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FFA rp between Carmana and Winter


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In the darkest part of the Everfree Forest there lies a strange temple made of rusted and twisted metal that is said to be guarded by two powerful beings. One a masive metal giant of unknown origins and immense physical power. The other is said to be a master of dark powers that few ponies have seen. This temple that they are said to guard is supposedly the remains of a lost civilization of ancient mechanical titans that once lived along side a warrior race of ponies. This is where our story begins.

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A rippling wind flung out in all directions as a tan pegasus darted through the air. Winter had been flying through the Everfree for only a day at this point, so his packs were still nearly full of provisions. Food, water, and a pair of flight goggles he was currently wearing. He was hoping he would find something interesting to bring back home. He was running a little low on bits. He spotted a small clearing down below and decided it was time to land. He landed with a heavy thud before looking around, getting ready to explore.

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As Winter landed a dark silhouette of a unicorn with wings emerged from the shadows of some nearby trees. The figure's bright yellow eys glowed. A dark voice came from it. "Those who seek the remains of my pony's home are doomed to fail...turn back now and your life shall be spared...do not seek the remanes of Phyrexia..." With that the strange figure vanished into a strange purple vortex

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Ruins of Phyrexia... Mysteriously vanishing purples ponies... Being doomed... Winter's interest was peaked. This could be a huge adventure. He flipped up his goggles and called out, "Hey, wait, come back! I wasn't finished with you!" He paused. "I will find these ruins... No matter what." Winter set off in the direction the pony before had appeared.

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The woods thickened and twisted. the figure from before emerged from another vortex and spoke to the metal guardian who awaited his orders "There is an intruder in our midst...stop him at all costs...he must not reach the temple." the guardian nodded and walked into the forest to do as ordered "i shall not fail"

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Winter took a quick stop for food and water. He opened his bag and popped a few berries in his mouth, chewed, swallowed, then took a swig from his canteen. His flipped up flight goggles were making his forehead a bit uncomfortable, so he nudged them off and placed them in his bag. Everything there had a story. Each item came from an adventure. He gazed and looked over accumulated treasures before closing it up and preparing to walk again. He stood up and started to walk forward again, hoping it nothing got too difficult out here. On all of his other adventures he had friends with him... this time he was alone.

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A deep and gravelly voice shocked Winter into halting his advance into the forest. He spun around in surprise, looking for the source of the voice. However, the trees and the shadows they cast were too great, and he could not get a good look at his unexpected encounter. He decided to call out to it, "What is so special about these ruins? Why can't I see them? ... What do you mean by 'your kind?'" Winter paused a second before muttering, "And what are you?"

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The metal guardian spoke again "those who would dare try to deface the resting place of my lost people will not be tolerated......i am one of 2 who remain to guard this, our home." he moved abit so his location would not be comprimised......

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A loud rustling announced the movement of the unknown guardian. Winter backed away from where he thought the sound came from and called back out, "One of two... Is the other the pony from before? What lost people are out here? I'm not here to deface anything... I just want answers!" He looked around trying to spot his assailant. Winter then decided that if things got any worse, he would just take off and try to spot this "guardian" from the sky.

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The guardian spoke again "......thats what the last one said......and now all we have is the temple......we will not allow our home to lose its final monument......" he looked at winter......the red laser light of the guardian's right eye focussed between winters eyes

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Winter went cross-eyed as a beam of light moved to the center of his forehead. "Er.. uhm.............." Winter's eyes moved left, then right, then up, "See you later then!" He shouted as he burst into the air as fast as his wings could carry him. He looked down below to check if the light had followed his ascent.

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The guardian saw him fly and activated his own flight systems......ancient gears turned and metal panels slid open......old rusted jets sent him crashing through tree branches and into the air......the guardian was known as Phyrexian Hulk (9th edition). "none shall enter phyrexia without his permission......none"

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(Hmm, well that isn't good. Don't worry, I reported it and a moderator should come by to clean it up soon :D)

Winter's eyes flew wide with surprise as the metal hulk flew up into the air. He had never seen anything like it! The beaten and coroded metal screeched as it's ancient mechanisms thrust it into the air after him, making it seem all the more fearsome. Winter pulled a hard left to try to get away from the being. He screamed behind him, "What do you mean 'his' permission?" As he turned his head back forward the wind whipped at his face and he immediately regretted taking off his goggles before. This air was starting to fill with steam and smoke from the behemoth that had once been below. It stung his eyes and made it hard to maneuver, especially when he was trying to fly so quickly. He had to land to get his goggles back on. Winter angled himself back to the ground and prepared for a hard landing. The trees blocked his path, but he would just have to power through them to the ground.

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Phyrexian Hulk chased him with surprising speed for such an old construct......he sped up and his gears grinded as he pulled his arm back and slammed his fist into the ground......a huge boulder came out of the ground and he punched it...sending it at winter...... "the other guardian"

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Winter ducked and did a spiral roll to the right, narrowly avoiding the boulder. He then angled his wings and sent himself down the last few feet to the ground, where he judged he had enough time to flip on his goggles. He reached in, pulled them over his head, flipped them down, and pushed hard back into the sky. He hovered there a moment searching for the hole in the tree cover he must have made with his body on his way down.

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Winter gazed back at his assailant and was very confused by what he saw. Was it... Clapping?! This only served the freak the pegasus out more. It seemed it was much more sentient than the common monster in the Everfree, and this scared him. He decided to continue flying away as best he could, but something seemed off about this chase... This flying behemoth had a partner, and if that partner showed up, Winter would be having some problems.

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pyrexian hulk lowered his altitude and flew by some trees......he reached out and grabbed one as he flew by...he ripped it from the ground and flew higher ......he chucked it at winter "catch!"

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Winter head a loud booming voice behind him and turned in time to see a huge tree hurtling right at him. Winter immediately stopped flapping his wings and fell down backwards towards the ground until he felt he was far enough from where the enormous tree was heading. Then he did a roll so he was facing the ground and spread his wings to pull up. The tree below him just barely grazed his back left hoof as he pulled back up into the sky to see the tree hurtle right in front of him, barely missing his head. After such a maneuver, he was exhausted. He needed rest badly.

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he saw winter tiring "......you have not fought back...i will leave you so you may rest...but i suggest for your sake that you don't continue looking for the phyrexian ruins" with that he vanished into the woods...

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Winter stared shocked in the direction the behemoth had spoken from. It was... Leaving him to rest? Mercy? This wasn't a concept almost everything in the Everfree had. His curiosity peaked, and he knew that after a good rest, he would have to go searching again. However, he would be ready this time. With that, he opened his bag and took in gracious amounts of water and berries. Then he sat on the ground and watched the trees move in the wind, wondering how he could possibly get around that guardian.

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After some thinking, Winter decided his best asset was his agility. The hulk seemed to be able to keep up with speed, was definitely bigger and stronger, but must lack agility. If Winter could keep to the smaller and more restricted parts of the forest he could keep safe on his way towards the ruins. Keeping these tactics in mind, he started to walk back in the direction he had been going before.

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