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Everything posted by Penumbra

  1. Either that or the gas is effecting your sense of smell!
  2. * Trots up to microchip and placed arm around his shoulder. Micro! Where are you off to in such a hurry? It would be awfully rude if you left our tea party without having at lest one cup of tea. *Pull him over to red-blood tea You remember Fawkes right? The guy with the chair. We where just wondering how his chair gave birth to him.
  3. Who are you and why should i care? And why does this red taste of blood? *Starts to drink
  4. Well I've finally found what I'm a looking for and if they get their chance they'll end it for sure. Surely would. Baby have done all i could, now its up to you..... GUUURRRL, YOULLLLL BEEEEE AHH WOOOMAAAANN SOOOON!
  5. Come to the meadow with me! We shall skip and jump and pick flowers. Lay in the plush green grass as butterfly's flutter by. Watch the clouds drift carelesly through the air. The smell of a sunny day. And if anything else happens, well that would be our taboo.
  6. You know the difference between those thrones and this one? I haven't licked cheese off those thrones. *Starts to make out with throne Your cushions are soooo soft~ Take Me now!
  7. Sadup throne you're not suppose to talk. You have no influence over me. Now come over here, i wish to Bachensteiner you up a bit.
  8. There are dark forces at work here! Everybody seems to have gone crazy! More-so! I may be the last person with a functional brain! I must go nail slices of cheese to the roof so the dark forces can't find me! That'll so them. That'll so all of them! INCLUDING YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  9. Its a chair. Why is everyone getting all worried like over a chair. And another thing, why would a chair need keys? What useful purpose would they have on a chair! It makes no logical sense!
  10. I'm away for five minuets and you guys blow everything up again? I'm so proud of all of you..... *Cries
  11. There isn't an objective. Your concern is misplaced.
  12. I am no ginger! Plus, I finished school last Monday
  13. His name is cat. Not kitty. Oh, look he's all angry now
  14. This is a place where everybody knows your name, And they're always glad you came. And Penumbra will destroy you all.
  15. Whats wrong with Hotsauce? If you can't handle the heat. Stay out of the Directory. Dear Princess Celestia Today I killed an Orange and i liked it. Is there something wrong with me? Is it because i watch to many gory movies? Because that starting to worry my friends. Your faithful subject Penumbra
  16. Yes!.......... Somewhere, It will require some cave exploring. I need a miner's hat!
  17. Its a video! I haven't used one of these in ages! Its like, foreign technology!
  18. Ya, i haven't seen it in years though, i should dig it up some point.
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