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Bona Nit, Everypony


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About Myself: My name is Julius, I'm a resident of the lovely Catalonian community of Spain.

I'm a rather eccentric writer, in all honesty. My sentence structures and grammar tend to be erratic, but I do mean the best of it for the people reading, and for those who'd enjoy some Occultism and Ponies.

How I found Canterlot.com: My friend, NeilWacaster

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Endlessly being pestered by a fellow Brony until I caved in and watched it.

No regrets.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
I do wish for the best of everypony, and a excellent time roleplaying.

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Hi, welcome to Canterlot!

So you do writing? Could you share any of your work? I'd like to see it and I'm sure other ponys would like to as well. ^^

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Hi, welcome to Canterlot!

So you do writing? can you share any of your work? I'd like to see it ^^

I'm unsure if it's acceptable, but here you go: Link

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