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Techno Tealeaf

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Posts posted by Techno Tealeaf

  1. If I remember correctly in the 80's cartoon there was a magic mirror that when two ponies stood in front of it and wished for a foal it would magically appear. It's not relevant to FiM but I thought it was funny how the 80's explained where foals come from.

  2. I voted for the Members Gallery and/or Fanfic repository but I would also like to see something like a Role player of the week or Pony/creature of the week.

    What would make someone's pony/character the 'best' that week over others?

    It doesn't necessarily have to be the who's the "best", I was thinking more along the lines of a member spotlight. Another RP forum I was on did something like this and it was a lot of fun. Basically someone is randomly picked and for a week they'd have a picture of their character and a little biography in the side bar of the forum. It was mostly a way to get your character a little more exposure, but then again that form had a crazy amount of members.

  3. Pictures of Everything please! I can't wait to see what Hasbro has in store for us collectors. I'm not sure if you'll get to ask questions but if you do could you ask if Hasbro has any plans on releasing more gift sets with the mane 6 or any toys for the older fans?

  4. Kind of disappointed that Luna shares the same mold as the other ponies, but if it counts toward anything, Hasbro could be acknowledging the presence of the fanbase, considering how many of us love Luna.

    I feel your pain but from a marketing point of view it's just not cost effective to make a separate mold for every pony and by using the same molds it keeps the cost of making the ponies down which in turn keeps the price of buying ponies down. You also have to remember that the target age group for buying the toys is around 7 years old and the parents. Now if you're not a fan of the show it'd be hard to spend more than $20 on a toy with the economy the way it is.

    That being said I do wish Hasbro would release something along the lines of show accurate fully articulated ponies for the older fans. Or some sort of deluxe play set with all of the main 6, Spike, and the Princesses.

  5. Techno beamed with happiness. "I'd love too!" She took her place at Merry's side before answering her questions. "Well I run a tea shop and dance club. Well I will once I get unpacked and set up properly. If you have some time off you should stop by and I'll make you a special drink, on the house of course." She couldn't help but smile as she talked about her new shop, she had worked her hooves to the bone saving up enough money to buy a place that suited her dream shop. "The building is perfect for what I want to do. The main floor is the shop, I've turned the basement into a dance floor, and I live in the loft above the store." She cut herself off before she went on to talk about her tea plants and why the location was perfect for growing them. "As for my cutie mark, it looks like an orange tea leaf, I'd show it to you but I can't with this dress on." She laughed at how strange that sounded. "I'll have to show you after the gala when I'm back to work. What about you Merry, what's your cutie mark?" She hoped she wasn't being to forward or talking too much but it didn't seem like Merry minded her babbling.

  6. Techno tucked the card into a small pocket as a big smile spread across her face, she had made her first friend in Ponyville! "Thank you Merry I'll be sure to call on you if I need anything delivered." Again her thoughts drifted to zebras and griffons. Maybe we'll meet a zebra or a griffon tonight! I imagine a zebra would be taller than a pony, and I bet griffons are even bigger!" She giggled as she chatted with her new friend. She was curious of the inhabitants of Ponyville and once she had heard Ponyville was home to some of the species she had only read about in books she couldn't help but talk about them. It wasn't really gossiping as they weren't talking about anyone in particular, but to Techno just imagining meeting such an exotic creature was exciting.

  7. Techno tilted her head and thought for a second. "Well honestly I hadn't thought of it but maybe I could use a delivery pony for special orders." She straightened up and locked around the garden. "I heard that there is a Griffin at the gala, and even a zebra! I thought the gala was for ponies only, not that I don't like griffins and zebras mind you I've just never meet one before." She smiled as she thought of a picture of a zebra she had seen before. "Although I do like the way their manes look. Have you ever meet a griffin or a zebra Merry?"

  8. Oh goodness I need that little Luna and Celestia for my collection, I hope I can find them without having to buy the huge Celestia. I only collect the brushable hair and blind bag ponies. It's hard enough trying to find someone with the CMC ponies that is willing to part with them.

  9. "Oh I'm here because I thought I could introduce myself and make some friends, maybe advertise my shop opening a bit but it seems like everypony's already in conversation or busy with something else." She looked back toward the castle and continued. "I didn't think the gala would be quite as big as it is, I knew it was a big party but I never imagined anything like this! The buffet alone is bigger than my shop and loft put together." She laughed to herself before turning back to Merry. "So you're a delivery pony? That must be exciting seeing all sorts of different ponies and towns. What sort of deliveries do you make, do you work for a store or with the local mail?"

  10. Techno blushed a bit at the compliments she was getting about her dress. "Actually I made it myself, it's really two old dresses sewn together." She lifted her right foreleg to show the Merry the small bow and little buttons on her sleeve. The front half is made from an old Victorian dress and the back is from an Indian styled gown." She turned to show Merry the back half and continued. "See it looks like an albino Peacock's tail, but their tail eyes are white not orange." She smiled a genuine smile of happiness as she spoke to the Pegasus. "If you don't mind my asking what sort of business are you here for?" She hoped she didn't come off as rude, the last thing she wanted was to have someone upset with her.

  11. Techno jumped a bit at the sudden greeting. "Oh, hello!" She smiled at the unfamiliar pony before continuing. "I've just moved into town so I don't know anypony." She pawed at the grass nervously as she looked around. "My name is Techno Tealeaf, but you can call me whatever you'd like." She fidgeted nervously as she spoke and wondered to herself if she was talking too much or too little, she had the bad habit of either rambling or saying very little when she meet somepony new and ended up embarrassing herself but she had told herself that tonight she would do her best not to embarrass herself. She looked at the new pony's dress and smiled. "Your dress is lovely, I like how the bow highlights your figure and wings. It's very elegant."

  12. TeaLeafGala.jpg

    (Picture for reference)

    Techno trotted out to the edge of the royal koi pond and let out a sigh. The gala was wonderful and everywhere she turned was something or somepony looking beautiful and magnificent while having a grand time with friends. She looked at her reflection in the pond and studied herself. Her dress was made of the remains of two dresses that were headed for the trash bin but she had taken them and attempted to make herself a dress worthy of the gala, her hair was put up in a bun but a few pieces had fallen out, and her orange eyes were framed by thick black glasses and a shimmering eyeshadow that complimented her pelt. As she studied her reflection she let out another small sigh. What business did she even have being at the gala? she was nopony of any importance or upbringing, in fact she had just moved to Ponyville and hadn't even finished unpacking when her invitation had arrived. She didn't know a single pony in Ponyville.

    She didn't want to impose on the other ponies already in conversation by introducing herself and when she had noticed a younger pony pointing in her direction and whispering to another pony and she had assumed they were whispering about her and had run to the garden to regain her composure. So here she stood on her own staring down at her reflection and feeling more and more insecure with herself the longer she looked.

  13. As Techno stepped into the main hall her orange eyes grew wide and an excited smile spread across her face. She was a new resident of Ponyville and she hadn't even finished unpacking when the mail mare had come crashing through her window with an invitation to the gala. She wondered if she had actually been invited or if the invitation had somehow been sent to her by accident but sure enough it was her name on the golden ticket.

    An excited nervousness came across her, here she was at what she understood to be "the party to end all parties" and she didn't know a single pony. As she approached the princess she couldn't help but wonder why she had been invited in the first place, she wasn't famous or wealthy nor were her parents and her dress was made from the remains of two dresses she had "rescued" from being thrown away.

    Finally it was her turn to approach the princess. She bowed to her and smiled nervously. "Princess Celestia, Thank you for the invitation to such a wonderful party." She then pulled two small boxes seemingly from nowhere and placed them at the princess's hooves, they were two small gift boxes one wrapped with paper covered with hand drawn fireflies and wrapped with orange ribbon the other was decorated with hand drawn moths and was wrapped with purple ribbon. "This is just a small sampling of the teas I sell in my shop, there's also a box for Princess Luna. Oh but please drink the sample with the blue tea bag carefully, it's made with a little poison joke." She paused for a second before quickly reassuring the princess that it wouldn't harm her and the effects would wear off in a half hour. "It mostly changes your pelt a funny color or makes you sound silly but it effects everypony differently." Techno couldn't help but noticing everyone staring at her, she wondered if in Ponyville you weren't supposed to bring a gift to the host or hostess of a party like you did where she was from or if she had somehow offended everyone.

  14. Oh my, I LOVE your style.

    Especially your closet monster, that fat tail is just so Bluthian! <3

    MudBug the fact that you used the term "Bluthian" makes you 20% cooler in my book.

    On topic:

    Could I request a picture done by you off site? I really need a "cover" for the fan fic I wrote but I'm usually too shy to request. Would you mind if I sent a PM your way with details?

  15. WARNING: Cursing ahead.

    **** people who drive while talking on their phones. Thanks to some blonde teeny bopper who was driving while on her cell phone my car is totaled, my right hand is burned pretty badly, my right arm and neck are royally ****ed up, my face is a wreck and I can't hear out of my right ear. THANK GOD I was there to protect my little sister, she's perfectly fine aside from being scared. But **** that little brat for driving while on the phone and then having the audacity to blame US for the accident. Just NO, **** YOU **** YOU **** YOOOU. Jesus Christ how in the world am I going to pay for all of this, I just lost my job over work place politics. Just **** can I catch a break just ONCE!?

    I'm sorry everypony, life is just slapping me in the face right now and I just need a shoulder to lean on.

    ugh ****, thats the ****ing worse, i had the scare of my life some months ago by the same cause but managed to avoid the ****ing ******* (must thank NFS and GT for the skills provided :? )

    hope you can get out of that one somehow *hoofpats back*

    Luckily it wasn't our fault so I guess every cloud has a silver lining. I just don't know what I'm going to do right now, things just seem to be getting worse and worse for me.

  16. WARNING: Cursing ahead.

    **** people who drive while talking on their phones. Thanks to some blonde teeny bopper who was driving while on her cell phone my car is totaled, my right hand is burned pretty badly, my right arm and neck are royally ****ed up, my face is a wreck and I can't hear out of my right ear. THANK GOD I was there to protect my little sister, she's perfectly fine aside from being scared. But **** that little brat for driving while on the phone and then having the audacity to blame US for the accident. Just NO, **** YOU **** YOU **** YOOOU. Jesus Christ how in the world am I going to pay for all of this, I just lost my job over work place politics. Just **** can I catch a break just ONCE!?

    I'm sorry everypony, life is just slapping me in the face right now and I just need a shoulder to lean on.

  17. If anyone needs me I'll be in the corner attempting to fix my broken heart.

    If you need to reach out, we've got a lot of bronies with their im/skype information who I'm sure can sympathize, and maybe talk about other, lighter things. Heart bleeds for you hon, but you would be right to walk away from that.

    Thank you, I might take you up on that sometime. Right now I'm focusing all my energy on a fanfic that needs to be finished, getting Techno's shop drawn out so I can FINALLY get the RP thread going, and my job. I'm sure once it actually sets in that he's gone I'll need a shoulder to lean on.

  18. 7 years. We were together 7 whole years and you threw it all away for drugs and your "bros". Honestly this is the most painful thing I've ever done; I love you so much, I wanted to be your wife and live happily ever after with you but today you made it painfully clear who and what you love more than me and I can't be with someone like that. You made it oh so clear that you'd rather get high, trip out, and be with your friends than hang out with me on the one day I have off. I can't believe I believed you when you said you'd propose to me when we got on our feet. I even believed it when you said we'd move out together, and the worst I can't believe I believed it when you said you loved me more than anything. I hope getting high was worth it.

    If anyone needs me I'll be in the corner attempting to fix my broken heart.

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