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Everything posted by HopelessDemon

  1. These forums are awesome and have so many options. Why are there so few members?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HopelessDemon


      Very true, I think I'm just use to the MLP Forums.

    3. HopelessDemon


      I spent a great deal of time there after all.

    4. Halide


      Yeah, but those forums are massively overhyped and focused on generating traffic. Here, we just want to write.

  2. HopelessDemon

    Evil Nightmares

    Yeah, so back when i was on the MLP Forums, i use to take OC drawing requests and i would turn peoples OC's into... well... Evil Nightmares. I drew any OC request i got and i did them all for free. I ended up drawing over 120 OC's after 3 months. Since i removed them from the MLP Forums right before i left, i figured i would just dump them all here for anyone who might want to see them. Also, i'm new here, so i'm sorry if i mess this up or anything.
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