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Daisy Sweet

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Everything posted by Daisy Sweet

  1. Heeee... I'm the type of person who doesn't care which side it is, as long as I can be silly and enjoy myself. That seemed to aggravate a lot of people when they wanted me to take sides. Also, I dunno. I'm used to being drastically older than the majority of any group I join, so all these people close to my own age is a new thang. o: Age is nothing as long as you communicate well with everyone.
  2. Thanks everyone! Indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed..... Yes! Invader Zim and all of that delicious doomy-ness. I was in those roleplays probably a good six years or so.
  3. Hello everypony! After a little lurking and investigating the forum I've decided to finally post an introduction. You can call me just about whatever you please, Daisy and Meep are the most common. I'm female, 27, from Utah. I'm recently engaged to a wonderful man I've been dating for over four years. Attending WSU for my generals at the moment. I enjoy art, fashion, makeup, costuming, various anime, Minecraft, sci-fi novels, frozen yogurt, pizza goldfish crackers (But not the 'Xplosive' kind. Yucky.) and My Little Ponies (of course). I'm a bit out of practice with roleplaying. I used to do a lot of Irken roleplaying in a few groups, but the ones that didn't break up from being sick of drama and purist vs. fandom disputes tended to go stagnant. So it's been a few years since I bothered to join any rp groups of any type since then. So please bear with any clumsiness that may come about. I love seeing G1 ponies in FiM renditions. I found Canterlot through random clicking on people in Furcadia while lurking in the dream of an old friend of mine. (Though I hardly ever play Furcadia at all any more.) My favorite ponies are Aloe and Lotus. Of the main characters... I've never been able to truly pick out a favorite since they're all charming yet quirky in their own ways. That's about all I can think of to talk about right now. I'd throw art at you all but I'm lacking in any since I cleared out my old deviantart account and lost files and photoshop to a fried motherboard (and I was too lazy too ever make backups. ).
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