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Everything posted by AshtonSSG

  1. Davroth, he who knows of all my weird small town secrets.
  2. HEY PONIES. http://i1.cdnds.net/12/09/618x872/assassinscreed3leak.jpg So, what are your thoughts? From what i can see, the man is of Native American descent. or I'm guessing. (Fur boots, Necklace with teeth, Native American Like Weapons.) So, basically how do you think the story might go down? something I think that would be interesting is if you could choose to help the Red Coats (british army) or the Revolutionaries (Americans) through the choices you make in your missions.
  3. HEY. YA YOU. ALL YOU PONIES. YEAH I'M LOOKING AT YOU. HAS ANYONE TOLD YOU HOW AWESOME YOU ARE? CUZ IT'S PRETTY DAMN AWESOME. I LOVE ALL OF YOU, CUZ YOUR SO AWESOME. just wanted to let you know. (also, I know i should post more, but i get home from practice and all i want to do is chill and play the only game i ever play. TF2.)
  4. AshtonSSG

    LPW Drawfriends

    I wasn't even going to open this when i go to the home page. but something just called me to it. when i opened it, i read the paragraph on the side, then saw the "Last Post Wins" at the bottom. Then I read the descript. then i saw my name. I'd burst with joy and excitement. TL;DR Picture is awesome, thank you so much for putting me in it!
  5. * peeks in * HEY GUY'S WHAT GOING ON IN..... Oh. that's cool. tentacles and pillows. that's cool. :I
  6. Well Ponies, I'm headed off to the hay. Sweet Dreams!
  7. I SPY! I SPY THE SPY IS A LIE! (is not a spy. totally not a spy. at all. no spy here.)
  8. Soon you will have a better one, when we can talk more about it.
  9. Sorry about earlier, I wasn't home so i didn't have a good search option for those MC skins. :'C
  10. Appy! (yeah, that's all i'm gonna post right here.)
  11. Dem Pizza Rolls I had. Now I'm watching a Live Recording from Phil X and The Drills, some little unheard Rock band. they're pretty awesome.
  12. I use this face, " :I " all the time because of Appy. :I :I:I :I:I:I :I:I:I:I :I:I:I:I:I
  13. Howdy SilverSwirl. also. BRB Pizza Rolls. U Jelly?
  14. good to see you too connor, that hoodie on the pony is darn awesome. :3
  15. Thanks you, Madam Angie Cakes. How was your day?
  16. Well, I in fact need to do more things inside canterlot, which is why i'm gonna post. or at least try to post. XDDD
  17. I've never heard of it. D: TPBM has lost connection from the server.
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