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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. glitter banner.png


    For the briefest of moments she could see it. See the life that lay before her. With Tempest. With her best friend. With the mare she loved. They would live together in the outpost. They would trek and wander the frozen wastes, together. Camp in the freezing reaches in the winter and fill their canteens from the icy mountain streams in the summer. They would work together and have a motive to do the work. They would be a strong team. They would be the key that fit each other's locks. 


    She lay there, with the unicorn's foreleg over her withers. She felt protected then. Like she hadn't in so long. Like she hadn't ever. Tempest was strong in body though she had her weaknesses. Of that Glitter was sure. And it was that that made her heart beat out of love from this unicorn beside her. She was broken in so many places, they both were. They could hold each other together. They could. 


    Tempest spoke. Saying that she couldn't stay. But the words felt hollow to Glitter's ear. She could tell the unicorn didn't want to mean what she said. In that moment she knew she'd have Tempest stay. They wouldn't be together...not yet anyway, but they would get to spend time together. They would learn from each other and grow strong together. They would mend their brokenness. They would show each other that there were some ponies tat actually did care. They would care for each other. 


    Then Tempest put down her head.She could feel the shuddering pain coming off the mare. it wasn't really physical pain, it was deeper, more raw and bleeding. Glitter felt her heart go out. She felt the pain that Tempest felt. She didn't know the depth of the whole story but she knew enough. She would prove herself to Tempest. Prove that her love was real. That would take time. For now, she'd do what she could.


    Glitter bent down her head, laying her muzzle over Tempest's neck. Breathing in her scent and settling into a state of peace. A magic came from Glitter's horn. It swirled around them, pulsing with warmth. She said nothing, just held herself and Tempest in that magic. She would not let go.

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    Glitter sighed, happy to be home from a long trek. It had certainly been an odd time with that Blizzard fellow. She furrowed her brow, still trying to categorize him. She wasn't sure if she'd label him as a threat however, she would have to write him up and send he findings back to the Crystal Empire. It was her job to do so. The mare sat at her kitchen table, a steaming mug of tea in front of her. Koda was curled up in his dog bed in the corner, tired out from their most recent adventure. 


    "Well boy," She took a sip of tea and then used her magic to set it down. "Glad that's over. That chill was sinking into my bones." 


    Her ears perked up and she set down the quill she'd just taken up with her magic. Somepony was outside. The tentative knock confirmed it.


    She sighed and got up, walking to the door. As she looked through the peep hole and scowled. Blizzard?!


    "Well look who it is," She eyed him, not in an unfriendly manner. "You look a bit... um, roughed up?"

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  3. Image result for rainbow dash banner


    Ok, so some students had some bumps and bruises...that wasn't that bad...right? Dash smirked a half smile and brushed it off. She wouldn't get in trouble. She couldn't. She was Professor Dash and her lessons were worth a few bumps and bruises! That was how you got tough right? Tough and um...loyal! Yeah that's it, though loyalty! See, she could do this!


    The pegasus brushed a hoof over her chest floof, checking it for shine when Remington got all fan boy in front of her. That was something she was all too used to! She flashed him a smile and flew out to the field. 


    "Yep! You're lucky Remington! You're gonna learn from the best!" She struck a pose over the field before settling to the turf. Rainbow waited for the students to make their way out and then waited for them to switch who had their eyes blind folded. 


    "Ok! Listen up!" She glanced around. Perfect. What could possibly happen out here? Just grass and dirt. She flew some quick lines in various directions, tossing chalk down from a bag she'd found a sports coach must have left behind. "Ok, you just need to lead your partner down the chalk lines. Once you get to the end, taa daa! You're done!"


    There. Easy peasy. What could possibly go wrong? She was the best professor ever!

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  4. image.png


    AJ had heard snatches of what Rarity was saying and they burned her thoroughly. She knew it was a scheme but it still hurt. She could shake her element no matter how had she tried. But she'd have to. She need to buck up! They were in this to catch a crook after all! That made her element shine! Yes, bringing a thief to justice!  Her heart settled a bit at the thought. She had to get her wits together. She and Rarity were a team! They needed to work together and she couldn't spoil the whole thing over being hurt! She still fumed outwardly of course, they had a game to play!


    Gridlock watched form the opposite end of the bar. The room was full of the usual sounds of a party. Glasses tinkling, ponies talking softly, laughter erupting every now and again. It was the perfect scene to finally foil his target! Rarity and Applejack were playing it up just right. Some eyes were on one mare, some on the other. It was obvious that Rarity had been left to her own devices. And that gem! Who could resist? It glittered for all the world as Rarity toyed with it.


    The eyes in the shadows glittered to match the target! It was perfect! Once he had this one he could call it quits for now! The boss would be happy with this. He'd been part of the crime ring long enough to know what kinds of loot got a dog a firm promotion!


    The smallest diamond dog anypony had ever seen crept from behind the curtains. He slunk along the floor, out of sight of all the party goers. The chihuahua made his way to the far end of the bar. Here he crouched, waiting for the pony to let the gem be. Once she did he'd swipe it and be out of there with no pony the wiser...

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  5. Image result for pinkie pie banner


    Pinkie watched Cheese work and smiled. Wow! He could really work in the kitchen! Caramel wasn't super hard to make but it did require some skill and he did seem right at home with pan in hoof! She was super duper glad he'd come into town! This was so much fun!


    "Yum! Yep lots of butter and and tons of vanilla! That's the best way!" 


    As he glanced about for something to pour into Pinkie quickly got some parchment paper onto a baking sheet. They could let it harden there and crack it into yummy bits! "Here yah go Cheesy!"


    She slide the tray across the counter and then giggled when he bumped into her. She swept Boneless of the ground and put him right back in place on the stallion's back. "Hee hee!" She blushed. "Too many cooks in the kitchen I guess!"


    Soon there were new batches of cupcakes in the oven and they could take another little break. "Here, take a seat! I want you to try something!"


    The Pink one went into the back room and returned with two chilled mugs and a pitcher. "It's a new punch I'm working on! Fizzy watermelon strawberry fizz!"


    She poured out two mugs and took a drink from hers. "What do you think?"


    He still hadn't really answered her question about what he needed for a favor...but that could wait! It was lots of fun just to spend time with Cheese!

  6. image.jpeg


    The Princess stood from her throne. Leaping up for an already poised position. Her horn glowed with midnight magic, ready to burst forth at her bidding. Her eyes narrowed and her eyes steeled as they fixed on her enemy. Certainly that was what stood before her...an enemy. The breaker of the Crystal Empire. The blight from the frozen lands. Here he was, standing before her in the very seat of power of Canterlot no less! Luna let a moment pass, watching his movements.


    None of his words or actions seemed as a threat. Was he waiting for the moment to spring his attack? If so, the wrath of Canterlot would be upon him in full force. She doubted that was his ploy. Sombra was smart, calculating, effective. No, an outright attack on her would not be his way. 


    Her eyes lifted towards the guards rushing towards the no declared Prince of Darkness. 


    "Halt!" She raised a brow as the guards slowed their roll and came to a stand still. Horns still blazed and spears still poised of course. "I shall hear more."


    She turned back to Sombra. "If Hou is your enemy then we have something in common...as unusual as that statement may be." She backed up to her throne and sat once more. "What has she claimed?"

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  7. image.jpeg

    Yona yawn and flipped over, a huge snore erupting from her muzzle. It was such a loud snore that it roused the yak from her slumber. He ears perked and she quickly sat up.


    "Yona not sure but Yona not like..." She glanced up, noting that the bed above her was not occupied by the usual griffon. "Oh yes, Yona not like being waked up in middle of night!"


    She rolled off the bed and trotted to the door, which was still open a crack. She poked her head out into the hallway.


    "What in world?" She mused to herself and started down the hallway. Something was totally up! She could hear the voices of her friends not too far away. 


    "Gallus? Silverstream?" She let the names echo down the hallway, being the best version of yak 'quiet' she could be. 


    They were climbing out a window? In the middle of the night? And they hadn't told her? Yona snorted and trotted right up to the marauders. 


    "Why you leave Yona out of..." She glanced around. "Out of whatever you're doing. Yak's a re good at...climbing out windows! Yes that's it! I want to come too!" She stomped the ground in excitement. 

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  8. image.png


    RD couldn't help but watch as AJ worked her magic on their little guy. Every time the bones moved she felt the grinding in her own heart. This. Was. All. Her. Fault. Well, her fault and more accurately her pride's fault. She'd never be rid of it. She both loved and loathed her darned to Tartarus pride. it was going to get her killed, probably by the hooves of her wife to be, someday. 


    Speaking of pride, she was ever so proud of both AJ and Zappers. How they could work together to get through something like this? It was remarkable. It was also awful. She was so mixed up. All RD wanted to do was run into the orchard like she had that one time before, after the huge fight she had caused. Could she ever do anything right? it seemed not. Her stomach dropped and she felt sick.


    She listened as Zappers tried to cover for her. He really was a strong, brave, and loving little guy. She knew he'd grow up to be something great!


    The AJ mentioned something about flight camp, questioning her.


    "Flight camp?!" She gulped at the words. "Uh...yeah! Yep! Zap's gonna be great!" She felt herself wanting to scream. Wanting him never to leave the ground again. Why hadn't he just been born an earth pony? Then she couldn't ruin him.

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  9. glitter banner.png


    Tempest mused on the bear. It was not a contemplative muse, that much was obvious. Glitter knew that ursa would not survive the winter. she could tell by the steel behind the words the unicorn uttered. Glitter didn't contest, the animal had torn her up. Made a mess of her face. But, on the other hoof...it had somehow brought her and Tempest back together. How could something bent on destruction accomplish something that made Glitter's heart feel as it did? The whole thing was a swirling conundrum. But still she knew, Tempest would kill the bear.


    Then the words came. Simple words but with floods of meaning. She knew it was an effort for the other mare to speak on anything so real. She knew Tempest had worked to lock away Fizzy, her playfulness, her joy. This mare before her lived a metal shell of her own creation. It was more than the mail and leather armor she wore, it was tighter than that. Around her very heart.  But these words had leaked and they came to Glitter's ear haltingly. 


    Glitter looked on towards her friend. Though it was painful the mare forced herself to move to Tempest's side. There she slumped, down hard on her friend. Back to the ground in front of the fire. She needed to make the move, even though it hurt her physically. The force that moved her was so much stronger. She looked up into Tempest's swirling eyes. 


    "I missed you too..." She sighed, feeling a wave of feelings wash over her. She found herself wanting to be ever closer to the other unicorn. She also knew this time would end. Wouldn't it? Tempest would want to go on her way after the ursa was dealt with? 


    "You don't have to leave," She looked away. "If you don't want to."

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  10. image.jpeg


    The two mares spied Abby pouting as the door was swiftly swung shut. The poor little filly looked positively green with envy! Well, she'd have a special night of her own someday in the future. Tonight was all about Applejack!


    "Oh my! You clean up rather well don't you darling?" Rarity purred as she trotted up and placed the 'soon to be hitched' sash over her friend's neck.


    "We have lots of fun stuff in store for you miss single mare!" Twilight chuckled. AJ was anything but single and every pony around knew it! But for tonight, she was gonna have her last parry before becoming properly stuck to a certain rainbow mare....forever!


    "Your little sister looked quite put out," Rarity tutted as they lead the way away from the farm house. "She'll have the wedding to attend of course so that should help her feel more included."


    "Plus she's going to have her hooves full tonight with Zap Apple to look after! So," She spoke while turning to AJ. "We thought we'd take you to see the boutique before going out on the town!" The two mares made their way down the main road with AJ in tow. 


    "We wanted you to see it while you're still fresh," Rarity giggled. AJ wouldn't be tipsy of course. She was coming to term with her next foal! What an exciting prospect!


    They ushered AJ inside the very nicely decorated boutique. There were party games set up that they would take full advantage of later... including a bobbing tank of course!


    "Who's up for a little fun before we go out?" Twilight levitated a dark green bottle in front of them. "Green apple snap!" The drink was a famous alcohol free drink for lots of ponies before they hit the honkey tonk! The Princess levitated the bottle and three small glasses, pouring a bit into each glass. AJ's was noticeably the most full by far.


    "Bottom's up dears!" Rarity readied herself to drink the sweet liquid. "To the bride to be!"



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  11. blue_bird_30smaller.pngimage.png


    (sorry if I missed responding to anyone! If I did, not intentional :) )


    Sunburst was really excited to have peaked the interest of at least one little pony thus far! He was ready to tell her more when they had to leave the train. "I'll catch up with you later! So many stories I could tell you!" 


    The stallion trotted down the street towards the hotel when he heard the griffon's exclamation. He turned and called out. "I-It's ok Gallus! When in Roam..." He reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a white toga wrap. He had been wanting to wear it himself but a griffon with no luggage might find some use for the piece of fabric. "Dress like the Roamans!" He trotted on. "Oh, and don't worry. We can find you supplies here if you need anything!"


    Roam was an ancient city of secrets and Sunburst was going to discover them all! He noticed little Horuma trotting nearby and smiled at her. "Isn't this exciting? Have you ever seen some many interesting buildings?"


    Blue Bird hovered along with the group of younger fillies for a little while, listening to their chatter. Then Hyper flew up and spoke about her cool jacket! "Yeah I want to be a Wonderbolt! You too!?" This could be a fun friendship!

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  12. image.png


    AJ was ever the honest one. The strong one. The smart one. The one that actually thought before she did. 


    As her fiance got to work on their son RD did nothing but beat herself up mentally. Well, she also tried to keep the grimace off of her face and keep things positive. She had to for Zappers. She knew Applejack wouldn't let this go, probably ever. But that was better. Rainbow couldn't be trusted. She couldn't handle anything. Not even one little day with just her and Zappers. 


    Dash did as AJ bid. Fetching supplies, cutting and hoofing over tape, keeping her danged mouth shut. She;d never felt this awful. Well, she had actually. But this felt the worst right now cause it was happening now and that was how RD rolled. In the moment as always.


    She listened to AJ's soothing words, somewhat placated by them. It had been a fun day. A good day. A day to remember. It would be a day to remember, just not how RD had planned...

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  13. smaller lampy.jpg


    Lamp let out a soft and husky laugh as Candy spoke of his readiness for the task. Good! The stallion just knew is would help his new friend to feel at home if he was able to contribute. 


    "Excellent! The kitchen is at your full disposal! Let's say make dessert for ten. The inn has guests but not too many right now...and not all of those will come for dinner or stay for dessert." He had quite a particular group that were regulars with him. There were also some travelers from distant lands. "Oh!" he grimaced. "I almost forget! Rivulet is here tonight. He loves dessert but nothing too sweet. Have you any experience cooking for an eastern dragon?"


    Lamp settled himself, reaching with his magic for a steaming mug of tea that had appeared for him on a nearby counter. "If you're not in need of assistance perhaps I'll just provide some friendly company then?" 


    The ever charming stallion leaned back on a low counter, eager to learn more of his new friend. "So, where did you say you were headed before this downpour began?"


    Another husky laugh and smooth smile. "Don't mind me though...if you need to concentrate on your work."

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  14. Vector #397 - Twilight Sparkle #22 by DashieSparkle.deviantart.com ...


    Well! That was nice and dorkalicious! Twilight reached up and dabbed the cream away with her hoof. She blew her forelocks out of her face and eyed RD cramming fruits. "Thanks for that...uh, you have strawberry," She giggled. "Pretty much everywhere!"


    She gulped some tea to clear her mind and lay out the plan. "So, the plan is to leave here right after breakfast. I hope you're packed. I took care of mine when I woke up this morning." Un-needed info a Twilight specialty. "We'll take the northern trail toward the mountain pass. By my calculations we can cove the trail to the pass in a day if we move our tails. Well, to a certain extent. Candance suggested we take it fairly slowly in case there's anypony or anycreature around that seems like they could use a greeting." She raised a brow. "This is a diplomatic venture after all."


    Twilight knew RD could have made it to the Changling Empire within the hour if she had her way buuuuut, she wasn't going to get her way. Plus! Twi was going to get RD warmed up to her if it killed her!


    She ate another mouthful of strawberries and cream and dabbed her muzzle of a napkin. "Any questions oh travelling companion of mine?"


    Even though it was gonna be a little awkward sometimes Twi was looking forward to this! It was going to be an adventure and who knew what valuable information she could gather along the way!


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  15. image.jpeg


    Terra did a slow fin clap as the two emerge back into the current. 


    "Uh," He smirked. "Great job? Gallus." His sister was right, that move was not allowed. And for good reason. It was dangerous. He wanted to add in 'thanks for not killing my sisrer' but he kept that to himself. 


    Gallus was the new guy down here and obviously used to being cool. The move he had just pulled was a hard try at impressing and Terra didn't want to let him down too much. "Naw. It actually was a really awesome move! I haven't seen anyone jump clear out of the current like that...probably ever!"


    When Silverstream mentioned resting for tomorrow Terra shrugged. "Not sure. Anything catch your eye you want to check out Gallus?"

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  16. Image result for rainbow dash banner


    Professor Dash gritted her teeth at the truly cringe worthy effort of her class. And she wasn't really gritting because of their performance, it was that she had just assigned it to them! The more crashes and blunders she saw the more she regretted the awesome assignment she had thought up on her way to the classroom! 


    "Oh!" Dash fluttered nearby the chaotic scene. "Yikes! Ummmmm..." Yep truly regretting this.


    She sighed. It just seemed like she could never catch a break lately. She wasn't dumb, not at all! Rainbow was a pretty smart mare actually. She just never. thought. things. out. ever. 


    When the pair brought the broken glasses forth Dash glanced around. "Ok!" She raised her voice. "Everypony stop!"


    She spoke quietly to Remmy. "Sorry about your glasses uh, Remington was it?" She eyed the broken frames. "Yeah, those aren't gonna be helping you much. Can you see at all without them?"


    Back to the whole class. "Everybody out to the field out front!" She pointed in the direction of the doors leading to the hallway that would take them out to the front of the school. "Right now!" 

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  17. Howdy and welcome! I'll gladly help you out with getting your app approved for use! 


    First, please format your app title like this: Character's Name (WIP or Ready) that way we know if your app is ready for review. 


    So, that being said, your options:


    Leave your app as is and I'll move it to the FFA section where you can freely play any character (within site rules) you'd like. No hassle, no fuss, your done!




    You'll need to take a look at Rarity's Application Form and check out how apps need to be formatted and filled out in order to be approved for use in our WoE sections. 


    So, there you go! Let me know which you'd like to do :) 

  18. image.jpeg


    Luna listened intently to this visitor. There was indeed something odd about him. As he dispelled information her suspicions only grew. How would he have such privileged information? She would have known him if he'd been a head of state, an imperial advisory, linked to a leader of any nation. But he was not. At least that was what she surmised at this time. Perhaps he'd slipped her notice somehow or perhaps he had been brought on into the confidence of one with select information without the princesses of Canterlot knowing?


    Hou Shuren? Yes, she knew of the unicorn sorceress. Her moving castle. The sway she held. She was not to be trifled with. 


    Again the information was more than strange. A common pony having an interaction with Shuren in the White Tail Wood. If it had happened she doubted the unicorn would have offered anything other than a threat or a bolt of power to somepony such as this. Stolen something from Canterlot? Luna had not been informed that anything was amiss. This was quickly becoming frustrating...especially for a night shift princess that was working during the day.


    "Enough with your tales," She fixed him with a stern gaze. "Who are you?" She used her royal decree voice and it bounced over marble flooring to echo around the chamber. She heard the faint clanking of armor as the door guards came to attention in response to her tone. Trouble could be coming at any second.  


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  19. image.png


    The Element of Honesty tried her darndest not to take what her mare was saying seriously. Dusty old relic? Hadn't Rarity herself given Applejack that broach? If there was something wrong with it that was because of Rarity's tastes not her own. She had loved it because of what it meant. It was a symbol of Rarity's love for her. But no! She wouldn't let this really affect her. She couldn't. That was the plan. She knew she'd have trouble with it though, no matter if she knew there was a plan or not. 


    It would have been easier if AJ wasn't a pony that wore her emotions on her sleeve, but she was. Hurt and frustration flashed through her eyes for a brief moment before she regained herself a little. 


    "Well, it's not my fault if it's out of style!" She spoke loud enough for a few around to hear them. "You picked it out for me...unless you forgot?" She smirked. "You said it was a symbol of yer feelings for me." She huffed the words as a few more heads turned. 


    "I'm gonna go get a drink," She trotted off, leaving Rarity to her own devices for the moment. She kept one eye on her though, as they were here to trap what could be possibly dangerous. 


    Gridlock had been in the ballroom for a while. He continued to lean at the bar, sipping a whiskey and surveying the scene from under hooded eyes. The trap had been set, the bait was ready, now where was the fishie?


    A pair of eyes glittered in the shadows, watching the sparkle of a certain purple gem...

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