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Posts posted by lordbrony

  1. Trust me, if you like cartoons at all, they're worth a look. Spongebob has gone way downhill, and these surpass it entirely. And don't worry, I also thought Chowder was going to be stupid until my sister and her boyfriend (both 2 years older than me) told me to watch it.

    spongebob just isn't fresh anymore

    also after a while that laugh gets annoying

  2. Cheerilee sighed. The visit was meant to be a surprise treat for the young colts and fillies but somehow word had gotten out during recess and the class was abuzz with anticipation to the point that not much learning could get done.

    "Now settle down children. I'm sure they will be here any moment but first we simply must finish these math problems." she said; and was met with a collective 'awwww' before somepony quipped about how awesome the Wonderbolts were and the excited chatter continued, math problems already forgotten.

    Heaving a huge sigh, she trotted over to the window, and gazed out of it blankly for a second, and noticed both Spitfire and Soarin standing at the door to PonyVille Elementary....

  3. I'm not sure what you mean...

    If you're talking about cast characters, whenever they open up, a comment is made to let users know that the character can be applied for. After a week or two or so, or when the character has a new player, the old cast applications are moved away. They are still "on site", technically, but they aren't accessible to users.

    well i guess this is why i cant find them, search feature or otherwise

  4. I'm currently working on a fanfic that will require some anecdotes on Celestia and Luna both as foals and when they are jointly ruling Equestria together. I want it to be as canon as possible


    My story will start them off as foals during the reign of Discord. All I want to do at this point is to show these character traits in them:


    • Older sister (by a few seconds, since they will be twins in this one)
    • More outgoing
    • Kind with a big heart
    • relatively innocent and straightforward
    • Compassionate and empathetic towards her sister, though she doesn't understand her and her glumness at all


    • More reserved
    • Prefers to stay at home, more studious
    • suffering from inferiority complex from what she sees as living in the constant shadow of her sister
    • more of the kind that will hide in a corner when other kids are playing in the playground haphazardly
    • more wily and perceptive than her sister, though she doesn't show it

    I'm looking for potential story points/events to show the contrast between the 2 sisters, something lighthearted, fun and innocent.

    Post Discord. Pre FIM

    The next segment will be about the period after which they defeated Discord and are ruling Equestria together. It'll be more focused on Luna and her subsequent turn to Nightmare Moon as a result of slow building jealousy and resentment towards her sister and the general populace.

    More to be added later

    Background Data on Equestria as presented in my story


    in this story he'll be the all powerful, mischievous, malevolent, immature ruler of Equestria. Basically he'll be doing whatever he wants and doesn't care about the consequences. He'll perform these acts less often than shown in the 1st 2 eps of S2 but with more devastating effects, because basically when you are the undisputed ruler, torturing your subjects on a daily basis gets boring after a while.

    Government and Environment

    The governmental structure will be based on an Tudor/Victorian English era aristocracy. This means that there will be a monarch (first Discord and then the 2 sisters) followed by "nobles" who act as governors and mayors to their respective areas (Celestia and Liuna's dad will be one of those)

    The main influence on the environment will be Discord himself, since he's doing whatever he likes and has pretty much ommipotent power, some stuff I'll have him do will be:

    • Change the size of the raindrops from normal size to jackfruit size (killing one of the background characters as a result)
    • Releasing parasprites just because "seeing ponies run around screaming is funny"
    • Destroying someone's crops through consistent cola rain

    I'll think of stuff for Discord to do as and when its needed, but any suggestions/ideas are welcome!

    • Like 1
  5. \ I was disappointed Discord was re-encased in stone, sure they couldn't have him running around with the power he has, I just wanted a different ending. Also sad the CMC did not appear again given they sparked the whole scenario to begin with. Questions left in the show: Who/what made the Elements of Harmony? Where did Celestia and Luna come from as it was stated Discord used to rule over Equestria (at least for a little while), where they the previous rulers and Discord displaced them until the Elements were used or did others used to rule Equestria? Did Discord have anything to do with Nightmare Moon? (Seems unlikely).

    i think a lot of it stems from the face that this is a "new universe" so a lot of background stuff hasn't been though up yet

    reminds me a lot of the 1st few seasons of South Park; plenty of contunity errors

  6. I'm kinda disappoint, I mean we know how the rough plotline will go (them rediscovering themselves then rallying) but I felt the episode was rushed hard and they just kept zooming to the end

    I'm also pretty sure more airtime was given to them catching Rainbow Dash then them defeating Discord to the point they had to pad it with him weakly levitating them and having Twilight break it up

  7. After watching the 1st episode of season 2, I'm pretty sure I know how it'll end. Most likely they will rediscover their strengths and rally to defeat Discord

    Personally, I feel that that makes the ponies pretty much one dimensional as they are tagged to that attribute permanently so from a creative standpoint it makes the characters shallow and sterotypical.

    I had a brainwave for a more creative, unexpected ending and in one sitting managed to get it all down on paper (figuratively)

    So I present for the purview of all the bronies out there, my take on how the climax should be. Please note that this is not a transcript per say as I'm only presenting a few scenes of the ponies defeating Discord and not the buildup or the aftermath.

    Without further ado, enjoy

    Scene Setter: After what AppleJack saw in the pool in the maze came to pass (the ponies declaring the end of their friendship and going their separate ways). Twilight Sparkle had a epiphany and regathered all her friends, once the 5 ponies were regathered. Discord appears, “holding” the stone versions of the Elements of Harmony as seen in S1EP2)

    Discord: So you ponies are back together. No matter, without the Elements of Harmony, you will never be able to defeat me! (evil laughter)

    Twilight Sparkle: Really Discord? You may have made Rarity selfish, Fluttershy mean and AppleJack a liar, but you forgot one thing.

    Discord: (mockingly) Oh, and what might that be hmmmmmm?

    Twilight Sparkle: You see us as only one simple thing each Discord, however you forget that we are all unique, and different but yet we are also similar!

    Discord: Similar? (guffawing) Oh pray do tell

    TS: Gladly Discord. Take AppleJack, (cue cutscene to TS and AppleJack's 1st meeting at Sweet Acres) who threw a buffet for a pony she had only met once and also would always share her apples treats with her friends. She is also a representative of the spirit of ...Generosity!

    (one of the EOH flies out of Discord's grasp, shatters in midair and the fragments float around Applejack, breaking Discord's original spell)

    TS: Flutttershy, (cutscene of Fluttershy's critique of her gala dress in EP14) who would always tell you the truth and what you needed to hear as long as you pushed her, also represents the spirit of...Honesty!

    (another of the EOH flies out, shatters in midair and the fragments float around Fluttershy, breaking Discord's original spell)

    TS: Pinkie Pie, (cutscene of Pinkie Pie and TS's first meeting and also the various parties shee has thrown) who always has a party in hoof for a friend who needs cheering up, represents...Kindness!

    (another of the EOH flies out, shatters in midair and well you know)

    TS: Rarity, who is never above getting dirty when it will help her friends and sharing a good natured laugh or joke, also represents...Laughter!

    (another of the EOH flies out, shatters in midair and well you know)

    TS: and me, (cutscenes of of S1EP3). When I thought I had to chose between my friends and the Grand Galloping Gala, I chose my friends, and I believe there is no greater testament to...Loyalty!

    (scene zooms out, the ponies are standing in a pentagon with TS at the point, wearing the amulets that they wore in S1EP2 but with the amulets swapped according to the current arrangement of who embodies what) white energy gathers in the middle and then shoots skyward in a beam, the beam zips across the sky)

    Discord: What are you doing! Its so bright!! Arggg (shields eyes)

    TS: Lastly, Rainbow Dash, (cutscenes of RD doing the sonic rainboom) who believed in herself and made the impossible possible, and that Discord is what Magic is all about!

    (the beam zips across the Equestrian skyline, finally catching up with Rainbow Dash, breaking the illusion,

    Rainbow Dash: Where am-OMG my friends!

    (still encased in the white light, Rainbow Dash does a 180 degree turn and zips back)

    (new cutscene: a star twinkles and it is later shown to be Rainbow Dash, heading straight towards Discord)

    RD: DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!

    (cuts to Discord)

    Discord: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (tried to run comically before RD smashes into him, creating an explosion that bathes everything with white light and creates a sonic rainboom (but all white instead of the normal rainbow colours) effect.)

    (Light fades and all the ponies are lying on the ground, they slowly get to their feet, except Pinkie Pie)

    Pinkie Pie: (pops up to her feet and starts hopping around). Weee! That was fun, can we do it again, can we can we?

    FS: Is everypony alright?

    AJ: I knew we would be ok!

    Rainbow Dash: (wearing the crown seen on TS in S1EP2) Ugh that was some ride. Hey whats this?

    (the crown levitates off and similarly all the amulets levitate off their wearers and then rearrange themselves according to how they were shown in S1EP2)

    (cutscene to a crater in front of all 6 ponies, in a nod to Kung Fu Panda, Discord slowly crawls out of it)

    Discord: (exhausted and panting) I will not be defeated by a bunch of silly ponies.

    (the ponies gather in formation to await Discord's counter-attack)

    P Celestia: (sternly) Discord!

    (Celestia lands in between the ponies and Discord)

    Ponies (together): Princess Celestia

    Celestia: Thank you ponies, I knew you could do it, now its my turn.

    (the amulets are magically lifted off the ponies once again, they fly in a ring around Celestia, amulets disappearing and only leaving the gems Celestia then fires a bolt from her horn through the circling gems at Discord

    (the beam starts petrifying Discord, just before his head is petrified, Discord yells out)

    Discord: All I wanted was to make this place more lively.....

    [end transcript]

    Afterword: I think the old school comic fans among us will see where I got the inspiration for this idea from. I had hoped that they would actually try to blur the lines a bit between each pony so that they wont be so tightly locked into characterbut it dosn't look like its gonna happen anytime soon.

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