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Posts posted by Haserman

  1. Orange returned after downing half a bottle of 'confidence juice (vodka)' to seek vengeance against the mirrors that only a couple of hours ago made him look like such a foal. Orange stormed/stumbled through the doors to the mirror maze, ready to regain his honor that he had just recently lost, his normally quite demeanor gone as he started to walk through the corridors with no goal in mind. His face flushed and his vision slightly blurred, Orange looked upon the mirrors trying to stare them into submission, "think your so tough huh? Copying my every movement" Orange then immediately started to try to catch the mirror out by flailing his arms erratically looking for any differences, "Oh, I see you've done this before what about if I do this" he began to make faces that wouldn't have been out of place in a foalschool. Orange then pushed his muzzle against the mirror and began pushing the mirror flipped over and Orange fell head first into the ground.

    Orange awoke with a larger bruise on his muzzle and a sense of deja vu, "Oh horse apples on a stick" Orange swore as he tried to remember what he had done while he was full of 'confidence', hoping he didn't do anything he would regret or anything anypony would remember, he started walking aimlessly as he was lost for the second time in one night. Orange heard some barking and hoof steps nearby but did not take much notice, Orange continued on his way still lost wondering how he would get out of this confounded maze 'what mad-pony would ever conceive of such annoyi-' Orange's thoughts were cut short by a pony shouting

    "Is anypony over there?"

    Orange frustrated with the maze called back "No", Orange continued on his way hoping that he would get out by sunrise so he would be able to water his plants. As Orange rounded another corner he was confronted by a pink earth pony wearing a white jesters costume that he didn't recognise, slowly Orange came to the realisation that this pony was who called out, and also the pony Orange had just only moments ago been so rude to. 'Put on your cool face, smile ... not too much, maybe she doesn't know it was me ... yeah ... oh god what happens if she is one of those crazy banana ponies', Orange started to panic looking for a way out but couldn't see anyway out. Orange started to feel dizzy as darkness started to cloud his vision, 'not again' were Orange's last thoughts before he fell.

  2. Orange looked through the long twisting hallway, concentrating, looking for a way out. He hadn't meant to have lost himself in the maze of dead ends and mirrors but he is now, "Curse my luck, by celesti ooff" he mumbled just before he walked into another mirror ... again. "Confound these mirrors the drive me to pain, at this rate I'll never get out", Orange continued to walk through the maze slowly, as time went on so did the well developing bruise on his muzzle. 'I can't believe I was forced to go to this foalish holiday' he pondered as he turned another corner 'when I get out I'm going to go home and just work on my farm'.

    Time drew on as Orange turned corner after corner each hallway looking more similar than the last he stumbled across a banana 'strange, somepony must have left it here' as he looked glanced upon a strange figure in the mirror but as quickly as it appeared it was gone, 'all these mirrors must be getting to me'. Orange had heard strange stories from his childhood in Stalliongrad about ponies going crazy about bananas, becoming obsessed to the point of complete insanity, thoughts began to buzz around in his head 'there might be one of those banana nuts in here, no there is there somewhere in here they'll find me and turn me into a banana or two bananas or maybe even worse. Oh Celestia help me'. Ignoring the banana Orange continued on, looking for his salvation with renewed vigor. Several minutes later he heard ponies talking behind him, not wanting to be turned into a banana he sped around the corner with as much speed his hoofs could carry him. Orange could hear another pony galloping behind him following him, he started to panic 'I don't want to be a banana it would be boring and how would I fly, what will people think of a banana running my shop ... my life would be ruined'. As he turned the fifth maybe sixth corner a mirror slid in front of him, before he knew it Orange was on the floor still surrounded with mirrors and now with a splitting headache. Behind him the hoof steps started to slow coming ever closer. Orange content with his fate just waited thinking of how he would lead his new life as a banana.

    He saw a pony round the corner holding a banana, Orange's mind went blank and darkness surrounded his vision. Orange awoke to a crowd murmuring over him, a cold breeze alerted him of the lack of mirrors around him. As Orange remembered the moments before he feinted he started to panic "No . NO. NO. NO" he shouted, ponies how form across the road started to look at him curiously, "I can't be a banana, I don't want to be a banana, please turn me back into a pony I hate being a banana". As Orange finished his rant with his eyes starting to water he noticed some ponies trying to contain laughter while others on the floor with laughter 'why do they think this is funny, I'm a banana, my life is ruined thanks to that banana nut'. As Orange readied himself for another rant he noticed his lack of banana appendages, then it dawned on him 'horse apples'. Orange picked himself up and flew as fast as he could to his home, 'hopefully nobody I knew was in that crowd' he thought as he started to make a list of excuses as how that wasn't him but his brother from the other side of Equestria.

  3. Dimitri Orangiko Tundra


    Orange Tundra


    Age: Stallion

    Sex: Male

    Profession: Potato farmer/Vodka brewer

    History (spoiler because it's kinda long)

    Dimitri Orangiko Tundra was brought up amongst the hustle and bustle in the centre of Stalliongrad, in the heart of the Forge District. His family consisting of his father, mother and four brothers all worked in various factories building various contraptions that would later be sent all over Canterlot. For years he lived in his small home with his family, attending school during the weekdays and working during the weekends. Dimitri worked in a box folding factory during the weekends, this is where he learnt the wonders of simplicity and monotony and the stark differences between the complex life he had to live outside at school and at home and the simple life he would live at work.

    Dimitri's parents were both pegasi who migrated from the Cloudsdale to escape the complex political lives they're parents once lived. His parents moved to Stalliongrad in a hope to find a more simple life just working and living with no complications they instilled these values upon Dimitri and all his brothers. They bought a small humble home in the heart of the Forge District for it was all they could afford (most of the time Dimitri's family were not well off but never complained) and set to work in the surrounding factories immediately. It was unusual for pegasi ponies to live and work on the ground due to their connections to the sky but this never phased Dimitri as he grew up he felt because he was born on the ground he belonged to live on the ground working with it rather than flying away from it. Dimitri had a deep respect for the earth ponies and their ability to work and tend to the land even though most earth ponies saw pegasi like himself as boastful, heads-in-the-clouds ponies and could never hold their own on a farm. Dimitri took these insults to heart as he had been brought up in a humble household working every opportunity and promised to himself to prove himself one day.

    Dimitri's childhood would not have been considered normal by many ponies (especially pegasi as his whole family lived on the ground and favoured manual labour over weather control) but he did not complain for he enjoyed the simple pleasures his work offered him and the pride he felt when he knew he was helping his family. He loved his family very much but dreamed about leaving the heart of Stalliongrad and to travel to a simpler place where he could just live a simple life but he knew he was far to young to consider leaving his family and that his family needed him to support their income. During the years to come Dimitri found himself to start spending more time at the factory than at school or at home he loved the simplicity of just folding boxes.

    Dimitri continued his box folding love for many years, up until this point he still had not received his cutie mark being a colt (15) now it was unusual for ponies to still not have their cutie mark. This worried Dimitri's parents so much so they sent him away, away from his family and away from the simplicity of his job. It was a long trip for Dimitri taking several days by train but as he looked out the window a slow trickling calmness started as he went further out of the city and further into the outskirts and then the country he was overcome with a sense of calmness. As the train came to a stop Dimitri exited the train and waited. His parents had told him the bare minimum about the trip, all he knew was that he had to go and that it would get him his cutie mark (Dimitri was sceptical). After a while two burly earth-stallions walked up and said his name, Dimitri just nodded and followed them.

    As they arrived at what appeared to be a large farm Dimitri was even more curious of what his parents had planned about this trip. Dimitri was left in the house on the farm as he stood there waiting he couldn't help but wonder how this could help get his cutie mark all he had seen so far was a load of plants. His thoughts were interrupted by a large pegasus with the cheesiest smile of all time. This pegasus who Dimitri would come to know as Georgiy and the farm he was brought to was in fact a humble potato farm.

    After weeks of training and hardwork Dimitri finally learnt all the tools need to farm and grow the potatoes and was a welcomed addition to the Georgiy family. He was loved by all the family for his hardworking nature and natural talent for growing but to Dimitri's dismay he still hadn't received his cutie mark yet and as the weeks passed by became more agitated by his lack of a life calling. As his frustration rose his work ethic dropped after about 2 months Dimitri would wake up late and would not work as well as he did before. The Georgiy family who had started to love him like their own son were worried and upset but could not do anything to aid Dimitri in finding his life calling for the old Stalliongrad saying "trying to force ones cutie mark to appear is like swimming against a strong current, if you swim against it you will only remain in the same place and tired, but if you stop fighting the current and swim with it you will eventually reach the shore".Every day was worse for Dimitri than the last he felt like he was failing his parents by not receiving his cutie mark, each day he sunk closer and closer towards depression until one day when Geogiy called him out to teach him something new. Dimitri walked into the old shed he looked around and say Geogiy emptying sacks of potatoes into a strange machine. This contraption Dimitri will soon learn was designed to make Vodka a strong drink popular amongst other Stalliongradians. Learning how this contraption worked took many days but under the guiding hand of Georgiy, Dimitri learnt the the art of making vodka. After several hours of work brewing and testing the liquid the time had come for Dimitri to finalise the mixture. After several moments the liquid pored into the bottle as Dimitri picked up the bottle and screwed on the cap he heard Georgiy gasp. Dimitri placed the bottle down and looked towards Georgiy all he did was point at his flank and say, "Your parents are going to be proud of you". For on Dimitri's flank was a picture of a single shot glass.

    A few months after Dimitri received his cutie mark he left the farm and his family to seek for more peaceful pastures where he might one day own his own farm and practise his own craft somewhere quite and peaceful away from the noise of the factories, away from the cold of winter somewhere warm. His family did not need him anymore because after he left for the potato farm his brothers one by one moved out of their old family home to seek new lives even his parents moved into retirement off into the country. There was nothing for Dimitri in Stalliongrad anymore so he left in seek of a more peaceful life to maybe set up near the outskirts of a small town growing his own potatoes and make a few bottles of vodka to make enough bits to get by.

    Now Dimitri seeks out a peaceful life away from Stalliongrad in the hopes to set up a modest farm and shop to sell his wares most Equestrians call him Orange Tundra as it is the easiest section of his name to pronounce but close family and old friends from Stalliongrad call him Dimitri. Many ponies say to him how ironic his name is to his profession, Dimitri though does not see the humor in his name, not because he is slow but because he just does not see how it's funny, he is so used to it now he just nods and smiles

    Sepia Veterinae


    (Begrudgingly) Doc


    Age: Stallion

    Sex: Male

    Profession: Veterinarian

    Character Summary


    Grew up in Solstice heights and still continues to live in the same city, had a number of pets while growing up after he had found his special talent ranging from dogs to fish to cats to birds. Now lives in his clinic in a cornered off area inside so if the need arises he can be close to the animals under his care to look after them.

    -Cutie Mark Story:

    On a cold winters day young colt Sepia wandered the fields, enjoying the crisp clean air and the crunch of the snow under hoof. Sepia like yesterday and the day before was enjoying his carefree life during the magical time during the school holidays, the time of year when the work was minimal and the days were filled with excitement. But alas for young Sepia being an only colt he was lonely both his parents worked during the days and he was left at home alone. During these days filled with boredom and loneliness Sepia would either waste time perfecting a prank to perform on his next victim or spend his days outside walking around. So on one of these lonesome days Sepia found a small bird no bigger than his hoof under a snow laden tree, shivering the bird sat there huddling trying to find any scraps of warmth. Its wing lay limp by its side contorted in an unnatural angle, young Sepia spotted this bird and slowly made his way up to the tree out of curiosity. Slowly and carefully Sepia made his way up to the tree doing his best not to frighten the bird, when eventually he had reached the tree he noticed the bird's condition. In an act of compassion Sepia picked up the bird gingerly and wrapped it up in his scarf, "Don't worry it will be alright, I'll take you home and make you feel all better" Sepia cooed as he started to make his way back home with his new friend wrapped on his back. After arriving home Sepia immediately went to work on warming the bird up and general care of it, after many days of care and sleepless nights the small Bluebird started to walk around and chirp around. As Sepia watched 'Twitter' walk around he smiled to himself knowing that he had helped save that birds life, it wasn't until his parents had come home that night and pointed out the new addition to his flank that he noticed it, he had finally found his special talent. Twitter still with a permanently broken wing was unofficially adopted by Sepia and was his first of many pets to come, Twitter still lives with Sepia and occasionally 'helps' around the clinic and is always a constant reminder of why he's a Vet.


    Sepia can be a slight bit overwhelming to new people due to some of eccentricities, he is known to try to put a smile on anypony's face but is prone to pulling a few pranks on unsuspecting victi ... customers. Most pranks although harmless are met with mixed results but none are too devastating and most just foalish pranks (bucket of water above door etc.) Sepia is always happy to help out but when overwhelmed is prone to panic attacks and rash decisions. Known through Solstice Heights for his hooves on approach with dealing with animals, preferring the use of his hooves wherever possible saying that 'it calms the animals down and it just all round seems more caring'.

  4. Yay book 3

    '"AndthatswhenIfoundthewheelofcheesebutitwasbluenowbutIateitanyway..." blurted Jiktin, who was wired off 3 cups of coffee.'

    '"AndthatswhenIfoundthewheelofcheesebutitwasbluenowbutIateitanyway..." blurted Jiktin, who was wired on 3 cups of coffee.'

    not sure though

    '"What didn't you ask to, Danton?" Jiktin asked with severe confusion.'

    It doesn't really make much sense this sentence it could be

    '"What didn't you ask me to ... Danton?" Jiktin asked with severe confusion.'


    '"What didn't you ask me to, Danton?" Jiktin asked with severe confusion.'

    This one seems to make more sense but it is up to you I'm just highlighting some areas that seem a bit strange.

    'It was 6 years ago in the Evrefree Forest'

    'It was 6 years ago in the Everfree Forest'

    This is just me being a bit picky but if think it doesn't really matter just ignore it.

    I'f you don't know by now, the Pegasus is Jiktin'

    'If you don't know by now, that Pegasus is Jiktin'

    It just seems a bit more specific but I'm tired right now so I might make a few mistakes (I am human no matter what other people say)

    'Jiktin got up and spit out about 5 pounds of dirt. If Danton was close enough, he would of heard Jiktin say this'

    'Jiktin got up and spat out about 5 pounds of dirt. If Danton was close enough, he would of heard Jiktin say this'

    Overall a great addition to the series and I'm loving the character development I have to cut my praise short as I'm low on time and have to go do school stuff but great stuff overall.

  5. A couple of friends of mine have been wondering what is the craziest thing you can do with oatmeal that is still preferably edible. So far the only things we have come up with are:

    • Oatmeal Muffins (they do exist and aren't crazy enough)
    • Bacon wrapped oatmeal deep fried (too much of a hassle I don't have a deep fryer)
    • Oatmeal porridge with bacon bits (not crazy enough)
    • Oatmeal pancakes (don't know how to make them)

    So I'm basically starting this thread to ask you the bronies what is the craziest thing you can do with oatmeal. Edible or not I don't care just as long as it's crazy.

    If anyone is game enough and wants to make any of the things suggested please post pictures and a recipe/guide.

    Remember oatmeal = crazy

    • Like 1
  6. Well from what I have read stories under 3500 words are just meant to be 1 chapter of sort things, but they can sometimes be a little lenient as long as you explain that you will be updating quite often addition g new chapters to your books and maybe in future you will only update books at a time on EQD. A second problem I can see is cover art you will be required to have a series cover art pic so that me be something you may want to look into as it will increase your chances of approval

  7. I always look forward to your input and corrections! Thanks!

    It was actually supposed to say:

    "And that's when I discovered that I had my Cutie Mark..." but your revision sounded better so I used it. :)

    Also, I didn't really make a story about Jiktin's Cutie mark and I'm not sure how I would tell it. I mentioned his end of his Cutie Mark story as a way of showing what Jiktin did to pass the time. His Cutie Mark is a Golden Bow and Arrow, which is actually used in the show.

    As for Jiktin and Danton's backstory, I'm still working on that. I want it to be strange yet explain why Danton often finds him annoying. And incorporate a long standing attribute of Jiktin that will likely make many think "Wait, what?"

    Ok sounds good can't wait and as always when you post anything I'll proof read it and offer suggestions also try to get this onto Equestria Daily I honestly think you have a good chance of it being accepted

  8. I have found a small spelling mistake in Book 2 Chapter 1 first sentence

    "It had been a quite 3 weeks since the gang formed up"

    It should be "It had been a quiet 3 weeks since the gang formed up" also I'm not sure but the grammar seems a bit strange but grammar isn't my strong point.

    Half way through the same chapter after the long yes ... no dialogue

    "I take you to Fillydelphia some other time, buy I can't this time"

    should be "I'll take you to Fillydelphia some other time, but I can't this time"

    3/4's of the way through

    "As in the most ruthless teams in all of Pony Sports History?!"

    Should be "As in the most ruthless team in all of Pony Sports History?!"

    Book 2 Chapter 2

    First line

    "And that's when I discovered that had my Cutie Mark..."

    I'm not 100% sure but it might be "And that's when I discovered that was my Cutie Mark..."


    3/4 the way through

    "Yep. I can turn the King Side bed into to beds. We can get some toys and dolls, decorate it with flowers..."

    Should be "Yep. I can turn the King size bed into two beds. We can get some toys, dolls and decorate it with flowers..."

    This story is really developing well you should start considering trying to post it on Canterlot. There only minor spelling errors but other than that it is perfect the only real missing part of the story thus far is a backstory on how Danton knows Jiktin and what Jiktin's cutie mark is (it might be there I might have just forgotten about reading about his cutie mark), I'm not sure if your planning on adding it on later in a dramatic twist or using it to add an sense of mystery so ... yeah. This is turning out to be a really good series.

  9. I like this application it seems very well well written the only criticism I can offer is in the character summary is the lack of description on her personality. You could also consider writing a little more writing about her early childhood, I have seen some applications having only a very short character summaries pass but generally the more you can write about your chactere the more depth it will have and thus will increase it's chances of being passed. I like the fact that your character Is a earth pony who has an interest In the weather, my application form is an Stalliongrad Pegasus pony who farms and people tend to like applications with a originality. I can't wait to see how this application will develop

  10. Welcome to Canterlot if your interested in RP'ing you should start and application straight away as it can take a while for you to complete a backstory to a character and subsequently for the character to be passed but RP'ing is a lot of fun. I hope you have as much fun in Canterlot as I do.

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