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Everything posted by Penumbra

  1. Lucky for you me and Patch are up for maid hiring. You can pick from: This or This Discount if you hire both. But you still have to pay for postage and handling.
  2. I'd be happy to run anyone's errands in a maid dress if I was paid. Matter of fact, I would insist I do it in a maid dress.
  3. The vacuum? Do you have a large empty void in your living room? What a brave doggo, i'd be pretty scared of that and I don't scare super easy (Probably).
  4. Excuse you, that's The Witch of truth, the great detective and the 18th person on the island, Furudo Erika. She's beautiful
  5. The worst feeling is S ranking someone on fire emblem and then a bunch of prime waifu's join your army. So you get super conflicted if your Knifeu-Waifu is better than the Sliceu-waifu and skyfu-waifu.
  6. Dollys was pretty much Magical Girl Apocalypse, and that fell apart pretty quickly. (I would put an image that encapsulates the theme manga, but I couldn't find one that isn't a gore fest. So here's a key-chain) Ma-gi-ca-ru
  7. 2 more weeks until i'm formally congratulated for going to uni. Maybe i'll show you all my graduation photo.
  8. Yo monobear, I ask this to every DR fan. What did you think of the ending to V3? I personally...
  9. What are you on about? It's clearly from Attack on Titan.
  10. Which one are you suppose to be in that analogy?
  11. I managed to get LISA: The joyful, To the moon and OneShot at the SSS for a grand total of $0 by selling some valuable TF2 items. OneShot is super cute. Cat people are super cute.
  12. That's the sweetest, most confusing thing anyone has ever said to me.
  13. I suppose that's why I always play as a girl if I have the chance.
  14. To be fair, no-one waits for a holiday to complain about the English.
  15. I'm actually kinda shocked you didn't pick an Argonian.
  16. Hey, I rarely post anything there at all. The conversations that happen in the lounge section are too...unique for me. Don't feel bad. Mines like real dinosaurs, non-existent. (Forgive me Patch)
  17. This is why we need a nsfw section. So we can enjoy robot courting to its fullest.
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