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Everything posted by Brony-Vas-Normandy

  1. Bad as in poorly written? Or one that left us all a hollow empty husk of the person we once were? Because I've read Final Dream of a Filly. I still can't think about that fic too hard or I start crying.
  2. One hundred-thirty posts since I last checked, and I can still hop back in and steal the last post. Hope I didn't discourage you all with the futility of your efforts.
  3. I stopped having to do any state-required testing three years ago. Now all I do is finish any assigned work and play Skyrim all day. ujelly?
  4. GUYS! GUYS! It's SNOWING! In ARKANSAS! ...IN NOVEMBER! This hasn't happened in years! At least not since I've lived here. It's a winter wonderland out there! Angie, you are now authorized to laugh at me for thinking a half-inch of snow is a winter wonderland.
  5. I'm sorry, Fawkes. I didn't mean it. I... I was just mad... I'm sorry...
  6. I am ALWAYS online. Trust me. I have no job, and I'm homeschooled. That will never happen.
  8. Fact: Cat was actually that big. You've no idea what I had to go through for the Band-Aid.
  9. *leans in to hug Sulvuss* *Fakes out and hugs Conor instead* I'll never consort with the enemy!
  10. Sure I would. I serve aboard the Normandy; the most advanced ship in the Alliance fleet the most advanced freelance (?) ship in the galaxy!
  11. After Cat's tragic death and resurrection, he obviously decided he wasn't going to waste his next eight lives. I believe we should all respect his decision, even though it means he has left us.
  12. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING INTO, SON. err... Prepare to lose your sanity! I mean, ...Welcome to this delightful thread! Why, hello to you as well, good Sir!
  13. Nu Metal/Alternative master genre reporting in. Metal doesn't have to be loud to be powerful. *Prepares to get stabbed*
  14. Except a confetti bomb. Lucky for you, Conor has all of those, and he's nowhere to be found. I don't think this thread could take another one of those anyway. This crater is really uncomfortable.
  15. I googled the Scootaloo image Fawkes. I tried to find it for you, but I got distracted by all of the adorable Scootaloo pictures. At least somepony was able to find it.
  16. Only for the greater good, Fawkes. To destroy this, this... love.
  17. I can't love with your creepy avatar staring at me. Where's Cat when you need him? I saved that little furball once. The least he could do is get rid of it for me.
  18. This is the WAR thread, not the "love" thread. I didn't start a devastating conflict fifty-something pages ago for your love. PS: Shhh! There are two guests lurking on this thread. Don't let your crazy show too much.
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