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Status Updates posted by smileyface1010

  1. Yay I got a new signature! Oh photoshop, what would I do without you...

  2. Well I just watched a 4th of July hot dog eating contest... 61 hot dogs in 10 minutes... thats America for ya XD

  3. Spent the day in Baltimare...uh I mean Baltimore XD

  4. Every time you look at my sidebar, my cutie mark will stare into your soul...

  5. I wish I could go to Bronycon.... :/

  6. Hey guys, just a reminder that I'm not going to be active for the next five days... Just so you guys don't think I'm dead or something XD

  7. Huh, you know what I just realized? It's been two years since I've discovered ponies. Interesting... never thought I would stick with show for that long. Welp, here's to a great third year of bronyism!

  8. Time for the long drive back home, then going to sit on the internet until school starts in a few weeks :P

  9. You know, I just realized how much it bothers me that the first S in my user name isn't capitalized... *facepalm*

  10. Don't worry Canterlot, I'll always be your little Smiley ;)

  11. Hi everyone, I have to sign off for a while. See you guys again sometime soon.

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