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Posts posted by Brony-Vas-Normandy

  1. So you are saying that she has the power and authority of a god, but is not actually one? Can you explain how that makes sense? If it walks like a duck...

    Not that she has the power or authority of a god, rather that because of her unique powers, she is given the respect of one, while not being officially recognized as such.

  2. They may view her as some sort of deity, owing to her unnatural age and superior magical capabilities, but viewing her as a god would be unlikely. We know that her and Luna have not existed since the beginning, so she cannot be hailed as a 'creator', which is the foundation of most religious followings. The high praise she receives most likely comes from the show's creators not being able to come out and say, "Oh my God!" or something similar, seeing as this is a children's show not focusing towards any specific religious demographic.

    So, a god? Not likely. Highly revered deity? Maybe.

  3. Wait.....if you weren't dead....

    Then what were you?

    Cause you defiently weren't alive....I think :/

    He was turned to stone, of course!

    He is chaos incarnate, and thus cannot die. Like Discord, he was entombed in a stone prison upon his "death," and because we all require chaos to maintain order, we fell into chaos. The resulting chaos freed him from his stony tomb to deliver the chaos that we didn't have because we had too much chaos due to lack of chaos.


  4. also, I don't know if Fawkes said this when he pointed out that birthdays are gone from profiles, but the calandar is gone too D: I was going to go snooping around in there to see what all was on it (since they posted stuff other than birthdays), but it's not there!

    It's still there, there's just no link. Click on any date on the small calendar on the front page, and then click "month view," at the top.

  5. At the time of my calculations, Canterlot had 105,747 posts, and Last Post Wins had 19,438.

    Meaning, only 81.618391065467578276452287062517% of posts are outside of this thread.

    So, for every post made on the entire site, there's an estimated 18.381608934532421723547712937483% chance it's going to be in this thread.

    Almost one in five posts are made solely by us.

    Just thought you'd like to know.

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