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Everything posted by Penumbra

  1. Young love is a beautiful thing. So I've heard.
  2. Thanks guys. You're all too sweet, it's making my teeth hurt.
  3. Hey I got my dissertation results back. A total of 55/100. And thus the sun set and Penumbra continued to be a shining example of mediocrity. One day i'll be exceptional at something, then you'll all be sorry.
  4. Maybe one day we'll all be farmers together, build friendships, memories and the most aesthetically unappealing farm ever.
  5. M4P was trash. But I think that's partly due to how it was marketed. It appeared as a sequel in the same style as DD and Justine but didn't really mention how big a role the other developer, The Chinese room had on production. The Chinese room previously did Dear Ester, a story focused walking sim and continued in that fashion for M4P. I think I was just disappointed that they just rode their fame from DD, set up M4P as a true sequel and pulled a fast one.
  6. Black plague? That's where I got my name from. I got it after I found out the developers also did Amnesia: The dark descent.
  7. Stardew Valley multiplayer beta is out an i'm pretty hyped. Can't wait to make the most unprofitable farm in the world with a guy from Australia.
  8. The world is so much simpler when you have the power to be everyone's waifu.
  9. Looks like we might have to start some kind of dinosaur sensitivity training programs.
  10. I have a great suggestion Yes these are official
  11. The Wolf Mom's love shines so bright it's almost blinding.
  12. If I had the opportunity to, I would 100% crossplay. Prolly as Julianne stingray. <----(or a very specific blue hair, glasses wearing girl) I can always dream.
  13. Speaking of pizza, This is a guy. I just thought that this was interesting.
  14. Reminds me of the best job I ever had where I started at 3pm and finished at 2am. Getting thanked by drunk wedding goers in the middle of the night for doing the bare minimum made me feel so special.
  15. If you turn up your radio really loud, no one will hear you screaming. I do it all the time since I often forget how to drive, even while i'm driving.
  16. As soon as you get your licence do a wheelie out of the test course.
  17. Because life is cruel. The anime is airing at the moment, but that's not really solace if you actually want to play the game.
  18. Finally finished Persona 5 after having a 9 month break. Gotta say, pretty lackluster requirements for the true ending. I think i'd pull of a good Goro Akechi if I ever decided to unlock my true potential as the ultimate fictional waifu. Or husbando since he's a guy and all.
  19. I'm guessing she's gonna get Chinese food.
  20. As some one who has gone though two pricey laptops in the last 4 years, I would advise against a gaming laptop. You can get decent computer for a quarter of the price. My new comp has a window where you can look inside and see all the techno bits. Its also loud as hell and glows bright blue, so downloading stuff at night is really annoying.
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