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Posts posted by Penumbra

  1. M4P was trash. But I think that's partly due to how it was marketed. It appeared as a sequel in the same style as DD and Justine but didn't really mention how big a role the other developer, The Chinese room had on production. The Chinese room previously did Dear Ester, a story focused walking sim and continued in that fashion for M4P. 
    I think I was just disappointed that they just rode their fame from DD, set up M4P as a true sequel and pulled a fast one. 

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  2. As some one who has gone though two pricey laptops in the last 4 years, I would advise against a gaming laptop.
    You can get decent computer for a quarter of the price.
    My new comp has a window where you can look inside and see all the techno bits. 
    Its also loud as hell and glows bright blue, so downloading stuff at night is really annoying. 

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