! Glitter's heart melted just a tab as she smoothly moved up behind Temmy.


    The mare came near, whispering into the unicorn's ear.


    "Hey there Tem Tem," She took a step back, taking in her beautiful friend. Glitter got that look in her eyes, that 'come and take me' smirk that she knew Tempest couldn't resist. She flicked her tail in a sassy manner and the smiled apologetically. 


    "Sorry I'm so late!" 

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  11. Rainbow grinned, making her way over to her wife's side.


    "Hey there babe!" She nuzzled AJ softly on the cheek and sat down next to her at the picnic table. "So! You ready for some fun?"


    She had put on some super cool sunglasses and she brought them down, looking over the top with a hint of danger sparkling in her eyes. "I've got something pretty cool planned!"


    RD was super proud of her idea and the anticipation was killing her just a liiiiittle bit!

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  12. AJ reveled in pressure of her love's body pressing into her own. It felt so close, so together. Just what she wanted, for this moment, for as long as it would last. Rarity mentioned Neighpon and AJ's stomach tightened for a beat. She didn't want Rarity's work to whisk her that far away...well she did and didn't. The didn't for selfish reasons a'course. Travelling far and wide was part of Rarity's profession, her success. She would never ask her love to stop any of what she did. However, when the chance to be alone, in their home town, came to be...well those were moments to be savored like apple wine on the tongue.


    "Hmm, I'm not sure either," She thought over the wine's vintage. "Buuut, when it don't sell that means more stored up in the cellars for night like this," She leaned down and kissed the mare full on the muzzle. She pressed herself close, filling her senses with her paramour and obsession. The wine was already making it easier for the apple mare to just let go. After a while she let up and leaned back a little, taking in a breath of night air. The sun had all but set now, the last rays flashing over the horizon, reflecting off Rarity's gem like eyes.


    "So, uh," She laughed softly, overcome with emotion, with desire. "Ready to go get the fire started?" She laughed again. "The uh, actual campfire I mean. I've got some treats for us if yer game?"

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  13. AJ let out a relaxed breath as Rarity laid out across the blanket, allowing no personal space whatsoever. The farmmare was ever so happy with the notion, allowing herself as much contact as she could with her beautiful paramour. The two of them, being build so very differently, came together with an easy grace. She smiled as Rarity reflected on the wine in her cup. AJ took another sip of her own and glanced over.


    "This here's from last autumn actually," She lifted her cup and swirled it for a moment before taking another sip. Russett golds, some sweet crisps, and a few good old fashioned smith's in there to give it a mellow blend with just a hint of lift at the end." She recited the phrases that went with the year's vintage. "It's good un'." AJ finished in her simple straight forward manner. 


    The sun dipped lower and AJ leaned in, resting her head on Rarity's shoulder. "Sure am glad you could make it out tonight," She reached up for a quick soft nip to the ear. "Been needin' some time away, the both of us,"

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  14. RD was stoked! The mare hustled out of Wonderbolts headquarters after her shift with a bunch of new recruits, making her way directly to the Sweet Apple Acres farmhouse. The whole thing was planned! She had Mac and Abby on child care duty and a whole afternoon/evening for just her and her mare!


    RD had been working extra hard on her relationship with the most wonderful mare in the whole world and the surprise she had in store was just another step in that direction.


    She'd stopped by the castle just last night to pick up a very special vial from the Princess. Of course Twilight had warned her of the possible dangers but she knew AJ would be totally fine! 


    RD ducked into the farmhouse, trotting straight to the bathroom to clean up. She was going to be looking and smelling great for this event! She'd warned AJ they would be doing something fun but not fancy so no need to go all out with the grooming. Just the basics, just how AJ liked it!


    Once she was ready she trotted out to meet AJ and get their afternoon rolling! Rainbow made her way to the front gates of the farm here She'd asked AJ to meet her...

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  15. AJ melted at the mere brush of Rarity's muzzle on her forehead. Something about the gesture was kind and also displayed just a hint of dominance. AJ didn't shy away from it, she liked a mare that could be in charge. And of course Rares could! She was a buisness mare in her own right, to the level with, if not moreso than AJ herself. She had her whole family to help with Sweet Aaple Acres. Rares ran her buisness on her own!


    They snuggled down onto the blanket, poured some wine and prepared to watch the sunset. As both mares fixed their eyes on the firey orb making its slow decent at Celestial bidding, AJ found her eyes drawn to the figure of the mare next to her.


    Everything about Rarity set AJ's world on fire. Sure she was beautiful in frame and figure but she had brains and a heart as big as tge Appaloosa plains. She'd let on her true heart for the unicorn quite a while ago now but there was so much more happening inside her that she just couldn't put into words.


    AJ sipped her wine, the feeling of the drink relaxing her muscles little by little. She leaned in closer as the sun turned the sky deep red and orange. 


    "Beautiful, ain't it?"

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  16. After a bit more doing the campsite was looking Rarity certified. The farm mare grinned and used her knowhow and skills to bring the stocks and rocks her mare had gathered with her magic into the assembly she had been working on. Soon it was all setup for a roaring fire which she'd light after watching the sunset.


    AJ's cheeks turned a shade more rosy at the comment about the following morning. She cleared her throat to keep her mind on track and nodded towards the stop she had set up for viewing the sunset.


    "Mac had things under control at the farm. Well him and Abby's willing to chip in too," she laughed softly and came up next to the unicorn. "Nopony's expectin' to hear from me til later tomorrow." She nuzzled Rarity softly on the neck and nudged her towards the two trees on the hillside up ahead." There were few things that topped the farm on her list but time with Rarity had started topping them all.


    "Right this way," They made their way to the spot which had been prepared with a soft blanket, a couple pillows, a bottle of apple wine, and two glasses. "I set this part up myself," AJ grinned, proud of herself for hopefully setting things up the way Rares would like.

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  17. RD had been a little tongue tied for a bit! There was just so much going on and she kinda wished it could be just her and AJ right then. She knew everpony here loved and supported them and she very much appreciated it but having alone time with her wife would be great too! That time would come, just their little family, but she needed to enjoy the moment!




    Next thing she knew there was cake in her face which she grinned and shook off and then a kiss from AJ!


    "Yeah, let's dance!" Their song was playing and RD gracefully swept her wife onto the dance floor. As she lead the dance she whispered in AJ's ear. "I love you AJ, can't wait for us to relax together after this." She nuzzle her, keeping the dance slow to help AJ be comfortable.

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  18. Applejack heard Rarity'svoice and spotted the unicorn as she rounded gnarled old apple tree at the edge of the orchard. It was a favorite of hers, leftover from a bygone era of the farm.


    "Well hi there Rarity!" She trotted up to her love, a huge grin on her face. "I'm so glad yah could meet me here! It's gonna be a really nice night." She came in closer, previous sips of apple wine enboldening her, and nuzzled up briefly before leaving a kiss on Rarity's cheek.


    AJ hid her blush by turning towards the trail back to the campsite. "Right this way!" She lead the way at a walk, calming herself as she went. So they were at the site. The sun was starting to set as AJ showed Rares where she could set down her bag.


    "I figure we'll get the fire started and then right over there," She pointed a hoof toward a small part between two apple trees. "Is a perfect view for sunset."

  19. "Tarnarion!" Applejack huffed as a she blew stray strands of forelocks away from her eyes. "I was trying to stay clean!" She smirked and trotted away from the campfire she had just set up. She'd light it later, when the sun went down and her paramour appeared. 


    She had spent all afternoon setting up the perfect place to spend an evening with the lovely Rarity. They had spent lots of time together over the past few months. The last date they had been on had turned into somewhat of a mystery cruisethat had thankfully had a good conclusion! AJ had decided to wear her special broach tonight. The same one that had been lost and then found on their previous adventure. 


    Even the thought of Rarity made AJ's heart beat faster. She felt so good when the unicorn was around.  Even though they were so different being together felt so right! 


    AJ had put up an extra large and quite 'fancy tent. There was food to roast over the fire,sweets, and of course ample amounts of apple wine. Everything was ready. She trotted up the orchard road, hoping she'd soon see her beloved...

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