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Posts posted by Penumbra

  1. 17 hours ago, Tenkan said:


    What? Really?




    *climbs back onto his tank and seats himself comfortable where he can man the gun. The large, rusty war machine slowly rotates its gun nozzle to aim at Pemby*


    Yeah? Remember now, old friend?

    Hey everyone look!
    Its the crowned champion of LPW!

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Rosewind said:

    So I buzzed through half of season 1 of Steven Universe. It's been cute so far, it's been interesting. I was telling Dreamy I'm not sure if the main story has even started yet. The meta story -- whatever it is -- is starting to get interesting, but it only comes in faint bits and pieces.

    The main story kinda starts 100 episodes in. Like I said, the're few and far between. 
    It gets better when Peridot gets more screen time. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Rosewind said:

    I'm not big on mecha myself, though I'm really digging Darling in the Franxx. 


    So I'm thinking of watching Steven Universe. My experience with it is the "stronger than you" song and that's it. I wanna see what all the hoopla is about, I guess. Good idea?


    But imo the first few eps aren’t that great. Heck the’re down right bad. Early Steven is super annoying and un-likeable but the gems more than make up for it.

     So be prepared for that. 

    The episode that sold me on the series is episode 35 ( I think, it’s called ‘lion 3’ or something), so if you’re ever struggling to see what’s so great about the show, skip to that ep and see how you feel about it. 


    It is a great show that is worth your time and has some fantastic episodes. One gripe is that there is a lot of it is slice of life filler between the good episodes. It’s not that those eps are bad, but the ones that focus on the over arching story are so much better. 



    • Like 1
  4. Did someone say gory anime?
    Another - Pretty good. The best thing is that the manga, the book and anime are all slightly different so you can experience it 3 times!

    Higurashi no naku koro ni - Great for the first season. Dials back the gore in season two. Ends with a trash ova. Also has slice of life ovas that don't fit the theme of the show for some reason.
    Umineko no naku koro ni - How not to do a visual novel anime adaptation. Trash. The VN is the best thing i've ever read though and highly recommend it if you have a spare 50 hours.
    Corpse party - The game was better.
    Hell girl - Step one: Watch the first ep. Step two: Replay the first ep 25 more times in your head. Congrats you've watch the entire season.
    Deadman Wonderland - The first few eps are pretty good and then they just go for edgelord fighting with blood magic.
    Gantz: zero - A group of people try their best to not fire guns that kill monsters instantly. Great cg moive. Super gore to the max.
    Berzerk 2016 - Trash.
    Berzerk 2017 - Trash.
    Helsing Ultimate - Unless you're 14 you probably wont enjoy this.
    Elfen Lied - Best opening ever. Pretty good if a bit pretentious
    High School of the dead - Actualy the best thing in the world.
    Shiki - Slow burning murder mystery with vampires. One of my fav anime.
    Akame ga kill - Ok if you just want gore. Otherwise an averare anime that uses cheap emotional hooks to make you care about bland characters. Ask me about my strong opinions.  


  5. The joke is that PTE is a trash manga that embraces and makes fun of popular anime/manga sub-culture. So the anime is just reflecting that in some aspects. Its just a big shiitake post.
    Think something that's so bad it transcends being terrible and somehow becomes enjoyable in an semi-ironic way. But it deserves some merit because later they do some amazing things, like an entire segment is done by two people using a flip book. 

    In other news I finally got round to watching Steven Universe. Its pretty hype. 

  6. 15 hours ago, Rocky said:

     I'm 5 minutes into the first episode and...

     What the hell am I watching lol

     It's pretty funny actually. I don't really get it but, it's funny for sure.

     EDIT: (2 minutes further into it) okay what this is hilarious omg

    Here's an explanation of sorts.

    1) A lot of effort was put into this to be the worst anime ever.

    2) Each episode is comprised of 2 parts called A and B. 
    3) Part B is just a rebroadcast of part A with a few differences
    4) The Major difference (with the exception of the first episode) Part A is voiced by girls while Part B is voiced by Boys.

    5) Some dialog changes in Part B
    6) Each episodes is comprised entirely of new voice actors

    7) Any segment that is in french will only have subtitles in Part B, although the voice actors for this segment don't change

    8) Every Part ends with a preview of a fake slice of life, harem, comedy Anime

    9) They smashed a real TV for the intro

    10) The Manga is really good

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