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Posts posted by Brony-Vas-Normandy

  1. I have a crippling fear of open water.

    I can hop right into a pool, and I can wade about ten feet off shore into a lake/ocean, but after that I go into a full panic.

    Oh, and Flying insects that can sting, or grounded insects/spiders. Any flying bug that can't sting I'm fine with, however. If a fly lands on me I'll usually let it crawl around a little while before flicking it off, but if an ant or other bug that doesn't have wings decides to get within visual range, I freak out.

    That may or may not have anything to do with accidentally stepping on a fire ant nest barefoot five or six years ago.

    Aside from that, I don't have any of the usual trademark fears. I can walk outside on a moonless night with coyotes howling and not feel the slightest inkling of fear.

    I also used to be terrified of needles, but I got a shot recently that put all of those fears to rest.

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