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Status Replies posted by RainbowDaringDash

  1. How does one donate the le site?

  2. I really want to do a RP with one or two people who are interested in star wars, please PM if u think you would want to join it

  3. I really want to do a RP with one or two people who are interested in star wars, please PM if u think you would want to join it

  4. I really want to do a RP with one or two people who are interested in star wars, please PM if u think you would want to join it

  5. I really want to do a RP with one or two people who are interested in star wars, please PM if u think you would want to join it

  6. This place used to be huge with heaps of members..what happened?

  7. This place used to be huge with heaps of members..what happened?

  8. well....this looks firmilier.....oh hi im new

  9. So, how is everypony this fine day?

  10. whoever wants me to join their RP, I'll join

  11. Today is my birthday!!!! Wooohoooo!!!

  12. Who likes Army Of Two?

  13. What do I do if someone is abusing me on the forum?

  14. Well, Hi everypony. I'm not exactly new here but It's my second time online.

  15. I swear i am in/run the most RP's in FFA, i am in like 12 lol

  16. Here's some ideas for RP's: Outlast, Hunger Games, Skyrim, BMX, Titanfall, and The Walking Dead. That's all for today, check tomorrow if I wanna suggest stuff again! I probably won't because I'm too lazy :|

  17. RainbowDaringDash! I challenge you....... to a roleplay off! xD

  18. RainbowDaringDash! I challenge you....... to a roleplay off! xD

  19. RainbowDaringDash! I challenge you....... to a roleplay off! xD

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