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Posts posted by Penumbra

  1. So I got round to playing the Danganronpa VR demo. Actually pretty good. All five minutes of it. 
    The arguments are so much more lively and I can view Aoi's new 3D model in far more....detail.
    Like the characters will actually get out of their pedestals and literally jump and stomp on peoples arguments. At one point Toko threw books at floating text to counter it  
    and Togami shook the stage and made everyone fall to their knees by clicking his fingers.
    Then it ended abruptly with you getting punished and made we wonder if there was a point to the whole thing. Like Spike Chunsoft haven't announced that they are doing anything with it. I hope it does get a full game, even if its just a remake of the first one.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Rosewind said:


    Have you ever played Night in the Woods? You really need to play Night in the Woods.


    It can be really tough to put things in focus, especially when your inbox gets full. It's always going to be full, so you have to prioritize and figure out what's causing you the most stress, then take steps to remove (or reduce) those problems from your life. I know this isn't a cure-all solution for everyone; it's more of a guide line that I've personally found works really well for me. ymmv. I use my PC's sticky notes to write down little reminders for myself. I have two sets -- one of long term things that don't need my immediate attention, and shorter term ones that do. 


    Like so:




    As for getting school stuff done...get all your information together, then unplug your internet. Put your phone in another room. Seriously. Nothing kills writing production more than distraction.

    I did see a play though of the adventures of personality disorder cat. I wish I could jump around on power lines and be a cat girl. That'd show them.

    I do try, but i'm so bad at organising and sticking to plans. I have pretty much no idea how to progress with my dissertation.
    Oh well, it'll be over in a weeks time. I have no doubt i'll submit something, but I don't think it'll be very good. 

    And I can't turn off the internet, I need that for research. 



    7 hours ago, teaanddice said:

    I get it! I am also juggling research on microfluidics with 4 different group projects, 5 papers due each week, and squeezing in free time.


    Rose is right, prioritizing is super helpful. There is this great tool out there, that you can use called the GTD System (Getting things Done). It’s an amazing way to prioritize and catalog everything that needs to be done. I’d recommend reading/watching vids on it, it seriously is a game changer.


    link to book: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Things-Done-Stress-Free-Productivity/dp/0142000280

    Such is uni life. Maybe my devil may care attitude is coming back to bite me. I'll try what ever makes me feel less and less sick all the time.

    Also welcome. Existential crisis's are common here. We have a few booked in next week if you wan't to stick around for them.  


  3. My default mood is constant anxiety and doubt that the world isn't fictitious because I have a dissertation due in a  week and I still have to do 1,500 more words and after that I have 4 other assignments all due in the same month and I haven't started any of them.
    Then its onto the rest of my life where I can be trapped in a society I don't believe in until my existence is spread so thin that I can't be considered as real anymore.   






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