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Posts posted by lordbrony

  1. Telki was having a blast! The road to Ponyville had been both fufilling and profitable; she had helped rescue a wayward pet from up a tree, lifted poor farmer's carts out of ditches and placing all the overturned produce back on neatly to nothing more than a heartfelt "Thanks" and couple of small pieces of produce to snack on. The big business ponies she had more fun with; putting her sharp tounge to good use and negociating comfy payments for help shifting cargo and just lifting up a merchandise wagon for a moment so a broken axle could be mended.

    She entered Ponyville with a spring in her step and her well stocked saddlebags, when she noticed that everypony seemed to be missing from their homes and stores. Wandering around for a bit she noticed that everypony seemed to be gathered in the town square.


    "ooo this should be interesting" she thought, slipping her petite frame to the front of the pack

  2. Knowing his teamates' predisposition for reckless speedflying and various weather control obsessions, Lightwind had the good sense to weigh down the promotional material by partially lying on it, so they were relatively safe.

    Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said of the orange he had been balancing on his hoof, and just as he was about to open his mouth, a vortex yanked it out and he was left comically biting thin air; Followed by watching his orange get caught up in a mini cyclone which hurled it off into the far distance.

    "Hey! How have yo-ogh..." He lunged forward to canter toward them but teetered, and staggered around in a dizzy circle instead, wings flapping out of sync as he struggled for balance. The lanky striped pegasus saved himself from an ungraceful fall by sitting down heavily, though he still rocked in slow circles. Yahom laughed as he caught his breath, causing the many earrings in his hears to jingle and clink. "How have my team-mates been?"

    Lightwind looked in his direction, shook his head slowly and gave a small sigh

  3. (hope I'm not intruding ;))

    Telki cursed her luck, she had heard that something big and consrtuction related was being planned in Appleloosa and she had, on a whim (which is not uncommon for her), set off there, hoping to get some well paying work

    Now, having endured a sandstorm, Telki was grateful for 2 things; the cloak that she had bought earlier and had telekinetically kept around her that any normal unicorn would have easily lost to the blowing winds of the desert storm and the cave that she had found seemigly by pure luck.

    With renewed vigor she sauntered into the cave, unholstering her saddlebag and unfurling her map, but before she could make head or tail of it, the sun had set to the point only a few glimmers were left and while Telki would have liked to go out of the cave to try to read it, the coyotes made her think otherwise.

    "Lets see, Daddy's camping book said to make a campfire" Telki recalled, simultaneously lifting a box of matches out of her saddlebag. But then Telki remembered she was in a cave, and in a cave there is very likely to be no wood or anything flamable.

    "Well luck does run out eventually. But then again maybe checking wouldnt hurt" she though, venturing slowly deeper in

    (OOC: Maybe have Milky bump into her, or her stumble over Crystal?)

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