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Posts posted by Penumbra

  1. Why don't i own a cat?


    Step 1) Get two twin cats

    Step 2) Name one madness, the other Sparta

    Step 3) Book a vet for both cats

    Step 4) Go to vet

    Step 5) When vet asks which cat is which

    Step 6) Point to appropriate cat yell 'This is madness"

    Step 7) Point to other cat Yell "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!"

    Step 8) Kick the vet

    Step 9) ??????

    Step 10) PROFIT!!!

    • Like 3
  2. Oh but I AM with you! I'm always with you! Imaging ways that you can say my name.

    I would lick knives for you attention. Hug and stitch my hands together so i would never let go.

    Snap the tendons and ligaments in my ankles so i wouldn't walk away. If i had no cheeks i could smile forever and so you how happy I am.

    A lot of ponies might think this is madness but i am not crazy. I have not lost my mind, it is with you!

  3. BUUUUUTTTT! My exact words to rocky were 'If you haven't heard of it i wouldn't recommend looking it up' So that just proves that i can get ponies to something while telling them not to do it. 4 is only my 'cupcakes' score, i have allot more points for allot of other things.

    You will all be subjected to some horror by my hoofs. Roll up your sweater sleeves all you what. It won't help.


  4. Penumbra gets allot of people to do allot of things. I won't what to corrupt anyone's innocent minds (Except you Fawkes) of the things iv'e seen and gotten other people to see.

    Lets just say, colored breakfast and sour fruit celebrations are my main source.

    Rocky, you are the forth pony I've gotten to read cupcakes. (I've been doing this for a while)

    Penumbra: 4

    Everypony else: 0

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