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About HoneyMoon

  • Birthday 12/08/2000

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    MLP, Dance, Drama, Singing, Performing arts, Skating and gymnastics.
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  1. Earth ponies are seriously underated >:-(

    1. NeoExlucky


      um...welcome to Canterlot? Also, I wouldn't say that. A lot of people play earth ponies. One of my main characters is an earth pony.

    2. SongHeart


      welcome! i think people represent themselves by pony species that best suits them. an earth pony would probably be a country gal as almsot all of them in the show are farmers of some sort (or other food. next time you watch look at all the earth pony cutuie marks) and pegaseses (that make up msot of the fandom) are more of "free spirits" which is represented by their ability to fly. have you ever seen any pegases farmers? no so they probably wouldn't be country gals or guys. a...

    3. SongHeart


      unicorn persona would most likely be "sophisticated" and very serious for the most part. and most likely be able to organize their thoughts better then the other two species because they can do magic and most can talk at the same time. even foals new to magic can do it fairly okay. its all about personality. at least thats how i see it

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